Foreign BORN, yes. If you are NOT foreign born, you are a NBC. In order to know who needs naturalization, you MUST define what a citizen at birth is. The statute does that.
As John Jay wrote in a letter addressed to Washington in his role as President of the Constitutional Convention "Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government ; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen."
To quote from the excellent exposition to be found at, "Jay not only knew of Vattel, as can be seen from his correspondence with James Madison in 1780 during treaty negotiations with Spain, but he was also a proponent of Vattel as well. "
If you are NOT foreign born, you are a NBC.
That has *not* been settled in SCOTUS case law. Especially with respect to dual citizenship - either British or Indonesian. I’m not sure if the SCOTUS will have the courage to touch this - so we’re just hurtling forward (as Obama and handlers would like) into uncharted territory - with the great arrogance of a WH involved in a cover-up.
Remind you of anything?