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Not so ‘Free Republic’: The Shot Heard Around the Net
The Conservative Voice ^
| Feb 11, 2005
| by William Gheen, President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Posted on 02/11/2005 10:55:36 AM PST by Jim Robinson
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To: Howlin
Now you're swearing.
That's what I mean by "ungovernable."
I have the same problem. I do a lot of deleting, but some things get posted before I've sense enough to edit them.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:02:39 PM PST
(They are all Mike Spanns)
To: Spiff
I can assure you that the people coming here to call attention to our wide open borders are not going to go "hunting" on the southern border. It is more like a FReep of the border than anything else.I guess leftist allegations carry a lot of weight around here.
Talk about mischaracterization....
I have read many of the threads about this project, including those of the organizers. Numerous times it was discussed what kind of "protection" one should bring with them. Sniper rifles and sidearms were the norm. Now, protection in the field with sidearms is fine, ....Sniper rifles???? Hmmmm...wonder what those are for.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:03:06 PM PST
("We are pioneers of the world; the advance-guard, sent on through the wilderness of untried things")
To: Prost1
Not much different from the cannibal, liver eaters in the south. What is that?
posted on
02/11/2005 4:03:11 PM PST
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: patriciaruth
It's quite telling that the word "damn" offends you but you have yet to refute or reprimand Asgard for his bold face lies.
Just damn.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:04:26 PM PST
(It's a great day to be an American -- and a Bush Republican!!!!)
To: Howlin; MeekOneGOP
I damn well will defend myself to a pack of lies. Howlin, his post is ludicrous; you honestly think anybody's going to take him seriously? He's complaining about "funny kitty pictures" posts....and I've never seen a rude post by meek, yet. Unless by "rude" he means one disagrees with his viewpoint and tells him so.
To: spodefly
lol....i hope you're
posted on
02/11/2005 4:04:52 PM PST
(I don't think Muslims are good for America....just a gut instinct thing.)
To: Spiff
alas...the Lott affair....bad memories.....FR devouring itself again.
there is a whiff of that here Spiff.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:06:10 PM PST
(I don't think Muslims are good for America....just a gut instinct thing.)
To: nevergore
posted on
02/11/2005 4:06:44 PM PST
("Friends stab you from the front." -- Oscar Wilde)
To: 82Marine89; asgardshill
What, no Wizard of Oz photos? Here is Christine Gregoire. Close enough? :^)
posted on
02/11/2005 4:06:56 PM PST
(There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
To: wardaddy; spodefly
I bet when you were a little kid you used to like to poke at hornet's nests with a stick. wardaddy: i hope you're
To: Howlin
I can understand the rest of us, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what bmwcyle did to this guy to make him lumped in with the rest of us.
As long as I've been here, bmwcyle has hardly said a cross word to anybody. Okay, I'll commit one sin by not reading the whole thread before replying...
The AdminMods warned us over a year ago not to let the Illegal Immigration threads get personal. Since then, they've gotten very personal and it wouldn't surprise me if somebody said something to bmwcyle to get his/her dander up...
I'm generally a really easy-going kinda guy...ask anyone on the Canteen. I've been taunted by some posters on these threads and been tempted to reply in kind.
To be perfectly honest, I'd say that JimRob and the Mods have been quite lenient for quite some time.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:07:17 PM PST
(www ~ Operation Easter/Passover ~ Coming soon to a tagline near you...)
To: Howlin
Have you seen that commerical for Nationwide? I nearly died laughing! Yes, and the dancers behind him. They repo-ed the house much the way banned posters have had their priviledges removed (15 seconds?). This is a great site and I can only imagine the reactions are similar (head in hand, etc.)
Do timeouts exist? This might be of interest.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:07:45 PM PST
(Liberalism is a natural disaster. Devastating to those occupying the low ground.)
To: Jim Robinson
I'm late to this party (or is it a food fight?), but wanted to support your decision and thank you. Such an approach will also preclude some of the libs who would like nothing more than to divide and conquer conservatives on such matters.
To: asgardshill
You must have alternate portal IDs lined up like a battalion.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:08:04 PM PST
(I don't think Muslims are good for America....just a gut instinct thing.)
To: Mr. K
posted on
02/11/2005 4:08:06 PM PST
(Mommy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird.)
To: Jim Robinson
I don't support illegal immigration, I have not been targeted yet... then again, I don't post very often either... so... Keep up the good work Jim!
posted on
02/11/2005 4:08:27 PM PST
(is this my last post?)
To: Howlin
asgardshill and I have talked both publicly and privately about these two issues. 1. Illegal immigration 2. The difficulty of discussing this issue and others with civility.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:08:40 PM PST
(They are all Mike Spanns)
To: MeekOneGOP
Dude, Indoctrinated Flying Monkey is just about as high as any mortal can hope to achieve.
I hope the Indoctrinated Flying Monkey Union can dictate somewhat from where you do this flying.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:09:11 PM PST
(And who knows what else?)
To: MarketR
I have read many of the threads about this project, including those of the organizers. Numerous times it was discussed what kind of "protection" one should bring with them. Sniper rifles and sidearms were the norm. Now, protection in the field with sidearms is fine, ....Sniper rifles???? Hmmmm...wonder what those are for. No open carry is allowed. No rifles - sniper or otherwise - will be allowed. Anyone carrying must have a CCW from their home state, I believe. Wandering around in the brush near the border is dangerous. Doing so without adequate protection is irresponsible. Gilchrist is going to have a hard time enforcing these rules I think, but in the end it will keep things from getting out of hand. I hope. But it could go either way.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:09:47 PM PST
(Don't believe everything you think.)
To: Howlin; asgardshill
Pardon me for butting in here, but I'm pretty new here, and haven't had any problems of the sort you're talking about. I have posted to numerous threads, many of which I suppose you would consider controversial. I've bumped heads with posters who have been here far, far longer than I...and still, I haven't managed to get myself banned or suspended. Hmmmm....
P.S. All due respect to Howlin, but she ain't my FReeper "god", lol!
posted on
02/11/2005 4:10:27 PM PST
(There's too much youth; how about a fountain of smart?)
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