I know I don't post claims from some guy in London with no credibility. You should wait until it hits Reuters or the AP first next time.
No you shouldnt.
I like to read all the sources of information, sans an AP or Reuters filter.
That allows me to make my own decisions as to the veracity of a report.
My own decision is that this one is crapola, but thanks for posting it.
Here's a good quote to follow: Don't believe what you read and only half of what you see.
Agreed. It's not conclusive until other sources report it, but on occasion I've seen the Admin Moderators remove unproved or unlinked items that have later proven to be true. It seems to me that posting a caution would be a better way to treat such things.
Freepers take this things in the right critical spirit, so I don't believe many people get taken in, and it's fun to have the first word.