Hi "Meek." Wow, talk about oldies but goodies. That was back in the days when average FR threads drew over a hundred comments easy. This JFK one was the subject of a lively debate at the time. I miss those FR days.
The ani you posted is small, but people should still be able to recognize that they are seeing blood, bone and tissue explode up and forwards from a huge exit wound above JFK's right temple area. You can also just make out the huge flap of skin and bone that falls over his right cheek.
For years, people mistook the motion of JFK's body back and to the left as an indication he was shot from the front. In fact, it's the explosive force of the bullet creating that huge exit wound which causes the body's motion back and to the left. It's just like when superheated gasses push out the rear of a rocket. The rocket goes in the opposite direction from the direction the gasses and flames go. They push downward and the rocket goes up.
Your description of the animation is perfect and describes it exactly, thanks.
Guess I better hit the horizontal rack for a few hours now.
Have a SUPER Thursday!