Posted on 12/30/2003 11:18:06 AM PST by matrix2225
Too show that FR has its own diversity. Seriously, Fusion is priceless!
You got it. Berezovsky, Gusinsky and Khodorkovsky are the standard of democracy because they are "reform minded oligarchs" ( kleptocrats ). Putin because he is popular, gets majority of votes and cares for national interest is a wicked dictator.
Open society is like the house without locks.
The art of cowardly terror war from a one legged idiot's perspective.
Did one of your personal attacks get removed just recently? You've lost it....
As for Russia, it have every right to defend least it not say it will attack any nation who may be threat in future. What did you think, you say that and no one reacts to it? Hah.
You have no sense of history when it comes to Fusion. The Balkans Front threads were already active for almost 2 years when Fusion suddenly arrived. His original posts were outlandish and consisted mostly of hit and run comments. And believe me, the howls of protests he got were like nothing I had seen before from both the pro and anti war side. I joined in dissecting his posts and mocking his commentary.
After a while however, he began writing in the style we're more familiar with. Then he started replying more frequently in the threads. Then he made statements that were creditable to people like Wraith, Tony Cavanaugh (Are you reading this from Iraq now Tony?). Then he started making predictions that came true both politically and militarily.
This at least garnered him a modicum of respect.
Then Hoplite did some excellent research and we found that Walter Mitty and his "secret squirrel" friends had a very interesting back story. We've since come to learn a lot about Fusion and his alter egos. He's only winked at our knowledge of him but that only adds to the allure!
I look forward to Fusion's over the top posts and hold his feet to the fire with respect to his predictions. Alas, he hasn't been faring to well since his prediction that Mr. D would win the 10th district in North Carolina last year but that's part of the fun.
There's a reason this thread wound up in the Smoky Back room. Every location where people meet, whether in physical or cyber space has it's own set of characters. Some are more entertaining than others.
I would jump at the chance to sit in a real smoky back room (well, not smoky in NYC anyway) with Fusion and dine on steaks just like in the Hippo Room in Zeneca!
Relax and enjoy RussianConservative. Well, I don't know. I pinged you to this thread because I was hoping for the reaction you gave so maybe you shouldn't mellow!
Fusion has talked of Allah's shitcase going off in DC, Chicago and Houston. Those were his old rush hour predictions.
Screwtape lives!
Vive l'exception!
In the future, this would have been the past.
-- Triumph of the Postmodern: The Third World War Revisited, Notes on the Third Edition by Monty Python, p. 2.
Of course at this time the decision still in doubt. Islamic entente forces with a remarkable string of non-linear successes -- the recent US terror alerts being a good example. The billions of dollars spent in defending unlikely targets beginning to show a strain on the American economy. As Napoleon said, "He who defends everything defends nothing..."
The Anglo-American alliance with two critical weaknesses -- each a vulnerable juncture providing the Islamic entente a nexus of opportunity to strike and win the war in dramatic fashion.
The first of course is the UK. Opposition forces with the capability in place to deliver a knockout blow in the form of a Tet-style assault that shocks the entire world as Islamic gunmen rampage through a suicide-bomb ravaged London. The Brits have admirably neutralised the threats to their ports with their recent COIN strikes, but still the airports and airline infrastructure is shredded from a security perspective. A spectacular strike designed to knock Britain out of the war and extend the fight a decade will eventually put ultimate pressure on the fatal weakness of the West.
The interlocking financial structures that the entire Western alliance hinge on are teetering now. One decisive blow could collapse an over-leveraged economic house of cards that is shaken (not stirred) by the modern day Bismarck's -- George W Bush -- correct call in weakening the dollar. The oil jugular is still exposed until the pipeline comes on line the end of this decade. Surging oil prices combined with attacks versus American airlines and refinery capacity could trigger a meltdown scenario...
Fortunately the modern day Bismarck knows this far better than any and is prepared. Cunning GOP operatives have manipulated the invisibility of the internet to bring the ultimate loser -- Howard Dean -- within a hair of the Democratic nomination. He will be crushed by president Bush in November -- thus opening the way for the neo-conservatives to bury a three-ponter from the (right) wing...
Iran, Syria, and North Korea to be crushed in 2005 so that all mankind can be free. Naturally the Russian Federation and their madman-controlled WMD must first be neutralised. Fortunately the greatest fighter on the face of this earth -- Shamil Basayev -- has been assigned this light work. Should Russian forces fail to withdraw north of the Terek River by February 1, Mr Putin going to learn a very hard lesson indeed...
The groundhog won't see his shadow in Moscow on February 2nd -- it will be much too cloudy. And rather warm... Putin nothing but an ex-KGB thug wearing a cheap suit and bad haircut -- he is unlikely to see 2005 as president...
The Third World War certainly a complicated business. Fortunately Greater Albania ready to step up and carry the Brits and Americans on their shoulders should things get tough. Tirana a beehive of Islamic entente activity -- but the Brits all over them there now...
They say LSU will play in the Sugar Bowl in America soon. When the Bayou Tigers play one is always reminded of Halloween night in 1959 when Billy Cannon ran that punt back against Ole Miss in the waning moments. Jake Gibbs, the New York Yankees catcher in the 1960's, was the punter on that play and often talked about that game with the Coach...
I mention it because the Coach was on his way down to New Orleans that night to catch a freighter for Havana -- having just been sacked by the State Department after a brief career there following his adventures at Dien Bien Phu -- and wrecked his Buick listening to the punt return...
Seems he had all his cash bet on LSU that night and that might be a good strategy on January 4. Just remember that under Las Vegas rules a game becomes official with five minutes left in the fourth quarter -- regardless of what follows. If for any reason the game is not finished -- make sure not to throw away those winning tickets...
You can believe the Islamic entente is well aware of that...
The forces of freedom on the move. Europe trembles.
I think we can see who's been into the mushrooms, eh?
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