To: 82Marine89
In Houston the landscapers who hire illegals usually don't even try to do commercial work because the management companies require bonding and insurance.
If you stay legal and keep good books a landscaping company can be sold for upwards of half your annual gross in a retively short time. Few people appreciate what good businesses they are.
2,452 posted on
02/12/2005 10:20:36 PM PST by
(Unless we get over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2008, President Hillary will take all your guns away.)
To: bayourod
Well then I guess we need to educate John Q. Public. Let them know that if an illegal gets hurt on their property, it comes out of their homeowners insurance. I promise that hiring illegals will come to a screeching halt.
2,454 posted on
02/12/2005 10:24:37 PM PST by
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