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Voters Don’t Regret Hillary’s Loss
Rasmussen Reports ^ | June 25, 2018

Posted on 06/27/2018 12:01:51 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

The economy’s booming, but America remains sorely divided. Would we all be better off with a second President Clinton in the White House instead? Voters don’t think so.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 40% of Likely U.S. Voters believe America would be better off today if Hillary Clinton had been elected president instead of Donald Trump. A plurality (47%) disagrees and says the country would not be better off. Thirteen percent (13%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Predictably, 74% of Democrats think the country would be better off under a Hillary Clinton presidency, and even more Republicans (79%) disagree. But voters not affiliated with either major party - by a two-to-one margin (54% to 28%) - do not believe America would be better off if Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016 instead of Trump.

Economic confidence remains at or near record highs in the latest Rasmussen Reports Consumer Spending Update. At the same time, a majority (55%) of voters believes America has become more divided since Trump’s election, although they don’t put all the blame on him.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on June 19-20, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Forty-six percent (46%) of voters now approve of the job Trump is doing. Forty-three percent (43%) say the country is headed in the right direction, a finding that ran in the mid- to upper 20s most weeks during President Obama’s last full year in office.

Women are more likely than men to miss a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Those 40 and over agree that America would not be better off if Clinton had been elected president. Younger voters are closely divided, but 19% are undecided.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of blacks think America would be better off with another Clinton in the White House, a view shared by only 36% of whites and 46% of other minority voters.

Among voters who Strongly Disapprove of the job Trump is doing, 80% believe it would be better for the country if Hillary Clinton had been elected. Ninety-seven percent (97%) of those who Strongly Approve of the president’s job performance disagree.

With the economy soaring, Trump’s ratings on economic issues are on the rise.Voters are pretty happy with his foreign policy, too, following his generally well-received summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Just 32%, however, now think Hillary Clinton won the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination fairly.

Last September, Clinton released a new book, “What Happened,” to further explain why Trump is president instead of her. But most voters didn't buy Clinton's excuses and said it was time for her to step off the national stage.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether the 2016 Trump campaign illegally colluded with the Russians, but nearly as many voters now think Hillary Clinton's campaign was working with foreigners.

A Democratic gubernatorial candidate from Wisconsin raised eyebrows last week when he said his party is “pickled in identity politics and victimology.” A sizable number of Democrats - and just over half of all voters - agree.

Additional information from this survey and a full demographic breakdown are available to Platinum Members only.

TOPICS: Parties; Polls; State and Local
KEYWORDS: 2016; 2018election; 2018polls; 2020election; election2018; election2020; hillary; hillary2016; polls; trump
If you watched CNN or MSNBC you sure wouldn't think this sounds right.
1 posted on 06/27/2018 12:01:51 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Ninety-seven percent (97%) of those who Strongly Approve of the president’s job performance disagree.

The fact that that isn't 100% makes you realize that 2-3% of the folks who talk to pollsters will give some random answer devoid of any thought or logic. It boggles the mind to imagine that there are really people out there who think Trump is doing fantastic job but that Hillary might have been even better.
2 posted on 06/27/2018 12:14:07 AM PDT by irishjuggler
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

This November is going to be awesome. They have no idea what’s about to hit them.

The dicey days will be between the mid terms and the General next November.

The Left will become very, very dangerous.


3 posted on 06/27/2018 12:19:35 AM PDT by Lurker (President Trump isn't our last chance. President Trump is THEIR last chance.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

Dems are just yakking to set the narrative for the new very low information voters...its all very cynical...Trump made the narrative bout him or hate...he had every one recognition in the correct states...hillary was a disaster... campaign..trustworthiness...and prob to ill to actually be prez. Perfect storm of incompetence.. (Can you imagine calling people you want to vote for you “deplorable?”)...past real sins notwithstanding

4 posted on 06/27/2018 12:19:45 AM PDT by Getready (Wisdom is more valuable than gold and diamonds, and harder to find.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
74% of Democrats think the country would be better off under a Hillary Clinton presidency

That number is a tell-tale sign that the Dems are going to take a beating in November

If the vaunted 'blue wave' were real, that number would be in the ninety percentile range.

5 posted on 06/27/2018 12:38:36 AM PDT by Windflier (Pitchforks and torches ripen on the vine. Left too long, they become black rifles.)
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To: Lurker
They have no idea what’s about to hit them.

Oh, they do. It's why Nancy Pelosi said, "Civilization as we know it, is on the line in this election."

The Dem leadership (at least) knows they're in for a long trek through the political wilderness - a trek from which they may never return.

Thank you, Obama!

6 posted on 06/27/2018 12:48:57 AM PDT by Windflier (Pitchforks and torches ripen on the vine. Left too long, they become black rifles.)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; Convert from ECUSA; ...
40% of Likely U.S. Voters believe America would be better off today if Hillary Clinton had been elected president... (47%) disagrees... Thirteen percent (13%) are undecided... [but then again, only] 74% of Democrats think the country would be better off under a Hillary Clinton presidency... [while] voters not affiliated with either major party - by a two-to-one margin (54% to 28%) - do not believe America would be better off if Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016...
Thanks 2ndDivisionVet.

7 posted on 06/28/2018 1:09:09 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (,,
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To: Lurker; GOPJ; ml/nj; ExTexasRedhead; Yaelle; theothercheek; Political Junkie Too; SunkenCiv; ...
This November is going to be awesome. They have no idea what’s about to hit them.

Can you please be a little more precise on you midterm election forecast?

The guess here at this point is that the House will remain about the same party alignment. The 'Rats may gain a handful of seats, but nowhere near the number to gain a majority. As zany as many of them are, they will benefit a tad by being the party out of power and having redistricting in PA in their favor.

In the Senate, the GOP will gain a few seats, because they have much fewer seats to defend than the 'Rats have, and a good number of the seats the 'Rats are defending are in states that went for Trump in '16.

There will be nothing that can be reasonably called a "Blue Wave," but you can count on the MSM to use that term regardless.

8 posted on 06/28/2018 8:01:51 AM PDT by justiceseeker93
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To: justiceseeker93

“Can you please be a little more precise on you midterm election forecast?”

It’s largely the same as yours. I think we will pick up at least 3 Senate seats and hold the House.

This will, of course, send the Left into fits of apoplexy. They’ll be in the streets rioting and burning calling us racist, sexist, xenophobic Nazis.



9 posted on 06/28/2018 8:05:08 AM PDT by Lurker (President Trump isn't our last chance. President Trump is THEIR last chance.)
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To: Lurker
If there's any honest people left in positions of power in the FBI they need to take a serious look at democrats 'voting the people who don't show up to vote'... (voter fraud)

Hint to the FBI: Seed voter rolls with fake names and when those nonexistent people 'vote' sweep in and arrest the people who voted the nonexistent people.

Second hint: Fraud is usually done by white bosses in black communities. Why? Because of the 'no snitch' culture.

10 posted on 06/28/2018 8:20:15 AM PDT by GOPJ (David Ignatius sided with Germans against his own country - what a jackass.)
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To: Lurker

Some thoughts:

The more vicious, person-oriented demonstrations there are, the more votes the Demonrats will lose because the individual realized that some leftwing nut mob can come after them if they say or do anything they don’t like.

It is like 1930’s Germany when the German police and BlackShirts/Brownshirts, targeted Jews, homosexuals, communists and “degenerates” (usually writers and artists), on the streets, in their stores, offices, universities, etc.

While the Communists did the same thing in Soviet Russia, most Americans don’t know anything about that period (thank high schools and Marxist college professors/PC profs for that).

So let’s use the Nazi tactics history/analogies to remind all Americans what the extremes of the Right and Left, but esp. the growing Left, can do, have done, and plan on doing against anyone who is a pro-American leader or official, down to the lowest levels of the government.

Secondly, the Marxist/progressive (same thing) Left is being identified in some of the media as just that “Marxists”, not Social Democrats though they have no idea what the difference is between the old anti-communist “Social Democrats” and the Marxist “Democratic Socialist of America”.

Even Newsmax this week had a story on the Marxist in NYC who defeated Rep. Crowley (D-NY) without mentioning that she was a member of a Marxist national organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). For much detailed information, I suggest going to and for real information, not the pablum you usually find in Wikipedia.

As more people get jobs, including good paying ones, they will begin to understand that Trump and his pro-free enterprise, anti-regulation policies are working (and so are they). A paycheck means a lot in election years if you didn’t have one under the previous administration.

More black “personalities” are speaking out in support of, and even defense of Pres. Trump and some of his policies. This is good because if they are beginning to think rationally about the economic, politics, etc., they will see that 8 years of Obama’s “Plantation Plan” didn’t work for them. We all want Americans to have jobs and decent pay, regardless of race, religion, ethnic background, etc.

Only the Left doesn’t want that for their “political slaves, the welfare/EBT addicts, the street rabble, and the black political con-artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

I see that Father Phleger (Chicago and Obama supporter) is back in the news again, like a bad rash, but the media will publicize his call for some demonstration somewhere, not realizing that they are making a fake priest (he’s more a political/Marxist racial agitator than a member of the clergy) and his fake causes seem like they are “real” and “desirable” instead of the machinations of a psychopath with a clergymen’s collar, if you will.

Hillary has gone off to “La La Land” and I don’t mean the movie, never to return to the land of “sanity and honesty”. However, some of her lesser politically educated followers will go with her, right over the cliff of history, into the trash heap of history, and these are mainly women. So be it.
That’s why men make better hunters. They know the terrain and what is out there. Most women don’t. Nothing personal but I find liberal women to be absolutely political naïve (I’m being polite), ranging up to ideological wackos on some issues. Rationality and knowledge are not their strong points, and I have a hard time naming a liberal woman political activist on the national stage who is knowledgeable, rational, open-minded or in many cases, sane. MSNBC and CNN being the perfect examples.

The “FAKE NEWS” campaign from Conservatives and some independents/moderates is paying off in major dividends. No longer can the Left define “what “is” is” re the truth.

Conservatives now own the airwaves, esp. thanks to Fox News and strong, knowledgeable, and strong voices of the air - Limbaugh; Plante; Hannity; Carlson (somewhat a libertarian but he is learning); Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld; and in DC, Larry O’Connor, among others (Judge Jean Pirro, as feisty a woman I’ve ever seen. LUV HER).

If the Republicans can get their act together re the upcoming elections, get McConnell on a tight leash, and put forth good candidates, then the next election wave will be a “Red Tide” of conservative and common sense.

I want the Democrat Party extremists to take over. Let Comrade Bernie Sanders and Maxine “I’m only a racist against white people” Watters, Con-man Sen. Corey Booker and Kamala “I’m So Beautiful” Harris, Marxist Mark Pocan (D-Wisc)., and others takeover.

Their records and words are so self-destroying that normal Americans are seeing them for the threats and fools that they are.

This doesn’t mean that a significant people of the younger left population won’t follow them like mindless lemmings. They will. But they can be exposed for the Marxist dupes and/or true believers they are. The more they riot, harass, and say really stupid things, the better it is for us.

Encourage them to continue on with their activities. Every bit of violence, harassment, stone thrown, policeman hurt, and “stupidity” shown, is a “win” for us, and as Pres. Trump says, “I like to win”.

So do I. So do patriotic Americans of all stripes.

If you come in second in the game of politics, you are still a loser. I don’t like second place when it comes to the future of America.

It’s first place/winner or nothing. There is no other goal.

11 posted on 06/28/2018 6:32:37 PM PDT by MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
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To: justiceseeker93
November will be awesome, insofar as there will be Pubbie gains, even some former RINO seats that the retiring RINOs hoped would go blue. Overall, I'd agree, very little change, pickup of seats (more than actual, due to the RINO thing) in the Senate, overall win-some-lose-some (for both sides) in the House, and of course, over the course of the next year, pickups in the SCOTUS.

12 posted on 06/29/2018 8:35:20 AM PDT by SunkenCiv (,,
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