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Posts by RunningJoke

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  • Colorado balloon boy’s family could get billed for rescue effort

    10/16/2009 10:39:32 AM PDT · 16 of 44
    RunningJoke to GoldStandard

    The Balloon Boy story is a perfect example of the USA’s largest political party, the Narcissistic Party. This party includes democrats, republicans and independents.

  • A Nightmare Before Christmas

    12/18/2008 6:32:28 PM PST · 12 of 12
    RunningJoke to SecAmndmt
    "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford
  • Crist signs orders for greener Florida (Florida Gov Barf Alert)

    07/14/2007 4:31:18 AM PDT · 9 of 49
    RunningJoke to jsh3180

    Politicians as a rule are not scientists. They are a layer of scum that floats to the top of public opinion. Public opinion is not formed by science either, it is basically emotion fed by propaganda. This would never had happened if people had turned off their TVs in the last 5 minutes of every nature show.

    I think the line from “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” fits this situation: “... it’s a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.”

  • TV and Print Media

    07/01/2007 6:58:45 AM PDT · 1 of 1
    I did not have a URL to post because I could not find an article that expressed my ideas.
  • How democracy works:the US immigration bill bites the dust

    06/29/2007 11:59:11 AM PDT · 2 of 4
    RunningJoke to Nextrush

    The media including Foxnews is stating the reason for the failure for the Immigration Bill was talk radio, like Americans are mindless robots that follow talk radio hosts. In my opinion, the Washington political reporters and the politicians live inside the beltway what they all seem to think is the rest of us don’t have a clue. This tells me that the Beltway is inhabited mostly by elites that will not stand to be questioned. Just look at the meltdown displayed by George Voinovich on the Hannity Radio Show.

    The only people that are following are the Washington DC community made up of blowhards both political and media.

    Build the wall!!!

  • Immigration/RINOs

    06/28/2007 9:22:01 AM PDT · 56 of 142
    RunningJoke to bmweezer

    Voinovich was on Sean Hannity’s radio show and Voinovich removed all doubt of his own ignorance on illegal immigration. He wilted from the questions fired at him by Hannity. He also told, Hannity he would never had come on the show if he knew it was going to be like that. This man is a coward and cannot defend his convictions.

    He was asked about the fairness doctrine and said, that he thought fairness was good. I cannot believe this ignoramus is a senator. He is clueless about what is going on. What does he do in DC attend parties?

  • Senate's energy bill ineffectual and anti-energy

    06/23/2007 4:24:39 PM PDT · 2 of 2
    RunningJoke to eth3l

    “Most of what most people think they know about energy is so very wrong that their convictions, heartfelt though they may be, lie beyond logical contradiction or refutation.” — Richard Feynman

  • Kyl calls talk radio liars

    06/21/2007 6:38:28 PM PDT · 13 of 164
    RunningJoke to fifedom

    Trent Lott is the Robert Byrd of the Republican party. Where’s the pork, I say my constituents need mo’ pork.

  • I have Bush Estrangement Syndrome (BES)

    06/01/2007 6:02:03 AM PDT · 38 of 39
    RunningJoke to Witchman63

    Although we can send men and material around the world to fight and win in two world wars and finance the rebuilding of Europe and Japan, we have extreme difficulty in building a wall, checking for forged documents and repatriating 12-20 million criminals with their country of origin. This is the group hallucination we live in today formed by pessimism, propaganda and polls. Could you imagine if these cake eating politicians had to cross a continent in a wagon pulled by oxen?

    It would be refreshing to see the federal government go after illegal aliens with the same vigor they go after tax evaders. Perhaps the illegal aliens have set a precedent; you can pick and choose the laws that you will abide to. If enough people do it you can overwhelm the system. What would happen if 20 million taxpayers decided, no more taxes? The worse you could expect is catch and release, a small price to pay to keep your income. Believe me building a wall along the border and repatriation is a piece of cake compared to adjudicating and imprisoning 20 million people for non-payment of taxes.

    “We used to wonder how in the nineteenth century it was possible for so few to have so much at the expense of the many. Now the wonder is that so many get so much at the expense of the few. A showdown between the few who work and the many who don’t will make a strange sort of revolution.” —Eric Hoffer

  • Where do I turn in my GOP card? (My vote can't help GOP after immigration bill passes- nothing can)

    05/30/2007 11:27:00 AM PDT · 44 of 51
    RunningJoke to freedomdefender

    George Bush is not a conservative, he is a liberal republican. Someday I see him using a church group to build houses for the helpless. Then and only then will the liberal media give him the credits he craves from them. His biggest weakness the need to be loved.

    Illegal aliens should be the rallying cry for a split in the Republican party. Most of the party will stay, just the arrogant elites will be gone.

  • Man On Trial For Sex With Dog

    05/29/2007 4:06:20 AM PDT · 30 of 31
    RunningJoke to Pinkbell
    "Sadly, the only reason the left is opposed to this sort of stuff is because the animals can’t verbally consent."

    Consent of the animal has nothing to do with it. Consent of the majority does. When the masses start to believe the propaganda then it becomes a right. Look at abortion; I doubt very much even if the unborn could they would not consent to being killed. It took activist judges to push this "right" upon us. And now is considered a right for a woman to abort.

    The problem is moral relativism. "By the 1960s moral relativism, an idea whose influence had been growing for centuries, had come to define academic culture. The dominant scholarly ideologies of the day were logical and legal positivism -- doctrines teaching that moral judgments are meaningless and that law rests on power alone. Adherents of a philosophy known as emotivism held that such "value judgments" are mere subjective expressions of opinion, and cannot be rationally defended." --In a Dark Wood, Alston Chase

    Eventually all perversions will become a right including bestiality. And one wonders why traditional cultures around the world are taking aim at the US. They are not fighting the idea of democracy; they are fighting against the lefts moral relativism. They don't want the culture of abortion, pornography and the homosexual agenda. Our society has embraced every vice and lost the concept of shame not unlike Rome. It is ironic that most of the soldiers fighting in Iraq are not Godless lefties fighting for the left but soldiers fighting for liberty for the Iraqis. Unfortunately, the left has dominated American culture for so long that traditional cultures only see our perversions.

    "A new philosophy generally means in practice the praise of some old vice." --G.K. Chesterton

    "Hesiod foresaw the day when Aidos (the goddess of shame) and Nemesis (the goddess who avenges offenses against shame) would forsake mankind "and bitter sorrow will be left for mortal man, and there will be no help against evil." --Eric Hoffer
  • Deep Stupidity and the Medicine for a Nightmare

    05/27/2007 6:01:30 PM PDT · 2 of 5
    RunningJoke to Yardstick
    "If someone were to ask me what is the most general symptom of this spiritual anemia, I would surely reply: indifference to both truth and falsehood. Today, propaganda proves whatever it wants to, and people more or less passively accept whatever it suggests. Of course, this indifference hides a weariness, something like a disgust with the faculty of judgment. But the faculty of judgment cannot be exercised without a certain interior pledge. Anyone who judges, pledges himself. Modern man does not pledge himself any more, because he no longer has anything to pledge. Called upon to side with truth or falsehood, good or evil, Christian man pledged his soul at the same time, that is to say he risked his salvation. Metaphysical faith was in him an inexhaustible source of energy. Modern man is still capable of judging, since he is still capable of reasoning. But his judgment doesn't function anymore than a motor functions without fuel, no part of the motor is missing, but there is no gas in the tank."

    "To many people, this indifference to truth and falsehood seems more comic than tragic. I find it tragic. It implies a frightful detachment, not only of the mind but of the entire person, even of the physical part of the person. Anyone who is indifferently open to truth or falsehood is ripe for any kind of tyranny. The passion for truth goes along with the passion for liberty. It is not for nothing that freedom of thought has always been regarded as the most precious of all the freedoms, the one upon which all others depend. I am not speaking here only of the freedom to express one's thoughts. For years, millions and millions of people in the world have not only allowed their freedom of thought to be torn away by force; they have voluntarily abandoned it, and will again, as in Russia. They consider this sacrifice laudable. Or rather, it isn't any sacrifice for them, but a habit which simplifies man terribly. The killers for the totalitarian regimes are recruited from among these terribly simplified men."
    --"The Last Essays of Georges Bernanos" 1955
  • Man On Trial For Sex With Dog

    05/27/2007 4:00:18 AM PDT · 5 of 31
    RunningJoke to napscoordinator

    The fruit of moral relativism.

  • Do Conservatives Hate Their Own Founder? (Kirk)

    05/23/2007 3:01:45 AM PDT · 30 of 30
    RunningJoke to Remember_Salamis
    You are confusing the meaning with the label. I was writing about the concept of capitalism not who named it.

    "Left refer to Capitalism NOT as the free market, but as the government-imposed system of controls"

    I don't know if you or the left are confused between capitalism and mecantilism.
  • Do Conservatives Hate Their Own Founder? (Kirk)

    05/22/2007 3:28:09 AM PDT · 26 of 30
    RunningJoke to Remember_Salamis

    Claiming someone founded conservatism is akin to saying, someone invented capitalism.

  • Some Thoughts on Immigration Reform

    05/20/2007 5:56:11 AM PDT · 4 of 13
    RunningJoke to PurpleMountains

    The problem is not immigration. The problem is illegal aliens. Leftist propaganda has infiltrated this forum. If you let the left define the argument you will never win.

    We have the logistical knowledge to send an army around the world and defeat an enemy in the field and yet we are overwhelmed by building a wall and rounding up 12 million illegals. The real problem is not the logistics its the same old politicians elected to office that lack the will to do the job. The media propaganda machine accepts the fact that deporting 12 million is impossible. The only way the corrupt governments will be overthrown is to send this mass of humanity back to their country of origin.

    Plug the holes and start the pumps.

  • Fred Thompson: Pro-Choice Republican

    05/19/2007 5:38:17 AM PDT · 169 of 169
    RunningJoke to flashbunny
    That image you posted is very interesting. Beyond the comparison, Roe v. Wade bypassed the entire law making process.

    "The left frequently poses as the champions of democracy. It has to, because liberals are generally committed to the democratic idea, and the left relies on liberal support to secure mainstream legitimacy for its agenda. Recall, however, that the left has won virtually all of its victories in America not through the democratic process but by going around it. How did abortion become legal? How did the left get its radical doctrine of secularism adopted? How has the left managed to overturn all laws against pornography? How is gay marriage being pushed today? In every case, the left has relied on the courts to declare a "right" and then enforce that right against the will of the American people and their elected representatives. In this sense, the biggest victories of the cultural left in the past few decades have all been achieved undemocratically." --Dinesh D'Souza, The Enemy at Home
  • Sen. Kennedy defends immigration bill

    05/18/2007 6:16:28 AM PDT · 34 of 69
    RunningJoke to Dick Bachert
    Does America have any adults? These are the solutions expected from children. Where's the fight? I am assuming the republicans are afraid of the drive-by media propaganda machine, they'll do and say anything to get re-elected.

    "If not us, who? If not now, when?"
  • Global Warming

    02/14/2007 1:59:31 PM PST · 4 of 10
    RunningJoke to ml/nj
    "While it may be cute to deride the Global Warming crowd because of the snow and cold that we are experiencing, it just descends to their level."

    You have not noticed the lefts favorite form of persuasion. Keep telling lies as many times as you can. To offset this one should mock them just as may times.

    "Unfortunately, the idea of the self-regulating ecosystem was based on a mistake. It had been derived more from Norbert Weiner's cybernetics(abstract mathematics) than from empirical data. And by the mid-1980s, most ecologists would realize that the fundamental assumption of this mathematics --the notion of self-regulation--was false. There is no balance of nature. Living systems aren't like thermostats. They don't self-regulate. They experience constant, random, and extreme change. The biologists of this era failed to find balance, not because ecosystems everywhere were on the verge of collapse but because there never had been any balance to find." --Alston Chase (A Mind For Murder)

    “When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power”
  • Nothing Flat About Tortilla Prices [Ethanol in USA]

    01/19/2007 4:28:07 AM PST · 19 of 20
    RunningJoke to BunnySlippers

    "It is typical of the intellectual confusion in the environmentalist movement that many of its more extreme activists attack the wicked capitalists and imperialists and related globalization while simultaneously pressurizing governments to implement policies that can only impoverish developing countries -- simply in order to pander to the prejudices of well meaning but ill-informed people in the rich countries or to the "power-seeking" agendas of bureaucrats." --A Poverty of Reason Wilfred Beckerman