Please provide proof for this assertion.
1. Most, if not all, EVOS are MORE concerned about keeping God, His values, His demands on their lives and behavior
Please provide proof of this assertion. OUR OF THEIR LIVES--particularly out of their bedrooms.
Please provide a linkage between the desire for the support of science and the 1st Amendment and any sexual mores.
2. Were the above to be remotely true, then a much greater and far more successful effort would be made to
A) dethrone the Popes of the Religion of Science
This statement makes no sense.
B) stop issuing virtually groundless or at best out dated RELIGION OF SCIENCE PAPAL ENCYCLICALS designed to stifle dissent; trash new discoveries; batter folks back into the traditional status quo and maintain the walls of the truest truly true truth as decreed by the fossilized High Priests of the Religion of Science.
Please provide a single new scientific discovery that supports any alternative to TToE. But, it is good to see your anti-Catholic hate is showing ("Papal encyclicals."). How Christian of you. Would you like me to ping some Catholics to the thread so they can tear you a new one?
C) truly encourage a diversity of opinions trusting that in the free exchange of ideas and the rough and tumble of such exchanges, the few better perspectives from dissenting constructions on reality would rise to the top and that would be beneficial to the world at large.
We are open. Please provide a single valid, peer-reviewed scientific link that even suggests a single scientific alternative to TToE.
Your version of 'Rough and Tumble' boils down to Scripture.
D) But nooooooooooooooooooooooo! The INQUISITION OF THE RELIGION OF SCIENCE MARCHES ON trashing all who dare to disagree.
So far on these threads (and in this very post), "trashing" is the providence of the Cr/IDers.
E) And, they aren't the least bit honest about it--usually--and seemingly have had all their mirrors shattered.
You have shattered nothing. Unsupported assertions are generally not the coin of the realm here at FR.
You have dug quite a pit for yourself (or built a mountain -- choose your analogy). You have a LOT of work to do to support your disingenuous post.
Get busy.
Get busy.
= = = =
1. I stay pretty busy.
2. You aren't my boss.
3. I have almost 0.000000000000% motivation to prove truth to folks who have demonstrated an abiding great resistence to it. Gold is available for those seriously interested in it and in digging for it.