Crop Circles or Alien Abductions?
She's a very experienced, ruthlessly scrupulous about facts and verifying the facts via multiple sources . . . sort of investigative journalist.
At this point, she's one of the world's best experts on both those topics.
Her website is a subscription website but some of her docs are available without it:
And her book
MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS AND CROP CIRCLES includes lots of the peer reviewed scientific journal data.
I realize most hereon are only interested in peer reviewed scientific journals that support their notions . . . but for those who are truly interested in the Truth . . . that book is a good source.
Biophysicist W. C. Levengood is one source worth checking out.
His research has been published in scholarly papers published by the international plant physiology journal:
and the American
One paper in the latter was titled:
"Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with A Crop Formation 1995 Vol 9, No.2 pp191-199.
I post these for other folks.
I realize some only demand sources etc. to be cheeky and have no real interest in the facts.