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It’s Time To Hold Progressives To Their Own Standards ^ | September 22, 2013 | Dereki Hunter

Posted on 09/22/2013 3:25:52 AM PDT by Kaslin

If there’s one thing liberals/progressives can’t handle it is being held to their own standards. They support higher taxes but shelter their wealth in trusts and tax havens, which already is earned and no longer taxable as income, so they can avoid the death tax. They claim “the rich” aren’t paying their “fair share” and decry “loopholes” but then avail themselves of every deduction their accountants can find. They will not live the way they seek to impose on others unless and until it is imposed on others, and then only maybe.

In the case of Obamacare, Members of Congress of both parties did not want to give up their superior health insurance for the system they imposed on the rest of us. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, saw this for the hypocrisy it is and proposed an amendment to the bill that forced members and their staff to do just that. It made the final cut in the bill because to oppose it would be to admit before passage the system progressives sought to force on Americans was inferior to what existed.

Now that it’s the law, well, that’s a different story. Congress, with significant pressure from President Obama, forced the Office of Personnel Management to “reinterpret” the law to allow significant subsidies (our money) to be paid to them and their staff to cover the cost of premiums. If you’re in a similar income bracket and situation in the private sector you can’t get the deal they gave themselves.

That’s just one of many little “quirks” in the Obamacare saga. President Obama has waived unworkable pieces, unpopular pieces (for “the right people,” not you) and simply ignored others. Deadlines written into the law are optional when the president wants them to be but set in stone when Republicans and the American people do.

That’s why Friday the House of Representatives passed a continuing resolution that would fund every part of government except Obamacare. Only the Democrat-controlled Senate will never pass it and the president has said he’d veto it if they did.

The vote Friday was every bit as symbolic as anything else proposed by those hoping to repeal or postpone this mess, though it was nice to see Republican Leadership in the House “grow a pair” for once. But it’s temporary.

This battle should have been fought from the beginning, and continuously. It wasn’t.

From the beginning, Republican leadership in the House has been playing checkers while Democrats and the White House have been playing chess. If they’d been smart (and principled, which has been the biggest problem) they would have gone the other route.

Once the president started to delay, change and ignore parts of his own law, Republicans should have gone straight to court to force Democrats to implement the law as written or repeal it. They wanted it, they wrote it and they passed it – they should be made to live with it.

They can’t live with it, of course, because it’s a horribly written law that was designed to fail. Only it wasn’t designed to fail early, it was designed to fail eventually.

Obamacare was always a step on the road to a full single-payer health system. A step that, by design, was meant to get people used to the concept of the government providing health insurance, but administered by the private sector. After a few years it would fail because of the small box in which those private companies were forced to exist is suffocating. When the system became unsustainable, progressives would step in with “Well, we tried the private sector and it didn’t work. Now the government has to take over.” That wouldn’t be true, of course, but when has that ever stopped them?

But the law was such a bad piece of legislation from conception to execution that the wheels have begun to fall off before it even starts. This presents a problem for Democrats because the private sector can’t be blamed if the problems exist before the private sector has any part in it. So you get these Band-Aids, these splints on a broken leg in desperation to get what parts they can over the finish line in the hope the ultimate failure can be directed where they need it to be.

Had Republicans demanded the law be followed as written, that inevitable collapse could not have been blamed on the private sector. But that would have required strategic thinking, which the other side does but we do not.

That’s why I suggest we hold liberals to their own standards, in all cases and in all things.

When Rush Limbaugh made his Sandra Fluke joke the left mobilized and to this day remain in combat mode. They harass him and his sponsors constantly. Rush apologized, but that wasn’t good enough. When Republican candidates no one had ever heard of made stupid comments about rape, every Republican was made to answer for them. Democrats had three prominent perverts in the news in San Diego and New York in the last month, people who did abhorrent things – not just say them – and it took weeks for any Democrat to be asked to simply distance themselves from them.

Even on a smaller scale, the left attacks anyone on the right for any perceived slight. Media Matters, the progressive lie factory that programs MSNBC, trolls blogs and unleashes its Soros-paid flying monkeys on anyone who commits the only sin that exists to a progressive – disagreeing with them.

Progressives will attack and taunt people after they leave the public stage, even after they die (just Google Andrew Breitbart). They have no concern for decency they will dance on the grave of any “sinner” every chance they get.

We should return the favor.

Have you heard of Allan Brauer? He’s a man who is among about a half-dozen trolls who’ve completed the trifecta of disgusting that will get me to block someone on Twitter. That trifecta, any one of which will get me to block someone, consists of racism, sexism and homophobia.

Brauer, a gay progressive whose only goal online seems to be to get people to respond in-kind, routinely spews bile and makes threats and disgusting comments of all sorts because he thinks he’s better, more enlightened than those who disagree with him. He engages in what’s common among many, mostly anonymous Twitter trolls who have more holes in his belt than IQ points – taking their anger out on the world 140 characters at a time. Only Allan isn’t anonymous and seems to be of normal intelligence, which makes simply being a jackass the best option to explain his actions.

He also was, at least until Friday when he resigned, the communications chair for the Democratic Party of Sacramento, Calif. That is until he couldn’t control himself and had to respond to Sen. Ted Cruz’s senior communications adviser Amanda Carpenter (formerly of Townhall) with a tweet reading, “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.”

This was just the first of a string of tweets attacking any and everyone who sinned against the thought police. (I won’t link to them individually because I don’t want to give him the attention that seems to arouse him, but here’s a good summary.) He eventually apologized, but given his history it’s doubtful anything will change.

I write this because were conservatives to treat Allan Brauer the way progressives treat their political opponents, every time he engaged in any political discourse this (and his other comments) would be trotted out like a scarlet letter to discredit him. Moreover, the media would demand to know how a man with a history of such violent comments could be placed in a position of authority in a major political party. But they won’t.

He works for a company called “Writing It For You,” that posted and deleted a defense of Brauer’s right to spew the bile he did under the title “Dealing With Irrational People.” (Guess who the irrational people were? HINT: Not Allan.)

“Writing It For You” does exactly what it sounds like – writes (papers, articles, anything, for people who can’t get their words out of their heads. They seem to share Allan’s politics, if not his tactics. Were conservatives playing by the rules progressives operate under, they’d write thousands of pieces on this so they’d show up in the searches Brauer’s prospective clients perform on his work. And they’d write them continually, the way the left attacked Andrew Breitbart on the day he died and still attacks him today.

But we probably won’t.

Allan Brauer is small potatoes, a wannabe who lost his position because he couldn’t control his hate for people who disagree with him and wished death on children. He’s not unique, he’s just public. And it was public when the Democrats of Sacramento brought him on board, it just wasn’t widely known because who cares about some communications chair in some random city?

Progressives would have.

I’d bet you dollars to donuts that progressives do background searches on anyone associated with a group opposing their beliefs. I’d also guess the Democrat Party of Sacramento knew what Allan was like (it’s certainly not hidden, he’s put it out there for the world to see), but they didn’t care. In fact, they agreed. But he finally crossed the line in a way that got unwanted attention and had to go. The sentiment most likely remains.

I’d like to see conservatives play the game progressives play, the game Allan engages in. One where when someone searches for him long after he passes, stories of his vile, hateful public tweets are first results returned. May the words he sent out into the world be a scarlet letter that follows him the rest of his days. And the same goes for every progressive hypocrite who routinely makes racist, sexist, homophobic, hate-filled remarks, or cheats on their spouse, engages in corruption or refuses to live up to the standards they impose on others.

Distasteful as is seems, this is the world progressives have created in politics today. The high-road has a nice view and a strategic advantage in a traditional battle, but we’re in a guerilla war. Conservatives have to decide if we want to win or have the satisfaction of righteousness while liberty is stripped away.

What does this guy have to do with Obamacare? Well, like the tagline for the great HBO series The Wire said, “It’s all connected.” Holding progressives to their own standards, their own rules, is the best way to win. Be it some lone hatemonger in California or a whole party and the law they bribed through Congress, maybe we should hang their actions over them like a cloud every single day so there is no doubt who they are and what they want. These are their rules, not mine.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: 0bamacarenightmare; allanbrauer; amandacarpenter; california; democrats; dnc; hypocrisy; liberalpolicies; obamacaresubsidy; obamacarewaiver; progressives; resident0bama; sacramento; standards; tedcruz

1 posted on 09/22/2013 3:25:53 AM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

Excellent article. Republicans SHOULD HAVE went to court the moment Obama started issuing waivers and exemptions. I actually at first wanted this to be implemented, so that every American can see the failure of progressive policies.

2 posted on 09/22/2013 4:04:04 AM PDT by Extremely Extreme Extremist (Governor Sarah Heath Palin for President of the United States in 2016)
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To: Kaslin

If progressives have any standards at all, they are extremely flexible, their principles are that of lies, deceit, and fanaticism.

3 posted on 09/22/2013 4:04:06 AM PDT by PoloSec ( Believe the Gospel: how that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again)
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To: Kaslin

Good article...wish it was required reading for Republicans

4 posted on 09/22/2013 4:07:16 AM PDT by blueyon (The U. S. Constitution - read it and weep)
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To: Kaslin

Alright until he starts talking about “homophobes”. He has allowed the left to make up words and define them for him.

5 posted on 09/22/2013 4:15:56 AM PDT by Graybeard58 (_.. ._. .. _. _._ __ ___ ._. . ___ ..._ ._ ._.. _ .. _. .)
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To: Extremely Extreme Extremist

One big thing missing though is the media carries the Dems water. It doesn’t matter when the Rs do these things nobody ever knows. It doesn’t matter when the Dems say things nobody ever knows. There is a large percent of the population that only gets its news from the alphabet channels. They do not seek out the truth. They believe right now that the economy is doing great. They don’t believe their own eyes. Inflation is low but scratch their heads on why fuel and food costs are so high.

6 posted on 09/22/2013 4:18:42 AM PDT by pas
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To: Graybeard58

> Alright until he starts talking about “homophobes”. He has allowed the left to make up words and define them for him.

Homophobe is probably not the best word brcause it implies fear. The feeling is more like disgusted or repulsed by a mentally ill sexual deviant that just ain’t right...: )

7 posted on 09/22/2013 4:37:58 AM PDT by jsanders2001
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To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Republicans SHOULD HAVE went to court the moment Obama started issuing waivers and exemptions.

Exactly. Roberts ruled it was a tax, therefore with Obama giving exemptions, it amounts to unequal taxation under the law. Also, taxing is in the power of the House, not the Executive branch. Before it was ruled a tax and was just administrative fines, then it was in the Executive branches purview. But like anything else with Obama, he flaunts the law and they let him get away with it.

8 posted on 09/22/2013 5:03:24 AM PDT by TheCipher (Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself- Mark Twain)
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To: Kaslin
Nancy Pelosi now famously said “You have to pass it to find out what is in it.” The Democrats, without a single solitary Republican vote rammed it through using unprecedented legislative schemes. Now, the American people HAVE FOUND OUT WHAT IS IN IT. And they are rejecting it. To add insult, the Democrats in congress and their staffs don't like what they have done either so they are getting the BIG GOVRNMENT BUREAUCRACY they control to give them a dispensation.

“Congress, with significant pressure from President Obama, forced the Office of Personnel Management to “reinterpret” the law to allow significant subsidies (our money) to be paid to them and their staff to cover the cost of premiums. If you’re in a similar income bracket and situation in the private sector you can’t get the deal they gave themselves.”

We now know what's in it and we are rejecting it. This is a real “RED LINE” and the test is to see if Obama has the guts to cross it. It is he who will not negotiate and who will be responsible for a government shut down, not those who are fighting these elitist's hypocrisy.

9 posted on 09/22/2013 5:22:04 AM PDT by RedEyeJack
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To: RedEyeJack

good read

10 posted on 09/22/2013 5:27:22 AM PDT by ptsal (Repubicans swallowing more kool-aide from Rove & Kristol)
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To: RedEyeJack
And that arrogant pos occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave refuses to take No for an answer. It's either his way or the Highway.

Remember when President Bush tried to get Social Security reformed, by giving the people the choice to use private plans for their retirement? He saw that it would not go through and gave up. 0bama instead is acting like a spoiled brat who is not getting way and is having a temper tantrum.

Can you imagine how the drive-by-media would have reacted if President Bush had acted this way?

11 posted on 09/22/2013 5:39:55 AM PDT by Kaslin (He needed the ignorant to reelect him, and he got them. Now we all have to pay the consequenses)
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To: Kaslin
The more we lower the taxes of the rich the fewer Republicans there are among that class and the more the remaining Republicans are feckless. Why on earth do we give tax cuts and loopholes to the people who own the liberal press? And just look at the rich “republicans” who are burning up the phone lines to get amnesty so they can make money in the socialist paradise that they are helping to create by amnestry. They are now proving Lenins’s dictum that the capitalist will sell the rope to his own hanging. If these people are not going to be conservatives then they should pay the damn taxes.
12 posted on 09/22/2013 5:43:56 AM PDT by amnestynone (Lindsey Graham is feckless, duplicitous, treacherous, double dealing backstabbing Corksucker.)
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To: All

A Progressive Holding Onto His Own Standards.

13 posted on 09/22/2013 6:16:21 AM PDT by Liz
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To: TheCipher; Extremely Extreme Extremist
Republicans SHOULD HAVE gone to court the moment Obama started issuing waivers and exemptions----USSC Justice Roberts ruled O/care was a tax (not a mandate), therefore with Obama's exemptions, it amounts to unequal taxation under the law. Only the House has the power of taxation....not the Executive branch. Obama is a serial scofflaw---he flagrantly flaunts our sacrosanct US laws, and gets away with it.

Mad as hell and wont take it anymore? We know the O/Care ship is listing---ready to heave--- maybe do a Costa Concordia into the Potomac. Here's how to middle-finger the Obama/crats:

THE BAD NEWS KEEPS COMING--Reuters reports the US government on Wednesday scaled back its projections for Obamacare's impact in 2014, saying the law would generate slower healthcare spending growth and provide coverage to only half as many of America's uninsured as anticipated last year.

The biggest factor in the change stems from the U.S. Supreme Court verdict last year allowing each state to decide whether to expand the public Medicaid program for the poor under Obama's healthcare reform law. Republican leaders in nearly half of the nation's 50 states have rejected the expansion.

HHS now expects 11 million uninsured Americans to obtain coverage next year, down from about 22 million projected a year ago, according to the report, which appeared in the journal Health Affairs. (Excerpt) Read more at ...


There's also lawsuits and state problems.

HERE'S HOW THEY'RE STOPPING OBAMACARE A West Virginia nonprofit has turned down a federal grant it received to help residents navigate new health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act after it received an inquiry from Attorney General Patrick Morrisey about how it would protect consumer information. Clarksburg-based West Virginia Parent Training Inc. did not respond to a letter it received from Morrisey directing it to answer 26 questions about the group's personnel and hiring practices, including employee background checks and employee monitoring programs, the Sunday Gazette-Mail ( reported. (Excerpt) Read more at ...

YOUR TURN--Contact your state AG---ask him/her to issue a letter of inquiry to groups receiving federal "Navigator" grants. The inquiry should center on questions WRT how the group intends to protect consumer data.

In particular, the questionnaire should ask if the tax-funded "Navigator" program intends to transfer personal/ financial/medical data of the insured to the local/county/national Democrat Party, relevant Unions, banks, investment companies, drug companies, insurance companies. Trial Lawyers' associations and whether "Navigators" have sub rosa contracts with these, and other groups, plan to profit, to provide significant info to enrich databases for pecuniary purposes.


Breitbart Big Government ^ | 8/23/2013 | William Bigelow / FR Posted by markomalley

EXCERPT Planned Parenthood is about to obtain access to your Social Security number, tax form, bank account, and medical records.

With the advent of ObamaCare, consumers buying health insurance through health care exchanges will be required to speak to “navigators.” “Navigators” are supposed to help consumers find the best coverage and ascertain whether they are eligible for a federal subsidy.

Any “navigator” will have access to the federal data hub, which holds information from the Department of Health and Human Services, the IRS, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Defense Department, the Office of Personnel Management, the Veterans Health Administration, and the Peace Corps.

Planned Parenthood received $655,000 from the Obama administration to hire navigators. In Iowa, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland received $214,427; in Montana, Intermountain Planned Parenthood, Inc. got $295,604; and in New Hampshire, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England raked in $145,161.

And there is not much scrutiny over who these “navigators” will be; HHS will not require background checks or fingerprinting, and a previous criminal conviction, even if it was for identity theft , will not trigger a rejection. To make matters worse, the administration has cut the new employees’ training from 30 hours to 20 and reduced screening.


OKLAHOMA WINS FIRST OCARE BATTLE: Quoting AG Pruitt--- "Obamacare was meant to be so open-ended that it could mean anything. We are seeing thousands of pages of new rules being written, both by HHS and the IRS. The open-ended interpretation of Obamacare enables this.....if the law doesn't contain a particular provision, no problem. They just make it up as they go along."

"Such is the case that involves the OK lawsuit."

“The court rejected the federal government’s argument that Oklahoma lacked standing to challenge the law, allowing us to proceed with this pivotal case,” “We’re optimistic the court will recognize what states have known for months that the IRS disregarded the law by making the large employer mandate effective in Oklahoma or in any of the 33 other states without a state health care exchange.”

REFERENCE Oklahoma challenged implementation of the Affordable Care Act after the IRS finalized a rule that would allow the federal government to punish “large employers,” including local government, with millions of dollars in tax penalties in states without state health care exchanges, which is not allowed under the health care law.

“Congress provided a choice for Oklahoma and other states in implementation of the health care law, and the IRS is attempting to take that away by rule,” General Pruitt said. “The administration miscalculated how many states would support this law, so now they’re using the IRS to push through provisions that Congress did not pass.”


PROTECT YOURSELF---Obamacare is easy pickins for identity thieves. Steps to take to minimize risk of identity theft: 1. Contact the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit at 1-800-908-4490; 2. Order a tax account transcript from the IRS that verifies basic personal data along with details of your tax return filed, which may come in handy if you are checking to see whether someone else filed a fraudulent return on your behalf; 3. The Federal Trade Commission (link at website) also lists several steps you must take if you have been a victim of identity theft.


AS FREEPER PAJAMAMAN COGENTLY POSTED: Ads need to be run---the public needs to be told of the magnitude of the invasion of their privacy, that will occur under OBamacare. They need to be made to understand this.

14 posted on 09/22/2013 6:38:47 AM PDT by Liz
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To: Kaslin

It is time to stop letting them define themselves. There is NOTHING progressive about them. They invariably advocate the failed policies of the past.

15 posted on 09/22/2013 6:50:56 AM PDT by (How many more children must die on the altar of "gun free zones"?)
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There is NOTHING progressive about them.

To the contrary, they are making spectacular "progress" towards their ultimate goal- a Marxist takeover.

16 posted on 09/22/2013 9:16:49 AM PDT by JimRed (Excise the cancer before it kills us; feed & water the Tree of Liberty! TERM LIMITS NOW & FOREVER!)
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To: Liz

Thanks Liz. I’m already planning not signing up for this.

17 posted on 09/22/2013 4:48:58 PM PDT by Extremely Extreme Extremist (Governor Sarah Heath Palin for President of the United States in 2016)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; bigheadfred; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...

Thanks Kaslin.
Progressives will attack and taunt people after they leave the public stage, even after they die (just Google Andrew Breitbart). They have no concern for decency they will dance on the grave... every chance they get. We should return the favor. Have you heard of Allan Brauer? ...a gay progressive whose only goal online seems to be to get people to respond in-kind, routinely spews bile and makes threats and disgusting comments of all sorts because he thinks he's better, more enlightened than those who disagree with him. He engages in what’s common among many, mostly anonymous Twitter trolls who have more holes in his belt than IQ points -- taking their anger out on the world 140 characters at a time. Only Allan isn't anonymous and seems to be of normal intelligence, which makes simply being a jackass the best option to explain his actions. He also was, at least until Friday when he resigned, the communications chair for the Democratic Party of Sacramento, Calif. That is until he couldn't control himself and had to respond to Sen. Ted Cruz's senior communications adviser Amanda Carpenter (formerly of Townhall) with a tweet reading, "May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases."
Y'know, because Obamacare cures incurable diseases. /s

18 posted on 09/22/2013 5:30:40 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (It's no coincidence that some "conservatives" echo the hard left.)
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