Heres what I saw on the site
You all deserve an explanation. No, Obama, nor the Obots shut me down. You guys did.
I didnt get into this for the money. As I say on my Read Me page, My agenda is simple and clear. I am opposed to a socialist sitting in the Oval Office especially one that employs teams of lawyers and the legal system to hide his questionable background from the American People.
But, Ive had a PayPal Contribute button on my site for over a year. Every day, I get 200 to 300 emails. 50 Of them from folks that tell me Im a patriot, or theyre praying for me, or the site is invaluable, blah, blah, blah. None of those emailers ever clicked the PayPal button.
Ive been reading those emails for months, and instead of making me feel good, they disappointed me. I spend 8 to 10 hours a day at this 7 days a week, and with the exception of a local guy who sent me two $100 hits a year ago, I have received from my loyal readership $40 in contributions in the last 16 months while my bandwidth steadily increased.
Right now, my email box is full of emails telling me how valuable the site is, and please dont take it down oh yeah, and Im a patriot. Not one of those emailers has ever sent me 5 bucks. Im a strong believer in non-verbal communication. Flattery doesnt pay the bills.
This isnt about money. I do not want any contributions at this point. If you send me any money, I will just send it back and Ill pay the PayPal fee costing me more money.
I realize I sound bitchy, but Im discouraged yeah, and angry. You want me to fight the fight, but you dont want to give me any bullets.
Im done. Im going to the beach.
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He won’t answer my Freepmail either, and Jim has agreed to post the material through FR and allow Beckwith to edit it freely. I’ve offered to make a $150 donation immediately, if Beckwith will bring it all to FR and work on it.
The very least could have done was put a pay pal button where people could see it as there were many who never saw it and neither did I. He also could have posted he wanted to give it to someone else to maitain so his work wouldn’t be lost. But no, he woke up one morning, grabbed his ball and stomped off the playground in a huff.
... sigh ...
I can totally understand his disappointment in his fellow Americans, for their lack of financial support. But, maybe he could have been just a bit overt about it, and made it clear to visitors that good will don't pay the bills.
He had already proven his worth to many thousands of people. All he had to do was open his mouth, and the bucks would have come rolling in, thanks attached.
JimRob is in the exact same position, but he somehow managed to avoid unreasonable pride, and let folks know that it takes financial support to keep the doors open.