It is unlikely that Minus knows the difference between a hoc, an ergo, and his posterior.
In Biblical times, nobody understood fire, either. It was magical, passed on from night to morning. Priests and pastors in the 19th century were unhappy when the strike-match was invented. One more loss of power. Tax-exemptions for the priestly class followed
From early times, some people have claimed to be exempt from productive work in their community on the basis that they have "spiritual powers" or "healing powers". It is a neat scheme for priests, shamans, ayatollahs, rabbis, imams, preachers--they get people to give them money and they don't have to work and avoid military fighting.
All shamanic transubstantions are the same. Eating a portion of the god to obtain godliness is a recurring theme in human desires to obtain power through a deity.
It took years for Scientists to develop the Theory of Phogistion!
Sure seems to have confused the daylights out of the Jews when Jesus talked about it though. "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" Not to mention the curious circumstance that by claiming the Body and Blood as His own, Jesus was laying claim to be Deity.
You appear to be confusing ease of classification after the fact, looking with a "bird's-eye view" across cultures, with identity of purpose or attitude by people within those cultures, who didn't necessarily have any knowledge of each other.