1 posted on
05/06/2022 9:02:47 PM PDT by
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To: algore
To: algore
If hitler was alive, he’d hate them. lmao
3 posted on
05/06/2022 9:08:11 PM PDT by
To: algore
4 posted on
05/06/2022 9:08:29 PM PDT by
To: algore
First anniversary: bunkers and firearms.
To: algore
well, the uniforms are period correct anyway...
6 posted on
05/06/2022 9:10:11 PM PDT by
(there is no fall back position, there's no rally point, there is no LZ... we're on our own. #FJB)
To: algore
Ironically, Hitler would have “cleansed” both of them from the gene pool...hardly arian....You can’t fix stupid.
To: algore
I’m amazed a priest allowed them in his church dressed like that.
8 posted on
05/06/2022 9:13:40 PM PDT by
(We watched the moment of defeat, played back over on the video screen. )
To: algore
Weird. What do a pair of Mexicans have to do with Hitler? He would have put them in a diet camp...
To: algore
12 posted on
05/06/2022 9:22:36 PM PDT by
To: algore
Until I saw it was in Mexico, I was going to say, “No Mr. FBI agent, I do not wish to attend your wedding.”
14 posted on
05/06/2022 9:24:14 PM PDT by
(The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.)
To: algore
They sound friendly. Wonder what they’re doing for Christmas?
15 posted on
05/06/2022 9:24:53 PM PDT by
("Sarcasm is the highest form of wit" ~ O. Wilde)
To: algore
It’s getting ridiculous for Hitler to remain the standard bearer of evil when the American left has plunged to the depths where Satan dwells.
16 posted on
05/06/2022 9:24:58 PM PDT by
Born in 1950
(Anti left, nothing else.)
To: algore
They could honeymoon down in the Führerbunker then go out just like Adolf and Eva.
17 posted on
05/06/2022 9:27:20 PM PDT by
To: algore
A lot of Nazis were rumored to have fled Germany toward the end of WW2 and moved to South America. From Mexico all the way down into Argentina. This may account for certain popular Mexican music that has Tubas in the horn sections.
To: algore
Don’t step on their self-identifying selves.
What’s more absurd? A man who has a medical or a biology degree dressing up and identifying as a woman or these two tone deaf loonies?
20 posted on
05/06/2022 9:45:57 PM PDT by
(Wisdom is more valuable than gold and diamonds, and harder to find.)
To: algore
Such nice people. I wonder if they're related to this family?
To: algore
I wonder if Russia will attack Mexico next.🤔
24 posted on
05/06/2022 10:03:38 PM PDT by
( Earth first we'll strip mine the other planets later.)
To: algore
They look rather spiffy in their Hugo Boss designed attire. /s
26 posted on
05/06/2022 10:05:54 PM PDT by
To: algore
Lol. This has to be from a movie set.
27 posted on
05/06/2022 10:10:13 PM PDT by
To: algore
28 posted on
05/06/2022 10:18:23 PM PDT by
(Dogs are called man's best friend. Moslems hate dogs. Add it up..)
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