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A National Day of Mourning for African Americans -- March 4, 2013

Posted on 02/24/2013 4:01:12 PM PST by rkoliver

A National Day of Mourning for African Americans -- March 4, 2013

by Robert Oliver

The date of March 4 may not have any significance in the African-American community other than personal birthdays and wedding anniversaries. However, March 4, 2013 will mark the centennial of the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States. On that day President Woodrow Wilson’s inauguration will be celebrated in Washington D.C.

Why would March 4 and Woodrow Wilson be significant for African Americans?

Wilson was a progressive Democrat and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history. Many African Americans are under the impression that President Wilson was a fighter for civil rights because he was a Democrat. After all, says: “For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights, and women's rights.”[1] However, what that website does not reveal that this progressive Democratic president was a racist and segregationist. Some of you may ask, “A racist and a segregationist? How can that be? Democrats say they have always fought for civil rights for African Americans in their 200-year history, including before the Civil War! Wilson was a hero! Those Republicans are up to their old tricks again trying to smear a great civil rights leader!”

Well, let’s look at the facts carefully and logically.

The Federal Highway Administration’s website reported:

“According to Wilson biographer Arthur S. Link, African-Americans strongly supported Wilson for President in the hope that he would treat them with compassion. In supporting Wilson, African-Americans had to overlook the fears raised by his Virginia birth. They also had to overlook the fact that as president of Princeton University he had prevented African-Americans from enrolling and that as a professor, university president, and Governor of New Jersey, he had never ‘lifted his voice in defense of the minority race,’ as Link put it.

“At one point, he released a statement to the National Colored Democratic League assuring the members that he opposed ‘unfair discriminating laws against any class or race’ and believed ‘that the qualifications for voting should be the same for all men.’[2]

However sheds more light on that time:

“In 1912 Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic candidate for president, promised fairness and justice for blacks if elected. In a letter to a black church official, Wilson wrote, ‘Should I become President of the United States they may count upon me for absolute fair dealing for everything by which I could assist in advancing their interests of the race.’ But after the election, Wilson changed his tune. He dismissed 15 out of 17 black supervisors who had been previously appointed to federal jobs segregating their departments. Throughout the country, blacks were segregated or dismissed from federal positions. In Georgia, the head of the Internal Revenue division fired all black employees: ‘There are no government positions for Negroes in the South. A Negro's place in the corn field.’ he said. The President's wife, Ellen Wilson, was said to have had a hand in segregating employees in Washington, encouraging department chiefs to assign blacks separate working, eating, and toilet facilities. To justify segregation, officials publicized complaints by white women, who were thought to be threatened by black men's sexuality and disease.”[3]

Wilson changed his tune?

Therefore President Woodrow Wilson was not an advocate for civil rights as assumed or as inferred, but actively practiced racial segregation in the federal government after his inauguration in 1913:

“Wilson's historical reputation is that of a far-sighted progressive. That role has been assigned to him by historians based on his battle for the League of Nations, and the opposition he faced from isolationist Republicans…Domestically, however, Wilson was a racist retrograde, one who attempted to engineer the diminution of both justice and democracy for American blacks—who were enjoying little of either to begin with....

“Upon taking power in Washington, Wilson and the many other Southerners he brought into his cabinet were disturbed at the way the federal government went about its own business. One legacy of post-Civil War Republican ascendancy was that Washington's large black populace had access to federal jobs, and worked with whites in largely integrated circumstances. Wilson's cabinet put an end to that, bringing Jim Crow to Washington.

“Wilson allowed various officials to segregate the toilets, cafeterias, and work areas of their departments. One justification involved health: White government workers had to be protected from contagious diseases, especially venereal diseases, that racists imagined were being spread by blacks. In extreme cases, federal officials built separate structures to house black workers. Most black diplomats were replaced by whites; numerous black federal officials in the South were removed from their posts; the local Washington police force and fire department stopped hiring blacks. Wilson's own view, as he expressed it to intimates, was that federal segregation was an act of kindness.'[4]

Federal segregation was an “act of kindness?” Wow!

Did Wilson love black people? No. He loved black votes.

The website of the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library reports:

“Wilson permitted segregation in federal offices soon after becoming president, treating it, he said, not as an instrument of humiliation, but as a means to ease racial tensions. W.E.B. Dubois and likeminded thinkers disagreed heartily with Wilson's choice, petitioning repeatedly for the suspension of the practice. Wilson refused.”[5]

Wilson refused to suspend segregation. Period.

The April 1959 issue of the Journal of Negro History stated:

“When Woodrow Wilson assumed the presidency in 1913 many Negroes believed that he would champion their cause for advancement. An unprecedented number of Negroes had cast their vote for Wilson, ridicule from others of their race for so departing from the ranks of the Republican Party. This deviation from the traditional line of Negro support was nurtured by discontent with the Republican and Progressive candidates, Taft and (Theodore) Roosevelt, and their platforms. It was spurred by the stirring assurances of wholehearted support to the Negro race by Woodrow Wilson.

“Yet it was in Woodrow Wilson’s administration that the most bitter blow to Negro hopes of advancement fell.”[6]

To repeat, when he was president of Princeton University, Wilson barred blacks from admission.[7] Yet many blacks voted for him anyway, against their own self-interests.

Why? In a society where in many places segregation, discrimination and Jim Crow were legal, black people had hope that things were going to change.

NAACP officer W.E.B. Du Bois, also Editor of the NAACP publication The Crisis, expressed hopes in Wilson. He wrote to President Wilson in March 1913:

“Sir: Your inauguration to the Presidency of the United States is to the colored people, to the white South and to the nation a momentous occasion. For the first time since the emancipation of slaves the government of this nation — the Presidency, the Senate, the House of Representatives — passes on the 4th of March into the hands of the party which a half century ago fought desperately to keep black men as real estate in the eyes of the law.

“Your elevation to the chief magistracy of the nation at this time shows not simply a splendid national faith in the perpetuity of free government in this land, but even more, a personal faith in you.

“We black men by our votes helped to put you in your high position. It is true that in your overwhelming triumph at the polls that you might have succeeded without our aid, but the fact remains that our votes helped elect you this time, and that the time may easily come in the near future when without our 500,000 ballots neither you nor your party can control the government.

“True as this is, we would not be misunderstood. We do not ask or expect special consideration or treatment in return for our franchises. We did not vote for you and your party because you represented our best judgment. It was not because we loved Democrats more, but Republicans less and Roosevelt least, that led to our action… We want to be treated as men. We want to vote. We want our children educated. We want lynching stopped. We want no longer to be herded as cattle on street cars and railroads. We want the right to earn a living, to own our own property and to spend our income unhindered and uncursed. Your power is limited? We know that, but the power of the American people is unlimited. Today you embody that power, you typify its ideals. In the name then of that common country for which your fathers and ours have bled and toiled, be not untrue, President Wilson, to the highest ideals of American Democracy.”[8]

However, just six months after Wilson’s inauguration, Du Bois wrote Wilson:

“Sir, you have now been President of the United States for six months and what is the result? It is no exaggeration to say that every enemy of the Negro race is greatly encouraged; that every man who dreams of making the Negro race a group of menials and pariahs is alert and hopeful. Vardaman, Tillman, Hoke Smith, Cole Blease, and Burleson are evidently assuming that their theory of the place and destiny of the Negro race is the theory of your administration, They and others are assuming this because not a single act and not a single word of yours since election has given anyone reason to infer that that you have the slightest interest in the colored people or desire to alleviate their intolerable position… To this negative appearance of indifference has been added positive action on the part of your advisers, with or without your knowledge, which constitutes the gravest attack on the liberties of our people since emancipation, public segregation of civil servants in government employ, necessarily involving personal insult and humiliation, has for the first time in history been made the policy of the United States government.

“In the Treasury and Post Office Departments colored clerks have been herded to themselves as though they were not human beings. We are told that one colored clerk who could not actually be segregated on account of the nature of his work has consequently had a cage built around him to separate him from his white companions of many years. Mr. Wilson, do you know these things? Are you responsible for them? Did you advise them? Do you not know that no other group of American citizens has ever been treated in this way and that no President of the United States ever dared to propose such treatment? Here is a plain, flat, disgraceful spitting in the face of people whose darkened countenances are already dark with the slime of insult. Do you consent to this, President Wilson? Do you believe in it? Have you been able to persuade yourself that national insult is best for a people struggling into self-respect?”[9]

Du Bois and the entire American black voting population had “voter’s remorse.” Does it seem possible that they all thought “What have we done?” It must have pained Du Bois to think about what he wrote to Wilson: “We black men by our votes helped to put you in your high position.” Did Du Bois have mental anguish in thinking that he helped to bring more misery to his own people by supporting Wilson?

Paula Span on wrote: “Black leaders subsequently declined to support [Wilson’s] reelection. ‘We need scarcely to say that you have grievously disappointed us,’ Du Bois wrote.

"By any reasonable standards anyone would apply today, I think it's fair to say Woodrow Wilson was a racist," (University of Wisconsin historian John Milton Cooper, author of several Wilson biographies) Cooper acknowledges, regretfully.”[10]

(In other words, Woodrow Wilson did not care about black people, Kanye West.)

In 1956, Du Bois admitted:

“In 1912 I wanted to support Theodore Roosevelt, but his Bull Moose convention dodged the Negro problem and I tried to help elect Wilson as a liberal Southerner. Under Wilson came the worst attempt at Jim Crow legislation and discrimination in civil service that we had experienced since the Civil War.”[11]

Black educator Booker T. Washington said of his visit to Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1913, just a few months after Wilson’s inauguration: “I have never seen the colored people so discouraged and bitter as they are at the present time.”[12]

Discouraged. Bitter.

Why were they bitter? Could it be that Wilson promised before his election “I want to assure them through you that should I become President of the United States, they may count upon me for absolute fair dealing and for everything by which I could assist in advancing the interests of their race in the United States.”[13]?

Well, you know better when politicians make promises.

Were Du Bois and the rest of the black voters who voted for Wilson bamboozled and hoodwinked? Did they discover that they were worse off under Wilson than under any other previous president?

But why is this white supremacist and racist Woodrow Wilson still considered a “hero” by those who claim to eschew white supremacy and racism?

According to the U.S. history book Land of Promise:

“Woodrow Wilson's administration was openly hostile to black people. Wilson was an outspoken white supremacist who believed that black people were inferior. During his campaign for the presidency, Wilson promised to press for civil rights. But once in office he forgot his promises. Instead, Wilson ordered that white and black workers in federal government jobs be segregated from one another. This was the first time such segregation had existed since Reconstruction! When black federal employees in Southern cities protested the order, Wilson had the protesters fired. In November, 1914, a black delegation asked the President to reverse his policies. Wilson was rude and hostile and refused their demands.”[14]

Therefore Woodrow Wilson, a born Southerner from Virginia whose immediate family owned slaves, was as much as a white supremacist as John Wilkes Booth who said “That means nigger citizenship”[15] when President Abraham Lincoln, on the evening of April 11, 1865, expressed a desire to give blacks the right to vote.

Booth and Wilson considered black people inferior. Why? They were white supremacists both.

I Goggled “Woodrow Wilson fought for civil rights” just out of curiosity. Here is what I got:

“No results found for ‘Woodrow Wilson fought for civil rights’”

My question is in the light of documented facts, why are public schools, streets, a bridge, etc. today named after this American white supremacist and segregationist? Why does this American white supremacist and segregationist president get a pass from his odious racial beliefs and practices when other white supremacists and racists are excoriated by the media and by many African American leaders? Why was I even not taught of Wilson’s racism in my U.S. history course in college when the racism of other historical figures were highlighted?

Why the silence?

March 4, 1913 – a date that will live in infamy in black history or a date to be celebrated?

“Wilson was…antiblack.”[16]

Robert Oliver is a former newspaper editor and photojournalist. He can be contacted at robertcst(at)gmail(dot)com.










[10] [11]






TOPICS: History; Society
KEYWORDS: africanamerican; blackhistory; civilrights; dixiecrat; jimcrow; progressives; racism; wilson; woodrowwilson

1 posted on 02/24/2013 4:01:18 PM PST by rkoliver
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To: rkoliver

Wilson was a progressive Democrat and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history...hahahahahah

2 posted on 02/24/2013 4:06:07 PM PST by svcw (Why is one cell on another planet considered life, and in the womb it is not.)
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To: svcw

I thought that Obama is.

3 posted on 02/24/2013 4:08:04 PM PST by 353FMG ( I refuse to specify whether I am serious or sarcastic -- I respect FReepers too much.)
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To: rkoliver

Fascinating. Do you have an external link to this article?

4 posted on 02/24/2013 4:09:27 PM PST by ReformationFan
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To: rkoliver

“...and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history”


5 posted on 02/24/2013 4:11:48 PM PST by lacrew (Mr. Soetoro, we regret to inform you that your race card is over the credit limit.)
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To: rkoliver

I don’t know if a lot of presidents of either party were fair-minded towards minorities, but it’s patently obvious that Wilson was the worst racist to ever inhabit the White House. The reason this is omitted from the history texts is also obvious...he was a Democrat and a “progressive” who championed all the usual liberal claptrap.

6 posted on 02/24/2013 4:15:06 PM PST by driftless2
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To: rkoliver
"I swear, Woodrow".


7 posted on 02/24/2013 4:17:19 PM PST by nothingnew (I fear for my Republic due to marxist influence in our government. Open eyes/see)
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To: svcw
Wilson was a progressive Democrat and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history

Hardly. He formalized segregation in government offices, rest rooms, and even restaurants. He approved the federal segregation policy and declared that he originated it in the Negro's best interest. We would and should turn our backs on him today.

8 posted on 02/24/2013 4:21:06 PM PST by Rapscallion (The people sense what Obama has in store for America.)
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To: rkoliver
The KKK was made up of southern democrats - the Dixiecrats. They fought against civil rights all the way. Eventually, the democrats had to cave. The blacks weren't giving them a choice. Ever since then, the democrats have told the blacks they were always on their side (pretending the Dixiecrat's never existed. The kkk was was "someone elses fault" of course), and the blacks believe them to this very day.

Oboma likes to claim he's Lincoln reincarnated. Lincoln was the founder of the Republican party, because he believed no man should be used as another mans slave. Oboma is a democrat, and believes all tax payers should be used as slaves.

There's a huge difference between the truth and the democrats version of reality. They can get away with it though, because their base can't read or write (and they're making sure the teachers union keeps it that way).

9 posted on 02/24/2013 4:22:39 PM PST by concerned about politics ("Get thee behind me, Liberal")
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To: rkoliver
A National Day of Mourning for African Americans

And? Why do 'conservatives' do this? Prostrate themselves by playing the race game? "We're not the 'racist' the democrats are!" All they do is come across as kowtowing and weak and I am not sure what they think they are gaining from it? They are just feeding the beast.

10 posted on 02/24/2013 4:29:15 PM PST by Altura Ct.
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To: rkoliver
"Wilson was a progressive Democrat and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history."

Right up there with Carter, Bubba the Rapist and Emperor Zero.

11 posted on 02/24/2013 4:32:10 PM PST by fieldmarshaldj (Resist We Much)
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To: rkoliver

Wilson was a captive and promoter of the international bankers. People need to know/understand that it was Wilson who brought the European financial guru lead man for the Rothchilds Warburg to the USA to set up the Federal Reserve as a fake USA bank. People in the USA need to know how the USA government over the many years of the Republic have given the actual Nation’s banking control/power to the European banking interests. A review/study of the banking environment from Hamilton to POTUSA Jackson(concerned about assassination)to POTUSA Garfield(assassinated) to POTUSA Kennedy(assassinated). It is no coincidence that the 100 year year contract that Wilson and cohorts in Congress gave to the international bankers to be the the bank for the USA i.e. Fed Reserve in 1913 has come to a renewal date and we the people of the USA find ourselves in a deep financial quandary. There will be exiting if not disastrous times ahead for the USA and we will have to wait and see how Obama and Congress handle affairs this time as to USA sovereignty.

12 posted on 02/24/2013 4:56:56 PM PST by noinfringers2
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To: rkoliver
Wilson was a progressive Democrat and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history.

When did we decide this? I hadn't heard about this.

13 posted on 02/24/2013 5:28:23 PM PST by FlingWingFlyer (Progressive, Marxist liberals do not evolve, they morph into fascists.)
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To: FlingWingFlyer

“Wilson was a progressive Democrat and today is considered one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history.”

Ho Chi Minh would agree. He was totally infatuated with this rat when he (Ho) was a young man.

14 posted on 02/24/2013 5:37:40 PM PST by Stormdog (A rifle transforms one from subject to Citizen)
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To: rkoliver
Many African Americans are under the impression that President Wilson was a fighter for civil rights because he was a Democrat. After all, says: “For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights, health care, Social Security, workers' rights, and women's rights.”

What BS! Blacks are really stupid if they believe that lie! Democrats fought against black civil rights desperately for many years, while the Republican Party was formed primarily to end slavery.

15 posted on 02/24/2013 5:37:40 PM PST by expat2
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To: FlingWingFlyer

Usually, two or three liberals in the education world decide something like that and then say something along the lines of “everyone thinks he’s the greatest and most successful presidents ever.” I had a history professor in college who adored Wilson. He also derided Calvin Coolidge for being a “terrible” president, probably because he didn’t expand the government enough for his tastes.

16 posted on 02/24/2013 5:38:43 PM PST by ReformationFan
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To: rkoliver

What’s an “African -American”?

17 posted on 02/24/2013 8:04:21 PM PST by raybbr (People who still support Obama are either a Marxist or a moron.)
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To: raybbr
What’s an “African -American”?

Here's one

18 posted on 02/24/2013 8:07:37 PM PST by dfwgator
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