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Posts by ubipetrusest

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  • "Fat, balding, Irish bishop" - Cardinal Dolan claims he can't excommunicate NY Governor Cuomo

    02/09/2019 10:43:28 PM PST · 56 of 57
    ubipetrusest to Fido969

    No it’s from Irish Central News. Sadly, it is not a satire. Dolan is morally bankrupt.

  • "Fat, balding, Irish bishop" - Cardinal Dolan claims he can't excommunicate NY Governor Cuomo

    02/09/2019 8:53:18 AM PST · 1 of 57
    The full interview is at Cardinal Dolan, as usual, blathers on and refuses to act effectively on the new abortion/infanticide law in New York State. He relinquishes his moral authority as a Successor to the Apostles and presents himself as not having much "clout"! On the contrary, excommunication would inform Andrew Cuomo of the great peril his soul is in and invite him to repent and return to the Church. Excommunication would also make clear the Church's teaching that "abortion and infanticide are unspeakable crimes" ("Gaudium et Spes," 51).

    A detailed response to Dolan's claims is at

  • Pope Francesco's Amazing Climate Theatre

    03/27/2018 7:58:41 PM PDT · 10 of 11
    ubipetrusest to NewHampshireDuo

    Frere Rabit has discontinued his wonderful blog. This article is now reposted and can be read at

  • Is Dorothy Day Suitable for Canonization?

    04/26/2017 2:26:36 PM PDT · 24 of 34
    ubipetrusest to cloudmountain

    cloudmountain, The devil’s advocate’s role has been downgraded so that those proposing a candidate for canonization do not have to listen to any negative information he has collected. Previously, the devil’s advocate had the power to halt the process, even indefinitely, until his objections were answered to his satisfaction. Sadly, this is no longer the case.

    We have the right to write to Rome to protest Day’s cause to
    His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Amato
    Congregatione per le Cause dei Santi
    Palazzo delle Congregazioni
    Piazza Pio XII, 3
    00193 Roma

  • Is Dorothy Day Suitable for Canonization?

    04/26/2017 2:13:10 PM PDT · 23 of 34
    ubipetrusest to surroundedbyblue

    She never did repent of her Communist ways, and she praised her Communist friends in the “Catholic Worker”; see for documentation.

  • ... the Uncertain Legacy of Dorothy Day: A disturbing glimpse into the "Catholic Worker"

    04/26/2017 8:43:17 AM PDT · 5 of 5
    ubipetrusest to utahagen

    Maybe you should reread “The Long Loneliness.” In it, Day describes “Tamar at three meeting her father again and saying to me resentfully, ‘That is my father, not your father’ ” (1997 reprint, p. 236). When the Catholic Worker (CW) became Dorothy’s “family,” she left Tamar with coworkers, preferably at the CW farms (pp. 280, 297-299), where some “feeble-minded” children destroyed the little clay village Tamar had built (p. 238). Things were similar at the city CW, where Day writes that “I left her in her bath and all but forgot her in the heat of discussion” (p. 237).

    Years later Tamar said: “Sometimes I wondered if everyone doted on me because they felt sorry for me not only at how often Dorothy left to go on speaking tours, but at how distracted she could be. She would let me stay up late while she was talking, and I’d be forgotten while playing in the bath. Once this caused me to get a bladder infection, and I had to spend two weeks at St. Vincent’s Hospital” (Kate Hennessy, “Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty,” 2017, p. 98).

    Day traveled so much that Tamar nicknamed her “Be-going” (Rosalie G. Riegle, “Dorothy Day: Portraits by Those Who Knew Her,” 2003, p. 109).

    Although Day opposed government “entitlement” programs, she was willing to have people—including her daughter and nine grandchildren—receive welfare benefits.

    The Catholic Workers are correct, not “disingenuous,” when they claim Day remained a radical. She did not become less radical over the years. In “Long Loneliness,” she writes: “Each of the radical groups had its own vision, and each was terrified that immediate gains would make the masses content and not willing to go further toward the new earth they were envisioning. They had faith in the people, but they knew too how prone they were to settle down with their gains” (p. 62).

    Day wrote in the December 1971 “CW”: “How many thousands, tens of thousands, are in [prison] for petty theft, while the “robber barons” of our day get away with murder. Literally murder, accessories to murder. “Property is Theft.” Proudhon wrote—The coat that hangs in your closet belongs to the poor. The early Fathers [of the Church] wrote—The house you don’t live in, your empty buildings (novitiates, seminaries) belong to the poor. Property is Theft.”

    At age 76, Day wrote in her diary: “My very life is a protest. Against government, for instance” (”The Duty of Delight,” 2011, p. 582).

    Day died on November 30, 1980. In the September 1980 CW she wrote: I am re-reading Mike Gold’s “Jews Without Money,” a battered paperback ... but you can still read the quotations from “The New York Times” reviewer, enthusiastically recommending it.... It reminded me so much of my first newspaper job on “The New York Call,” and my meeting with Mike, whose name was Irwin Granich. I must try to find another copy, bound and on better paper.” Gold’s novel ends: “O worker’ Revolution, you brought hope to me.... You are the true Messiah.... O Revolution that forced me to think, to struggle and to live” (1930; 1984 reprint, p. 309).

  • Is Dorothy Day Suitable for Canonization?

    04/26/2017 6:34:36 AM PDT · 20 of 34
    ubipetrusest to onedoug

    Sounds good to me.

  • Is Dorothy Day Suitable for Canonization?

    04/26/2017 6:33:26 AM PDT · 19 of 34
    ubipetrusest to Arthur McGowan

    Thanks for pointing this out. Day’s imagined “sanctity” was not “heroic.” Her followers continue to follow—and magnify—her errors; see

  • ... the Uncertain Legacy of Dorothy Day: A disturbing glimpse into the "Catholic Worker"

    04/26/2017 5:51:57 AM PDT · 1 of 5
    Catholic Worker (CW) founder Dorothy Day attempted to graft Communist ideas onto the Catholic Church. Advocates of her cause for sainthood present an idealized portrait that softsoaps this fact and emphasizes the movement's (ever dwindling) works of charity to the down and out.

    Day's followers wear two hats: radical and "Catholic." They reminisce publicly about burning their draft cards in the 1960s, while younger members participate in actions such as the pro-abortion Women's March in Washington, DC, because "although we still pray for an end to abortion, we have much to thank [the feminist] movement for in terms of respect and dignity afforded all members of society" (Ric Rhetor, "The Book of Notes," "CW, March-April 2017, p. 6.)

    The author reveals: "Associate editor Tom Cornell defended the late pacifist leader AJ [Muste] for his WWII era declaration: 'If I can’t love Hitler, I can’t love anyone.'” Cornell is a Catholic deacon on the Advisory Committee of the Dorothy Day Guild [for her canonization], which receives funds from the Archdiocese of New York. Martha Hennessy, Day's granddaughter is also a member.

    "Pacifist" Day wrote in the September 1956 "CW": "We need to change the system. We need to overthrow, not the government, as the authorities are always accusing the Communists 'of conspiring to teach to do,' but this rotten, decadent, putrid industrial capitalist system which breeds such suffering in the whited sepulcher of New York." More information is available at the blog "Dorothy Day Another Way" and in Carol Byrne's "The Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980): A Critical Analysis."

  • Is Dorothy Day Suitable for Canonization?

    04/24/2017 6:06:18 AM PDT · 1 of 34
    As the campaign to canonize Dorothy Day goes into full drive with the 2017 publication of her granddaughter Kate Hennessy's book "Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty: An Intimate Portrait of My Grandmother," this article provides an excellent corrective which delineates Day's unsuitablity for canonization. Day is a confusing example of "holiness"; she said one thing, but did another. The most famous example is her repeated promise of obedience to her archbishop, while she refused to obey him; see and Carol Byrne, "The Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980): A Critical Analysis," 2010, pp.206-208.
  • Pope Francis sends letter praising gay children's book

    08/29/2015 9:34:15 AM PDT · 155 of 178
    ubipetrusest to Yossarian

    We should be so lucky.

  • Pope Francis sends letter praising gay children's book

    08/29/2015 9:33:21 AM PDT · 154 of 178
    ubipetrusest to Politicalkiddo

    “Who chose this nutcase?” Those voting included Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, friend of Obama, who functions as a Democratic Party operative (, Cardinals Sean O’Malley of Boston and Donald Wuerl of Washington, DC, and Cardinal Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles, who was allowed to vote despite the sex scandals in the archdiocese while he was running it (see

    It is beoming increasingly obvious that Francis is the chief nutcase (or “fruit” of the hierarchy’s failure to embrace the truths of the Catholic faith), but there are too many others among our bishops and Cardinals.

    Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich, recently appointed by Francis, has the queer view that engaging in vivisection to obtain unborn babies’ organs is repulsive, but no more repulsive than unemployment, the death penalty, and restrictions on immigration (see

  • Cardinal Dolan Plays ‘Trump’ Card on Pre-Born Babies

    08/14/2015 8:27:21 AM PDT · 66 of 66
    ubipetrusest to markomalley

    And for the response of an unworthy Catholic bishop—appointed by Pope Francis—who is giving Dolan a run for his money, you can read Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich’s statement at

  • Cardinal Dolan Plays ‘Trump’ Card on Pre-Born Babies

    08/14/2015 8:22:50 AM PDT · 64 of 66
    ubipetrusest to markomalley

    Thanks for posting this article.

    As one of Dolan’s unfortunate sheep, I think Francis and Dolan are “birds of a feather” and, to mix metaphors, “cut from the same cloth.” Dolan’s horrible example is detailed in several posts at the blog “Dorothy Day Another Way,”

    Dolan is one of Day’s biggest supporters for sainthood, and he praises her “prophetic disobedience” and pre-conversion participation in the sexual immorality of Greenwich Village. He thinks the latter aspect makes her relevant.

  • Cardinal Dolan Plays ‘Trump’ Card on Pre-Born Babies

    08/14/2015 8:22:09 AM PDT · 63 of 66
    ubipetrusest to markomalley

    Thanks for posting this article.

    As one of Dolan’s unfortunate sheep, I think Francis and Dolan are “birds of a feather” and, to mix metaphors, “cut from the same cloth.” Dolan’s horrible example is detailed in several posts at the blog “Dorothy Day Another Way,”

    Dolan is one of Day’s biggest supporters for sainthood, and he praises her “prophetic disobedience” and pre-conversion participation in the sexual immorality of Greenwich Village. He thinks the latter aspect makes her relevant.

  • Blase Cupich op-ed: Planned Parenthood and the muted humanity of the unborn child

    08/11/2015 9:34:13 PM PDT · 1 of 25
    In this unbelievable op-ed piece, Archbishop Cupich of Chicago gives lip service to the horrendous revelations of videos released by the Center for Medical Progess ( He claims that the swell of shock and outrage is due to a "visceral reaction" and then goes on to redirect people's efforts to those social justice issues (ever expanding) so dear to left-wing Catholics who wear the "seamless garment" tailored by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin.

    By claiming that unemployment, health care, immigration, and capital punishment are on a par with the butchery of unborn children and sale of their parts and organs for profit, Cupich negates the horror of these revelations. The US pro-life movement has not been taken in by such efforts to hijack its energies and commitment to the right to life as the foremost life issue.

    Archbishop Cupich should hang his head in shame and apologize to the public for his asinine remarks.

    The outrage expressed is not a "visceral reaction," but a "human reaction"--unlike Cupich's wooden response.


    08/11/2015 7:43:06 PM PDT · 43 of 43
    ubipetrusest to jjotto

    Thanks, jjotto, for letting us know we can document this shift from the “horse’s mouth,” i.e., the USCCB itself. Will go to their site, as you advise.

    Simpson’s book gives a very quickly read and helpful summary.


    08/03/2015 8:36:01 AM PDT · 40 of 43
    ubipetrusest to Biggirl

    Thanks for posting this. What a disgrace! James Simpson in “The Red-Green Axis,” just published in 2015, explains how involved the Catholic hierarchy has been for decades in supporting open borders, amnesty, and the the sanctuary movement. Everyday Catholics have seen how the bishops got limper and limper on pro-life issues—Dolan being the prime example.

    Catholic Charities/USConference of Catholic Bishops is the LARGEST “Volag,” or Voluntary Agency, and about 59% of its income is from government sources. People can also hear Simpson on youtube.

    The inspiration for subverting Catholic agencies came from Saul Alinsky, aided and abetted by Msgr John Egan and Dorothy Day, who had dinner with Alinsky and praised him often in the pages of the “Catholic Worker”; see and Carol Byrne, “The Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980): A Critical Analysis,” (2010).

  • The big business of baby-part sales (Pres Clinton signs lucrative trafficking bill)

    07/24/2015 8:01:39 PM PDT · 17 of 19
    ubipetrusest to Liz

    I can’t thank you enough for posting this backup information on the sale of baby parts.

    The Clintons were told at a National Prayer Breakfast by Mother Teresa that abortion is wrong. It was like water off a duck’s back.

    Let’s hope Hillary’s current endorsement of PP’s body parts sales will cause many to see her as the unfit, evil potential candidate for President that she is; see

    Nancy Pelosi, who should have been excommunicated by the Catholic Church years ago, continues to serve the Powers of Darkness as she calls for an investigation of the whistleblowers, not dear, dear PP; see Nancy’s showing the effects of her age and her choices and doesn’t look as fresh as in the photo posted in another comment here.

  • Chinese Ballet at Lincoln Center Glorifies Violent Class Struggle That Killed My Great-Grandfather

    07/22/2015 7:34:58 AM PDT · 1 of 15
    The Chinese Communist government is seeking to whitewash its violent actions in this ballet, which is propaganda via the arts. This article from "Epoch Times," a publication that focuses on Asia and China, reveals how major US media such as the "New York Times" and the "Wall Street Journal" have naively accepted this ballet's pesentation of historical events, and corrects these publications' erroneous assumptions about the veracity of this version of murderous events. Author Leo Timm relates his own family's loss of his great-grandfather in this Maoist "purge."