Seward was correct! Thanks for posting some men of honour & morals for a change. I would have added and abolish the slavers as well, no matter which side of the border.
Do you have a problem with that?
Any group which maintains an economic system of slavery of other men should be totally defeated. Nazis & Japs during the war used slaves and murdered them by the millions, Islamic fanatics would love to enslave all of us, even modern day Confederate secessionists.
"The fugitive-slave act is filled with horror--we are bound to disobey this act."--Charles Sumner. Go for it!
"I have no doubt but the free and slave states ought to be separated .... The Union is not worth supporting in connection with the South."--Horace Greeley.
Thus the South was defeated.
I will not simply reprint everything you have already posted but will ask you again:
Higher law, eh? Better check that one with your ally Non-Sequitur, who has been lecturing us about the Supremacy Clause.
But since when did "higher law" give it into anyone's hand, since Cain struck Abel, to turn on his neighbor and kill him and lay his land waste, and possess it in selfrighteousness?
The Civil War had more in common with the coming of William the Conqueror, than with the uprising of Boadicea.
I have problems with radical extremists who chose to rape the Constitution rather than amend it.