Maybe this is some kind of turf war between the life scientists on the one side, and the physicists and mathematicians on the other, with the former regarding the latter as illegitimately poaching on their territory? The late, great Harvard biologist Ernst Mayr, for instance, suggested that perhaps biology should be an independent discipline from the rest of science, to be regarded as sovereign in its own way as physics is in its. But to me this wouldn't be a very good idea, for without doubt living systems have a material basis in physics and chemistry, notwithstanding they are more than what that material basis can describe....
Well FWIW. Thanks for writing, tomzz!
= = =
Great points.
I do think turf war and ego stuff are way up there in motivations on the part of the EVOS.
No. Just a desire to keep ignorance and religion out of the classroom (and science).