Hat Tip to Chris Lilik and www.grassrootspa.com.
Gee...then Pennsylvania will have two democrat moderates in the Senate.
Get rid of the PA Governor. Do something that would help.
I didn't like his support for Specter, either. But that's water under the bridge. A choice between Santorum and Casey is a no-brainer. Santorum.
Bump. He--like Mr. Bush--talks a good game, but always seems to be loudest on issues that can't be won, while remaining quiet where leadership is needed and can win a battle.
The Rats and the MSM are doing their best to bring him down. They did it with Newt.
I am voting Casey over Santorum. Hell maybe the Dems will retake the Senate, that will show em!!!
"Conservatives like this erode the party from within,..."
No, it's people with unrealistic expectations and very little understanding how things get done who are always ready to turn on a good person and stab them in the back who will erode the party from within.
It doesn't make any sense to let him lose, but I knew that this decision was going to hurt him.
I wonder if the White House will go to bat for him with the same vigor they did for Specter. I would hope so...they owe him that much, at least.
Someone like Pat Toomey.
Karma. It's a bee-otch sometimes, eh, Rick?
No, armchair fanatics like you erode the party from within (unless of course you are a troll).
In case you hadn't noticed, Pennsylvania voted for Kerry last year! Santorum would have been foolish not to support Specter, who like it or not has significant support within the Pennsylvania Republican Party. Not every Republican agrees with you on every issue. To expect every Republican Senator to agree with you 100% of the time is either naive or delusional.
If Santorum has to make a politically expedient vote once in a while to get re-elected, that's just an unfortunate political reality. Senators can't live in a perfect fantasy world; otherwise, they get trounced by the likes of Barack Obama.
If your goal is to purge every Senator who isn't to the Right of Santorum, then the Republican Party will have as much national relevance as Pat Buchanan and Alan Keyes. There are plenty of turd parties out there that would be glad to have you and other fanatics. Undermining our Party with ridiculous attacks on men like Senator Santorum proves YOU are no friend of the Republican Party. Don't go away mad; just go away.
Not much of a conservative goddess are you.
Cut off your nose to spite your face.
5. What is your position on a provision in the states budget to fund contraceptive services?Casey (D): Support
5a. What is your position on requiring employers or health insurance plans to cover contraceptives in their prescription drug plans?
Casey (D): Support
7. What is your position on government requiring that benefits be provided to same-sex partners?
Casey (D): Employers should be permitted to extend domestic partnership benefits to same-sex couples in committed, long-term relationships.
8. What is your position on legislation prohibiting homosexual couples from adopting children?
Casey (D): Oppose
5. What is your position on school choice legislation in the form of direct grants to students to attend the school of their choice (vouchers)?
Casey (D): Oppose
I'll take Santorum over Casey, anyday. The writer's an idiot. And yes, I'm in York, PA.
Is this serious? Somehow all this santorum bashing seems more against his oppostion to homosexual marriage and other culture issues than him not being conservative enough.
So he's more dangerous than Joe Lieberman, who is the only honest democrat (Zel Miller too).