Huh, maybe look in the mirror, and tear down your poster of david duke.
Thank God the Republican party was smart enough to not allow a racially divisive rhetorical equivalent of sharpton and jackson a place at their table.
How dare you insult a loyal FReeper who has been on this board since 1998 with your ourtrageous slander.
Why you are allowed to get away with this kind of crap is beyond me?!!
Are you a leftist mole? Simple question, yes / no answer please.
How this kind of crap is not only tolerated here but tolerated day in & day out while others are banned I'll never understand.
You said... "Huh, maybe look in the mirror, and tear down your poster of david duke."
Let me repeat it again, just in case some people didnt get it the first time...
"Huh, maybe look in the mirror, and tear down your poster of david duke."
David Duke!
Incredible....David Duke... talk about a blast from the past!
I think his cousin is next door neighbor to Pat Buchanan's brother in law! We have Vast Right Wing Nazi Conspiracy!
How did you find out....doll...check your phone lines...they are un to you. Make sure that you shread ALL your trash too!
Here is a perfect example of why "Free" Republic has become a joke. The FROBL race baiters can say ANYTHING, including calling loyal FReepers like myself "Stormfront Nazis" and they are NEVER banned.
If Armstrong Williams was worth over $100,000 to the RNC to subvert, just to promote "No child left behind," them how much more is it worth for the RNC to subvert formerly "Free" Republic, with well-placed donations, over the president's guest worker amnesty program?
It is not deniable that the RNC, via "marketing firms" and "PR firms" as cutouts, has been providing major payola to subvert columnists.
If Armstrong "Nobody" Williams was worth over $100,000 to the RNC, how much is the website which brought down Dan Rather worth to subvert over the illegal immigration issue?
I have not jumped into this controversy, I have basically not been posting on FR this year for personal reasons, but now I must add my dos centavos.
Jim, you are either part of the problem, and have sold out, or you are being misused terribly, via targeted RNC donations under the cover of these disgraceful race-baiting FROBLs.
It's been very, very sad to watch this disgraceful episode in FR history.
If Dane is not immediately banned for calling a freeper a Nazi racist above, we will know for certain that "Free" Republic has jumped the shark for the Open Border Lobby.
Now, go ahead and ban me if you want to, and make my point for me. "Disappear" me as a FReeper, after 5 years of loyalty to this forum.
If you do, we'll all know about you, Jim. For sure.
Typical. You don't know anything about No_Doll_I, yet you immediately go for the racist charge and tell the poster that they're support of David Duke and Luis Farrakhan. You have no basis to your arguments and instead you are calling everyone a racist. Knock it off.
I called you a scumbag once, I was right.