MMMMmmmmm... Leather... Yeah, Salamander is right!
I was thinking the same as you in one of your earlier posts — do we live forever when we have our own to look at any time we want? ;)
Bikers usually come with nasty biker chicks. Pass.
Yeah, we’ve got our own. Maybe that’s why women outlive men, we get to see them everyday.
And seriously great mustaches and beards.
It’s like being in a Viking mead hall.
[obviously, I’ve found ~lots~ to stare at]....:))
Frankly, mine don’t do a thing for me [nor do anyone else’s] so I reckon I’ll miss out on the whole longevity thing.
They’re more like annoying pests who are always in the way and constantly needing new “clothes” to accomodate their capricious moods...LOL