That tired strawman. *sigh*
OK, one more time: The BB, although interesting, is NOT a part of TToE. You do not have to understand the origins of the Universe to describe evolutionary mechanics.
Now don't go telling me that isn't science. By the way, scientific conclusion is not necessarily fact. The scientific community would like us all to think so but many of us know better.
You misconstrue what a Scientific Theory is and what Scientific Fact is. People who understand science know the definitions (and they have been posted on these threads countless times).
And people who understand AND have read the Bible know what it says and have posted on these threads countless tims.
Oh, yeah, that dreary evo-spam linked from Dork Central, posted thousands of times on FR.
As for real scientists, they don't have the leisure for this kind of obsessive behavior. You can't examine a patient if all you ever do is wash your hands. Over and over. Over and over.