You seem to be in a better mood this am (I don't have stats on that, though).
Good to see it.
I apologize for getting a bit caustic before. I sometimes let myself get dragged down the sarcasm level of others (I think I have apologized more on these threads than anyone else -- I get moody, too).
Time to go to work! Have a great day.
No sweat.
I mostly like to jangle starchy, fossilized sensibilities across the broad topic, values front. Christians get even worse from me.
I don't mind sarcasm that's not overly blood thirsty against one's personhood. Against ideas, perspectives and positions is fine with me. Adds spice to things.
But I really dislike those who dish it out ruthlessly but have very thin skins about taking it. You don't seem too bad on such scores.
I pray you have a blessed day at work and in all your close relationships,