To: rxsid; All
I got as far as post 232 before I had to respond somehow, and I held off as long as I could.
This is probably fake.
If it's not, I'm sure the powers that be have contingencies in mind. A taste of civil unrest for a week or so might entice people to "all get along."
A court of law couldn't convict OJ Simpson.
To: the invisib1e hand
This is completely nuts. Over 4600 posts to a thread which begins with nothing but yet another in a long parade of evidence-free claims that some self-promoter has come up with “proof” that Obama is not eligible to be POTUS! Did any of the 9/11 threads even get this long?
I really worry about the direction FR is heading in. There’s nowhere near this much interest in Obama’s health care proposal, which is 100% real and could do serious and irreparable harm to our nation.
4,701 posted on
08/02/2009 11:27:01 PM PDT by
(Vote for a short Freepathon! Donate now if you possibly can!)
To: the invisib1e hand
If it's not, I'm sure the powers that be have contingencies in mind. A taste of civil unrest for a week or so might entice people to "all get along." A court of law couldn't convict OJ Simpson.
Unless whitey is willing to resort to counter violence ( which I doubt enough are )what you say is right on
To: the invisib1e hand
I got as far as post 232 before I had to respond somehow, and I held off as long as I could. This is probably fake.
Gosh, what a hard-nosed investigator. Dug down a whole 232 posts deep and finally came to the definitive conclusion that the document is a fake, eh?
6,749 posted on
08/04/2009 11:24:10 PM PDT by
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