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Prayer request thread, 6/1
the good hearts of FR | 6/1/06 | Knitting a Conundrum

Posted on 06/01/2006 5:55:41 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum

Prayer Needs:

Prayer requests for members of our armed forces:
Tracey, Sgt. Kevin Downs (injured), stm, nckerr, Jason

Special Ongoing Prayer Requests:

Prayer Vigil for the Immigration Issue - please consider joining us in a 24 hour a day prayer vigil to lift up our leaders, especially the House and the conference committees on the immigration issue:

Please remember to pray for our military.  Between dealing with the enemy overseas, and the enemies of the military at home, they need our prayers and good wishes and support.

Please pray for all those touched by the earthquake in Java.  Over 4000 people have perished.
(latest internation disaster situation reports are here:   News search is here )

RexFamilia posts about a program to pray for the safety of America:   Every evening at 9:00 pm Eastern Time (8:00 pm Central) (6:00 pm Pacific), give one minute praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our citizens, and for peace in the world.

A Freeper asks us  to remember Tony Snow in our prayers in his job as White House Press Secretary.

delphinium  is asking for prayers for her and all who work in the pro-life movement.
Please lift up the following in your prayers today: 

Ciexyz reports this good news: "My family member has been moved from the hospital back to his nursing home, and is doing much better. They are working on getting him comfortable in sitting up in a chair. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness to his sick ones, and thanks everyone for your prayers."

From KAC: My brother is going to have back surgery tomorrow.  Please remember him in your prayers.

Update on LadyX from WVNan :  Maggie's daughter called me earlier today. The news is not what we wanted. Her right foot and leg have been too compromised and must be removed below the knee. The surgery will be tomorrow. Jen promised to keep us updated. I asked how Maggie was taking it and she said that she is taking it pretty well (as we know she would). She will have a connection with those Marines who have lost limbs in Iraq now. I wish we could find her a Purple Heart. Both her sons have arrived from Fla. and Jen is taking care of her Dad.

The other thing. For those of you who wish to send her a private message, you can do that via Freepmail and her son will print them out and take them to her. He is registered here at FR. For cards, the address for the hospital is near the beginning of this thread.  We now must be very earnest with our prayers. The lady is going to need them. God bless you all, and God bless Maggie and her family.

WakeUpAndVote reports this sad news: "This is a general post to the canteeners to updated you or give you word on what is going on with Skyraider's Wife (Old Sarge's and My Mother) . She suddenly passed on Friday the 26th. The calls to the family went out to the kids, but one was doing his Duty in Iraq. It was my job to get in contact with him.
There are a few members of FreeRepublic that came thru in our time of need. You know who you are. We were able to contact Old Sarge and he was on a satellite phone to our house within 10 hours of our call out to FR's members. The Marines that were near him gave him a satellite phone and Father and Son were in contact.  The Red Cross found him two hours later and started the process to get him home, in time for the viewing and burial. This is all less than 4 days time. We thank you all for you messages and prayers. Please ping all that need to see this.  Wake, and Skyraider.

Tennessee_Bob is looking for prayer support on a job interview:   He has an update about how  the interview: went:

alpha-8-25-02 reports this update on  his uncle Big Frank from his aunt : "i was touched and strengthened when i read the prayers for my sweetheart, its hard to believe this is happening to him. they want to do surgery thursday for a brain tumor. we are going to ck things our first. they think its a tumor about 80% sure they said but cannot tell it its malignant or benign until they take a biopsy. we of course are incredulous cz he looks good, they gave him anti siezure meds and a steroid to reduce swelling in the brain. its so scary. going to go to a couple of places tomorrow with films in hand to get more information. maybe will end up at roswelll cz they are supposed to have an excellent team. please please keep lifting him in prayer honey, he needs it so. i am claiming victory thru the beautiful name of Jesus that this will be ok and my honey will be restored by our Savior. i thank you and bless you and all the prayer warriers, love aunt ro"

Please keep FReeper SoFarRight, BlackbirdSST's wife in your prayers. She has started chemo, and BlackbirdSST tells us: "While the diagnosis on my wife is still pretty grim, she/we are fighting tooth and nail. We are lucky in the sense that we moved to an area (Billings, MT), that has one of the most highly rated Cancer Centers in the Nation. We had no idea. These people are GREAT! She is participating in a treatment clinical trial and study group, and she is recieving the most advanced Chemo treatments known (Avastin)and some others, whose name escapes me at the moment. "
Original thread:

Please remember a friend of mine who is having a really rough time financially as she struggles to raise her children. Please join me in praying that her financial troubles will resolve in a way that lets her meet her needs and take care of her family, that the doors open that she needs to do this, and that she can find peace of mind while dealing with this difficult time

BellStar is sending out this prayer need:  "My little friend C.C. has cancer and is in a worsened condition as she fights for her young teenage life. Her mother writes: "Well I guess I should have prayed for her not to get sicker instead of praying for a good day. She is still throwing up and now having chills and low grade fever..and still a lower blood pressure then normal. They are culturing her lines again. So please pray for her."

ladtx has this update on his wife: "All your prayers have helped, we just got the results of the biopsy back and all the nodules are benign. The doctor just wants to follow up in about 4-5 months. If the nodules become uncomfortable to her then she may have surgery to remove. Thanks one and all for your prayers and thoughtfulness.

Latest on Bigg Redd's Mom: "Mother seems to be determined to get better and is responding well to physical therapy. She walked about 6 feet yesterday while holding on to paralell bars!! I could tell by her grimacing that it was difficult for her, but she did it. Our gracious Lord is watching over her!  Please, please continue to pray for her."

Army MP Retired asks for prayer for his wife who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer:  UPDATE:
"We met with the DR today. Anita will have the tumor and the lymph nodes in her breast area removed surgically a week from today. That will be followed by radiation treatments in the area around the tumor, and that will be followed by several months of chemotherapy."

Update on Zac's Mom:
(I'm afraid this is a week old, dated the 18th.  I'm sorry I missed it.) : Hi Heels reports:
"I spoke to Tom this afternoon. ZM is holding her own, still recovering from the removal of several tumors and a portion of one of her lungs. The doctors are trying to enrich her health to withstand the chemotherapy that is to come. She is unable to talk or chat on the computer right now due to the pain of the operation and as her body adapts to having the partial lungectomy (sp?). She's still in good spirits, and thanks all of you for the prayers and wonderful thoughts the last couple of months. Thank for for continuing to keep her in your prayers and in your hearts"

WV Mountain Mama asks for prayers for a desperately sick baby:
(most recent update:

Brad's Gramma tells us that Beth, the mother of baby Logan who so many have prayed for is having serious health issues with Menieres Disease. Keep her in your prayers.

Knitting a Conundrum asks: "I am having some tests run for a chronic problem that has flared up and made me quite ill lately. I would appreciate your prayers."

Please pray for Donna who has cancer that has spread into her hip and lung.

Fatima tells us that the young people who lost a friend to suicide are doing much better.

Please remember Alan who needs to be lifted up in prayer right now.

Please lift up nckerr in your prayers.
Scarchin's dad went in for bypass surgery, which was successful.

securityMama has asked us to pray for a young New Orleans police officer who was shot in the line of duty.  Report last night is that he made it through surgery and was talking, but still critical.

Sally'sConcerns has this update on her sister and also on her own prayer needs: "I haven't been able to post much as I've been running back and forth between doctors myself. Sometime in the next few weeks I'll probably be scheduled to have corrective stomach surgery and be in the hospital 5-7 days. My sister, Alexis the Bengal Kitty, goes Monday to see the breast surgeon about removal of a pre-cancerous lump. From there it will be to have more tests done on the ovary to determine if it is cancerous or not."

Please pray for a friend of Alamo-Girl's. The friend's mother has been diagnosed with a cancerous polyp in her colon. Sadly, the cancer has already invaded her liver. Surgery is scheduled next week.  Please lift up both the friend and her mother in your prayers.

Quix asks us to pray for Jason who is in Special Forces and having a really rough time of it after a personal loss:

infool7 reports: "I just received an email from Bill [the brother who has been missing]: 'sorry tell everyone im fine just a little under the weather will contact them soon so dont worry love bill.'  I don't know where he is right now but he must be OK. Ill keep everyone posted. Thank You everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

DLfromthedesert sends this update on her and her friend Tonie:  Thank you as always. Prayers for all who need them. I wanted to give you an update. Talked to Tonie yesterday; she's able to walk much better. Thanks you all .... I go to the doctor on Tuesday; I hope to get my cast off; mobility in arm getting better each day.

Update on Muleteam1's mother:  My sister remained at the hospital all night and all today while they gave my mom tests. The doctors now seem more concerned for her stomach pains than anything else and are treating her with, what sounds like, painkillers. They did find a "very large" polyp in her colon but they believe it is not the cause of her pain or most of the bleeding. Due to her age, they will not try to remove the polyp but will do a biopsy (if that makes sense?). They have my mom scheduled for a cat scan as soon as they can schedule her in so maybe we will know more tomorrow.

Please rememberEagle6's youngest sister who had surgery:  She should be coming home from the hospital soon.

Betteboop reports: "A further update on Carol. She had some more tests (bone scan, etc) and they all came back negative, so she is pretty upbeat now. Tomorrow is her lots of prayers are appreciated. She won't know, till afterwards, what sort of chemo or radiation she'll need. Right now she just wants to move on to the next stage and put this all behind her! Thanks for all your support and prayers!"

Please pray for a friend of mine who is having a flareup of a chronic condition she has.

Please pray for Bigg Red's mother Marie, who has broken her hip.

Franky asks prayers: "For my cousin John who had a stroke and has drifted off into a coma. He is 87 and his wife passed on this past fall."

HoustonCurmudgeon sends out this prayer emergency:  "My wife's younger sister Denise, had breast cancer 3 or 4 years ago. It returned two years ago as bone cancer that was found when her arm snapped at the gym. She has been sick for a year with the new Chemo and radiation. This week the doctors found a brain tumor and now she is headed for the emergency room and it appears her leg has broken.  She is a fine Texas lady and has raised a step son and two of her own children, all to adulthood. "

Loyalist asks: "Please pray for my grandmother, who died  at the age of 90 following several months of severe health problems. I tried to talk to Dad today but he's in a very bad state and taking her death pretty hard; he was down at her place the last couple of days and just got back home."

Aggie Mama asks "I would like to ask for prayers for my father. He was doing business with a company who it turns out was scamming my father and lots of other suppliers. Although it won't destroy the business he built from the ground up, it will take him several years to recover. My dad is distraught and depressed, and blaming himself for not seeing the scam sooner"

Please pray for Denise who is having personal problems right now.

Tuscalousa Goldfinch sends this update: "My dad has had some positive developments in his situation, keep praying. Also, my son still does not have a job, but his wife has gotten a good job, so we are thankful to the Lord for that! Please keep praying for my son, thanks. "

Houmatt is asking for prayers for Dawn who is dealing with suicidal depression.

MamaB's husband has been diagnosed with terminal cancer:

Huntress asks for prayer for her cousin Carol. . She has acute myelogenous leukemia and her condition is very serious.

Salvation needs to be lifted up in prayer due to some health issues at this time.

Meanie monster asks: Please pray for my dear friend Hexe who has advanced uterine cancer. She is a special friend, angel, and sweetheart. Thank You All Very Very Much, and God Bless You All!

Neil E. Wright asks for us to pray for a young police officer with hemochromatosis:

One of our freepers has a son in dire need of being lifted up as he struggles with personal issues.

Please continue to remember in your prayers/ (if you have updates on these please let me know):

Jacob,Fightin' Spirit, Jason,  Paul Weyrich, LibreOuMort, Noah, Mary Secretary, James, cgk, Haim, Paul and Lynette, Don, Carol, alnick,  PastorBooks, Mable,  Jeffrey_D, Linda AND her son, Paul and Denise, GAB-1955, Freeper's mom with emphysema,. redgolum's cousin's fiance, Awestruck's daughter,  mak5's wife Mary,  Fr. Karl Pulvermacher,
Bassalope's brother David, MILESJESU and his mother, Fudd Fan's sister

If you know anyone who needs prayer, and would like me to add them to this list, drop me a message or post it on this thread.

If you have updates, please drop me a freepmail or post it here.

Please let me know if you would like to be pinged when this is posted or if you would like me to take you off the ping list.

TOPICS: Prayer
KEYWORDS: pray; prayer; prayerrequest; prayers
Lord, Be with us all, but especially, we ask you to be with those named here, who we know need your help in a special way.

Watch over our leaders and guide them in the way you would have them go.

Protect our military both from the enemy they face to defend our country, and those who would destroy them for political gain at home.

Teach us to love you more, and be your lights in this dark world.

In the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Amen.

1 posted on 06/01/2006 5:55:45 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum
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To: wallcrawlr; aCDNinUSA; Quix; Marysecretary; Zacs Mom; alnick; Albion Wilde; Awestruck; franky; ...

Your prayer requests have been listed on or linked to the prayer request roundup thread today.

Feel free to ping or add updates to the thread. God bless.

2 posted on 06/01/2006 5:56:28 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: alnick; Jaded; alpha-8-25-02; Quix; Alamo-Girl; fatima; PilloryHillary; anonymoussierra; ...

prayer request ping!

3 posted on 06/01/2006 5:56:52 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

Prayers, especially for those who have most need of His mercy.

4 posted on 06/01/2006 7:02:32 AM PDT by infool7 (Ignorance isn’t bliss its slavery in denial)
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To: infool7


5 posted on 06/01/2006 7:15:33 AM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

I join in prayer for all of these!

6 posted on 06/01/2006 7:17:10 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: WVNan; LadyX; alnick; Jaded; alpha-8-25-02; Quix; Alamo-Girl; fatima; PilloryHillary; ...

update and serious prayer needs:

From WVNan

UPDATE: I just talked to Mr. LadyX. Maggie's lower right leg was removed yesterday and her husband said that she seemed to be doing very well until they gave her some pain medicine, which she had received before without any problem. This time, however, it knocked her out and he said he couldn't wake her. He called in a nurse, who called in a doctor. She finally woke a little but she couldn't move her left arm or left leg and he said the doctor wants to rule out a stroke. They say it may just be the medicine. When he left the hospital she was stil not fully awake, but the nurse had reassured him that if it was a stroke, it was a mini-stroke.

So here is our assignment for the eveining. Pray that she is only reacting to the drug and that she will be fully awake and fine by morning. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers.

7 posted on 06/01/2006 4:12:41 PM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

Update on Fightin' Spirit!

And this is good news:

8 posted on 06/01/2006 4:14:46 PM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

This may be like a selfish thing, but anyone who has ever loved a pet will understand. My Maltese, Lambchop, has a heart problem and isn't responding to medication. He is like my child, and I am so worried about him. If anyone is so inclined, please pray for him. He is such a sweet little dog, and needs help. Thanks.

9 posted on 06/01/2006 5:24:46 PM PDT by ladyinred
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To: ladyinred

Hi Lady, I know what it is to love a dog like your own child. I'll keep sweet little lambchop in my prayers as well as the rest of my FReeper family that need guidance and healing. They are all very special to me and I wish I could hug each and every one of you! Bless you all!

10 posted on 06/01/2006 5:34:44 PM PDT by derllak
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To: ladyinred

I understand completely...I have a little terrier who is like that to me...she's getting old and I am dreading what I know must happen in a few years. Prayers for you and your Lambchop.

11 posted on 06/01/2006 6:09:50 PM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: WVNan; alnick; Jaded; alpha-8-25-02; Quix; Alamo-Girl; fatima; PilloryHillary; anonymoussierra; ...

Another, not happy update on LadyX From WVNan

FURTHER UPDATE: Just received a call from Steve. He pretty much repeated what Maggie's husband told me except that he has talked to the hospital since his Dad talked to them. They tell him they are pretty sure that it was a stroke. They have done a CAT scan this evening and will do the MRI tomorrow. They are treating her for stroke. Steve is at home and tired from his trip. Being in the medical field, he does not sound as hopeful as his Dad sounded. Let us pray that the indomitable spirit of our lady Marine prevails. God grant her strength and healing.

12 posted on 06/01/2006 7:36:05 PM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum
An update I rcvd from our family friends.

I asked:

Do you have an update? Just wondering what to pray for.

and rcvd this reply today:

Communication has broken down on that end. There have been no new updates that I have been informed of. I believe my brother was not being straight forward in some of the original information that he was telling family members. Last I heard both mother and baby were fine and expected to make it until the 24th of June when they will do a c-section. Sorry I don't have more info. You could pray that my brother would recommit his life to Jesus and that some of the very disfunctional relationships in my family would be healed.

13 posted on 06/01/2006 8:31:17 PM PDT by wallcrawlr (
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To: wallcrawlr

That is much better news than I expected to hear!

We will keep them in prayer here, and hopefully, when that new life rests in Daddy's arms he will be open to see the world differently...

14 posted on 06/01/2006 8:35:20 PM PDT by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum


The baby will be ok.

I would say thats the best info ever.

All other problems are secondary to that and it would seem that there are definately some other issues that family needs to deal with.

15 posted on 06/02/2006 5:42:31 AM PDT by wallcrawlr (
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

I continue to pray LadyX and all her loved ones!

16 posted on 06/02/2006 6:46:30 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

Been away for a week at my daughter's wedding, looks as if I have missed a lot of prayer requests. I am praying for each person on your list.

17 posted on 06/02/2006 8:55:52 PM PDT by MontanaBeth (Never under estimate the enemy.)
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