Aruba en Holloway-zaak even niet op CNN
Sinds de bomaanslagen in Londen vanochtend vroeg, is de vermissing van Natalee Holloway op Aruba niet of nauwelijks meer op CNN geweest. Ook andere Amerikaanse media richten nu alle aandacht op de terreuraanslagen in de Britse hoofdstad. Dit tot grote opluchting van de Arubaanse regering en de speciale commissie die was opgericht om de berichtgeving zoveel als mogelijk in goede banen te leiden en aan damage control te doen. Hoewel hierover officieel geen mededelingen worden gedaan, was het doel van de commissie bijgestaan door verscheidene mediaexperts uit de Verenigde Staten om Aruba van de buis af te krijgen.
Aruba and Holloway-affair just not on CNN
Since the bomb attacks in Rewarded this morning early, is the loss of Natalee Holloway on Aruba not or scarcely more on CNN been. Also other American media direct now all attention on the terrorist attacks in the British capital. This much to relief of the Arubaanse government and the special commission that had been set up the news reporting so much as possible in good clear to lead and at damage control to do. Although opposite officially no communications are done, was the target of the commission assisted through passing media experts from the United States Aruba of the tube off to get'.
I don't think the Arubans are the only ones who are relieved that the media have a much larger issue to discuss.
Urine knows the taste of jail and that 60 days is all he has to wait to be freed. When Urine was beating his chest and telling Beth, "What do you want me to do about it", Beth was looking into the face of Satan.