12/09/2019 11:57:58 AM PST
· 23 of 40 aNYCguy
to wildcard_redneck
I trust the reporting of InfoWars far more than I do yours.
That's because you're a credulous know-nothing.
InfoWars appeals to two overlapping audiences: Gape-mouthed know-nothings, and crazy people. I'm doing you a favor by assuming you're not a crazy person.
Presumably they’d call it a lynching. That’s what the word means, after all. If you think the POTUS is currently being subjected to a “hanging without a trial,” I’m not sure what to tell you.
I have no desire for war or to be forced to take anyones life (or for anyone to take mine for that matter). But, like early patriots, I am willing to fight if I must.
Son, the "reluctant warrior hero" shtick was mortifying even before it got old. We all know you're not getting up off your couch no matter what happens, tough guy.
Exactly right. No one’s going to try storming the base, anyways, but even if they did, the Air Force isn’t going to kill anyone. Some basic riot dispersion will do it.
Oh, this sounds good. I haven’t heard this conspiracy theory yet. You think Scalia was assassinated, perhaps by some state-sponsored agent armed with a top-secret weapon that makes you die in your sleep from old age?
06/20/2019 5:01:44 PM PDT
· 20 of 60 aNYCguy
to Robert A Cook PE
Seems like you’re taking the position that the government is indeed not trampling people’s 1A rights, but you’re upset anyways about something or other the Democrats and media are doing. Is that about it?
Naw, I’m just giving you feedback that the story as-told is entirely unconvincing. Maybe you hang out with rubes and usually get the oh-gee response you’re looking for.