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Not so ‘Free Republic’: The Shot Heard Around the Net
The Conservative Voice ^ | Feb 11, 2005 | by William Gheen, President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

Posted on 02/11/2005 10:55:36 AM PST by Jim Robinson

The shot heard around the Internet has been fired on The owner Jim Robinson and his moderators have launched a sniper style purge against members that disagree with the President’s ‘guest worker’ amnesty or support more control of illegal immigration. Free Republic is an amazing tool for those looking for a good debate and news from around the country.

The problem for the administration of the site is that their creation is allowing the participants to learn that the Bush immigration record and plans are shockingly out of line with the views of most conservatives. The management’s answer to this conflict between the majority of conservatives and the influence of the White House on their Web site has become electronic executions and censorship.

Members and readers of Free Republic would be surprised to know that many members of their community have fallen silent on the discussions about illegal immigration lately because free speech is an illusion on They are silent because they have been banned from the Web site without warning, cause, or explanation in most cases. For weeks the moderators have been suspending and banning new members that chimed in quickly on the immigration debates.

Now this trend has broadened as the first groups of long-term users were suspended or banned this past week. Although Robinson and his staff removed many members of the Free Republic community in the first few days of the purge, those that religiously support President Bush’s immigration plan, open borders and approve of public benefits for illegal aliens remain on the forum. Those that were banned were the members that wanted more done to control illegal immigration and a strict observance to the President’s Oath of Office.

KEYWORDS: 1912election; aliens; alipac; amnesty; blc; callthewaaaambulance; crybaby; desperatedemocrats; dreamact; fr; freerepublic; howtogetbanned; illegals; immigration; immigrationplan; liars; lovejimfr; minuteman; minutemen; openborders; purge; respectjimshouse; tawbbos; whatahornetsnest; whiners; williamgheen
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To: 82Marine89
Link should be: Border Enforcement Techniques
2,441 posted on 02/12/2005 10:00:10 PM PST by 82Marine89 (U.S. Marines- Part of the Navy....The men's department.)
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To: 82Marine89

How much do you charge for an average subdivision yard on a weekly contract?

2,442 posted on 02/12/2005 10:00:29 PM PST by bayourod (Unless we get over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2008, President Hillary will take all your guns away.)
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To: 82Marine89

How much do you charge for an average subdivision yard on a weekly contract?

2,443 posted on 02/12/2005 10:00:54 PM PST by bayourod (Unless we get over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2008, President Hillary will take all your guns away.)
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To: bayourod

There is no such thing as 'average'. The majority of my work is commercial with the rest being high-end residential. I cater to the needs of my customer and charge accordingly. I don't throw ziplock bags with flyers in them on every driveway in a neighborhood.

2,444 posted on 02/12/2005 10:04:10 PM PST by 82Marine89 (U.S. Marines- Part of the Navy....The men's department.)
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To: bayourod

bayourod,So I don't understand.The borders are covered and the good guys get in and the bad guys are kept out.Why do we see all the video's of people running across the border-what about them.This is my last question and I am done with this and will check out your links and I thank you for your answer's for they help me to answer other people also.

2,445 posted on 02/12/2005 10:09:10 PM PST by fatima (Still prayers for the Pope.)
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To: fatima
A guest worker program won't free up any Border Patrol Agents as claimed by some.

We currently do not enforce our laws that forbid employers from hiring illegal aliens. All the employers know this and that is why they don't mind hiring illegal aliens. There is no reason to believe we will enforce these laws in the future, and the employers know this also.

If Bush enacts his guest work / amnesty program, their will be fees involved for paperwork and processing. While some employers will take the time and extra expense to hire a guest worker, many will not. The majority of jobs are paid under the table. Employers do this to save on paying taxes and other expenses. Hiring a guest worker in more expensive and cuts into the employers profit margin.

Mexicans will still be able to cross the border unimpeded, as they can do now and employers know there will be plenty of illegal aliens to hire.

There is no easy solution to the problem. We must get harsh with employers of illegal aliens and no one in government wants to do this. They said they would in 1996 and failed to follow through. Unless we enforce employer sanctions, no guest worker program will ever work, regardless of what others tell.

2,446 posted on 02/12/2005 10:09:31 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Customs & Border Protection Officer)
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To: WilliamofCarmichael
" What about those who do own homes and businesses, have good jobs, families? Won't the guest worker plan have to make exceptions for them?"

Wouldn't we want to make exceptions for them under the present system?

Immigration issues are some of the toughest and there is much room for people of good will to have honest disagreements. But we need to start someplace getting the situation under control.

2,447 posted on 02/12/2005 10:09:42 PM PST by bayourod (Unless we get over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2008, President Hillary will take all your guns away.)
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To: Marine Inspector

As an employer, I check their paperwork. But when I call the Social Security Administration to verify their SSN, I'm told that this information cannot be grounds for hiring or firing an employee. Go figure.

2,448 posted on 02/12/2005 10:13:58 PM PST by 82Marine89 (U.S. Marines- Part of the Navy....The men's department.)
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To: WilliamofCarmichael
What about those who do own homes and businesses, have good jobs, families? Won't the guest worker plan have to make exceptions for them?

Why should it?

What do we do with the any criminal that was not caught and made a life for themselves for 20 years? We punish them.

They made a choice and now they have to live with it. Yes it's harsh, but it's true.

If you failed to pay your taxes for 1 year, 20 years ago, what do you think the IRS would do when they found out?

2,449 posted on 02/12/2005 10:15:41 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Customs & Border Protection Officer)
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To: bayourod

From looking at your homepage, I see your a great fan of Ronald Reagan. Wasn't it President Reagan who promised that his amnesty would be a one time thing for this nation? What say you?

2,450 posted on 02/12/2005 10:16:35 PM PST by 82Marine89 (U.S. Marines- Part of the Navy....The men's department.)
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To: 82Marine89

That's because they IRS needs that cash flow to prop up Social Security. The IRS knows that millions pay into the system and never collect and they love it.

2,451 posted on 02/12/2005 10:17:08 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Customs & Border Protection Officer)
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To: 82Marine89
In Houston the landscapers who hire illegals usually don't even try to do commercial work because the management companies require bonding and insurance.

If you stay legal and keep good books a landscaping company can be sold for upwards of half your annual gross in a retively short time. Few people appreciate what good businesses they are.

2,452 posted on 02/12/2005 10:20:36 PM PST by bayourod (Unless we get over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2008, President Hillary will take all your guns away.)
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To: Marine Inspector

I don't blame the USA's for not taking cases. Every administraton since Eisenhower has let the problem fester. Now we have far more cases than the USA's can possibly handle. The AUSA's get crapped on just like the rest of us while their buddies in the private sector make four times what they make in salary.

2,453 posted on 02/12/2005 10:22:26 PM PST by Ajnin (I)
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To: bayourod

Well then I guess we need to educate John Q. Public. Let them know that if an illegal gets hurt on their property, it comes out of their homeowners insurance. I promise that hiring illegals will come to a screeching halt.

2,454 posted on 02/12/2005 10:24:37 PM PST by 82Marine89 (U.S. Marines- Part of the Navy....The men's department.)
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To: Ajnin

I don't blame then for that either, I blame them for listing to the DD.

The AUS does not work for the DD and should be able to decide which cases his staff should take.

That's my beef.

Stay safe.

2,455 posted on 02/12/2005 10:25:19 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Customs & Border Protection Officer)
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To: Marine Inspector

The laws are enforced here locally in Pa.Down the street from our thrift shop are many legal and working on being legal-we sell a lot of bikes:).

2,456 posted on 02/12/2005 10:26:48 PM PST by fatima (Still prayers for the Pope.)
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To: fatima
The laws are enforced here locally in Pa.

I'm glad to hear that. Unfortunately, they are not in most places.

2,457 posted on 02/12/2005 10:29:36 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Customs & Border Protection Officer)
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To: 82Marine89
I vaguely recall that. He apparently didn't foresee the success of his economic revolution and the declining birth rate.

Bush's plan isn't a "one-time" fix, it's a continuing program that will undoubtedly be tweaked and fought over for decades, just like immigration laws have always been.

You may be in a position to lure some exceptional employees away from residential landscapers if you participate in the guest worker program. And they'll be able to drive.

2,458 posted on 02/12/2005 10:30:58 PM PST by bayourod (Unless we get over 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2008, President Hillary will take all your guns away.)
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To: bayourod

I refuse to reward illegal behavior. I will never hire a converted illegal.

2,459 posted on 02/12/2005 10:33:04 PM PST by 82Marine89 (U.S. Marines- Part of the Navy....The men's department.)
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To: 82Marine89

Good for you.

2,460 posted on 02/12/2005 10:34:42 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Customs & Border Protection Officer)
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