Posted on 02/11/2005 10:55:36 AM PST by Jim Robinson
The shot heard around the Internet has been fired on The owner Jim Robinson and his moderators have launched a sniper style purge against members that disagree with the Presidents guest worker amnesty or support more control of illegal immigration. Free Republic is an amazing tool for those looking for a good debate and news from around the country.
The problem for the administration of the site is that their creation is allowing the participants to learn that the Bush immigration record and plans are shockingly out of line with the views of most conservatives. The managements answer to this conflict between the majority of conservatives and the influence of the White House on their Web site has become electronic executions and censorship.
Members and readers of Free Republic would be surprised to know that many members of their community have fallen silent on the discussions about illegal immigration lately because free speech is an illusion on They are silent because they have been banned from the Web site without warning, cause, or explanation in most cases. For weeks the moderators have been suspending and banning new members that chimed in quickly on the immigration debates.
Now this trend has broadened as the first groups of long-term users were suspended or banned this past week. Although Robinson and his staff removed many members of the Free Republic community in the first few days of the purge, those that religiously support President Bushs immigration plan, open borders and approve of public benefits for illegal aliens remain on the forum. Those that were banned were the members that wanted more done to control illegal immigration and a strict observance to the Presidents Oath of Office.
Geeze, quit whining. It's a big Internet; feel free to move on. Or better yet, start your own site.
Oh please I can't take it any more!;-)
Are you serious? It's a song? OOOOOh my!!!
No, just using it as an example to the one sided punishments.
I don't know what the story is, maybe you are friends with the moderators.
I do know this: You have made many pretty outrageous statements and often attack the more conservative posters. You also ridicule others and also make it plain that you consider yourselves immune from any action.
Often you act as if FR is your own private attack engine. I don't know, maybe it is.
You name is on that thread over there
I respectfully disagree now. During the election cycle, we had lots like Todd who bashed Bush all the time and whatnot but not it has devolved into many Bush supporters like me and Travis McGee and others who supported Bush are now arguing with folks who are either open borders, want the "Founding Majority" diminished here for a variety of reasons or they simply don't want criticism of Bush period. There is also a pro-Migra gang here advocating the economic benfits of it due to the lack of native procreation.
This thing has grown far beyond the old days of Bush bashers leading the anti-immigration charge. This forum always morphs on issues...remember once upon a time when the main schism was tween Libertarians and Conservatives...that almost seems quaint now.
I think many...actually most here...have reacted negatively against W's migra overtures. All the Pubbies I speak to here in Marsha Blackburn's district are not too keen on what they fear will become amnesty and will open the doors for the continuing tidal wave.
Just my opinion...we did have a poll here some time back where only 7% advocated amnesty and open borders (I think)
PS: When I got papers for my ex-wife....Brasilian ....I got nothing but grief and spent 5K to get her through the tourist-temporary-resident hoops after marriage and two children. There is no sympathy for peckerwoods at INS.
No telling what it was yesterday (though the fact it appears mostly inhabited by DUs must be considered), but today it has certainley been ruled irrellevant thanks to your amatuerish hit piece.
I hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes.
Here is the part that makes clear what a sham the article is. This is a private site run by a private owner with funds from voluntary supporters. If Jim didn't want people talking about a subject in his house for WHATEVER reason, it would not be of concern to any Americans. It's Jim's site and he can do whatever he wants to do. It's not like this is a newspaper or government organization or anything else. What goes on on FR is not a problem for any Americans. If you don't like it, don't FReep.
I suspect it's only an issue to "The Conservative Voice" because they are trying to spread division. Problem is, they don't know how smart FReepers are.
Thank you for posting this. I oppose open borders.
Isn't that "El Pee"?
Well I totally disagree with the "Bush guest worker program" and beleive our borders should be tightened, and I am still here. So either I have slipped through the cracks, or this is so much bovine scat.
"I don't know what the story is, maybe you are friends with the moderators.
I do know this: You have made many pretty outrageous statements and often attack the more conservative posters. You also ridicule others and also make it plain that you consider yourselves immune from any action.
Often you act as if FR is your own private attack engine. I don't know, maybe it is."
When did Joe Hadenuf get banned?
I agree.
And some posters support FR financially. I'm not saying that regular financial support of FR is the reason some people don't get banned, but I'd be willing to bet that most of the incessant whiners and naysayers on FR, who use this site as a place to grind their particular axes, never give FR a dime.
A couple days ago.
Really?? I'm flattered. Trolls usually ignore me.
Maybe. I have asked for clarification from those I hear say it and they all say their country is "Peru" or "Columbia" or "mexico" not the United States.
Yes, freedom is the underpinning of our culture and our forefathers fought for it. It wasn't handed to them. "They" should go back and fight for it in their own country.
Freedom and Economic Opportunity pretty much go hand in hand. Can you name me a Country with economic opportunity that is not free?
True. So you admit they are not here for the freedom but rather the economic advantage. If the opposite were true they would be willing to fight for it in their home country. It would be far more honorable for them to fight for and win freedom in their own country raising the lives of their fellow countrymen rather than abandoning them by leaving for the U.S.
Sorry, you misunderstood; I was referring to the ... I suppose they were a Movement in pre-WWII America. Run a google on the "America Firsters" and you'll see what I meant.
I looked it up and don't see what you were referring to. Perhaps you could post a more clear explanation?
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