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Australia still hangs in the carbon trading twilight zone
JoNova ^ | November 28th, 2009 | JoNova

Posted on 11/27/2009 3:49:07 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach

The Australian situation tonight: Today the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) decision was successfully delayed by questions until Monday. That’s good news, but there’s no Champers popping yet. The longer we wait, the longer the real story of the fraud has to filter through to our representatives, but this is a race to overcome two decades of propaganda in one weekend.

This week will be written up in history books. Late yesterday a parliamentary mutiny occurred as opposition cabinet members abandoned their leader. Three on Monday: Mitch Fifield, Brett Mason and Mathias Cormann. Then Thursday: six more, and on Friday Concetta Fierravanti-Wells all quit their appointed shadow positions. Senate offices are apparently being swamped with emails. The message it seems, is getting through. (Thanks to all of you who have sent emails, I been copied in on many, please keep them coming :-) ).

Senator Fierravanti-Wells had been expected to back the ETS laws but has now indicated she will vote against the bill.

‘I acknowledge the avalanche of correspondence and feedback conveyed to me from a wide cross-section of the community, most especially after the decision of the joint party room to amend and support the legislation,’ she said.

Senator Fierravanti-Wells, who is facing a Senate preselection ballot on December 12, indicated she was heeding the view of the NSW Liberal base of the party, which was strongly against the ETS decision.

‘In all my years of involvement in the party, I have never seen such an extraordinary reaction,’ she said. [link]

The left leaning Labor Government needs just 7 votes to get the Legislation through the Senate.

The left leaning Labor Government needs just 7 votes to get the Legislation through the Senate. The Leader of the Opposition – Malcolm Turnbull, appears determined to deliver those votes, no matter what his party say or what scandalous information  is exposed.  On Tuesday, he survived a leadership spill, then listened as more than half the members of his own party spoke against the ETS. Through accounting tricks that the East Anglia CRU would be proud of, he announced the opposition supported the ETS. Despite the arrogant bullying, on that day, it looked to Reuters like the Australian ETS was a done-deal, but the anger and fury within the conservatives was ignited. Turnbull staked his leadership on the line in October, and it’s now almost guaranteed that he will lose that role.

Meanwhile, Reuters is oblivious as to why there is a mass uprising and grassroots protest against the deal, indeed, these two journalists refer to the fate of the legislation as a delay, as if it has never occurred to them that it might not pass. Instead of asking the skeptical parliamentarians the obvious question “Why?”, they talk to anonymous carbon traders and a consultant who not a skeptic. They report that “The delay worried carbon traders”. In this “analysis” they don’t mention the  ClimateGate scandal at all — a bit like not noticing the black hole that gatecrashed the party.

The word I have heard is that the Liberal opposition will meet Monday at 9am to solve the leadership question, and then the ETS meeting will start at 10am. But it might be Tuesday, and all of it is subject to change without notice.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Conspiracy; Science
KEYWORDS: australia; carbontrading; climategate; globalwarminghoax
This is an EXCERPT


1 posted on 11/27/2009 3:49:08 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach
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To: Fred Nerks; sionnsar; Pan_Yan; azkathy; Just mythoughts; Marine_Uncle; Marie; fanfan; Windflier; ...
Related thread regarding the linking of Carbon to CO2 gas and the Global Warming Hoax :

Physicist Howard Hayden's one-letter disproof of global warming claims [pre-Climategate]


Mises Economic Blog ^ | 10/29/2009 | Stephan Kinsella

Posted on Fri 27 Nov 2009 02:01:23 PM PST by sionnsar

Physicist Howard Hayden, a staunch advocate of sound energy policy, sent me a copy of his letter to the EPA about global warming. The text is also appended below, with permission.

As noted in my post Access to Energy, Hayden helped the late, great Petr Beckmann found the dissident physics journal Galilean Electrodynamics (brochures and further Beckmann info here; further dissident physics links). Hayden later began to publish his own pro-energy newsletter, The Energy Advocate, following in the footsteps of Beckmann's own journal Access to Energy

I love Hayden's email sign-off, "People will do anything to save the world ... except take a course in science." Here's the letter:


Howard C. Hayden
785 S. McCoy Drive
Pueblo West, CO 81007

October 27, 2009

The Honorable Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator
Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20460

Dear Administrator Jackson:

I write in regard to the Proposed Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases Under Section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act, Proposed Rule, 74 Fed. Reg. 18,886 (Apr. 24, 2009), the so-called "Endangerment Finding."

It has been often said that the "science is settled" on the issue of CO2 and climate. Let me put this claim to rest with a simple one-letter proof that it is false.

The letter is s, the one that changes model into models. If the science were settled, there would be precisely one model, and it would be in agreement with measurements.

Alternatively, one may ask which one of the twenty-some models settled the science so that all the rest could be discarded along with the research funds that have kept those models alive.

We can take this further. Not a single climate model predicted the current cooling phase. If the science were settled, the model (singular) would have predicted it.

Let me next address the horror story that we are approaching (or have passed) a "tipping point." Anybody who has worked with amplifiers knows about tipping points. The output "goes to the rail." Not only that, but it stays there. That's the official worry coming from the likes of James Hansen (of NASA­GISS) and Al Gore.

But therein lies the proof that we are nowhere near a tipping point. The earth, it seems, has seen times when the CO2 concentration was up to 8,000 ppm, and that did not lead to a tipping point. If it did, we would not be here talking about it. In fact, seen on the long scale, the CO2 concentration in the present cycle of glacials (ca. 200 ppm) and interglacials (ca. 300-400 ppm) is lower than it has been for the last 300 million years.

2 posted on 11/27/2009 3:53:37 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: All; Nextrush
Related thread:

Australia carbon emissions law hit by opposition revolt

*******************************EXCERPT INTRO**************************

BBC News ^ | 11/27/09 | Nick Bryant

Posted on Thu 26 Nov 2009 09:09:32 PM PST by Nextrush

The Australian government's plans to enact a law for an emissions trading scheme have been thrown into chaos.

A revolt within the opposition Liberal Party could overturn an agreement reached earlier in the week with the Liberal leader, Malcolm Turnbull.

He agreed to pass the measure through the upper house of parliament where the government does not have a majority.

But opposition climate change sceptics have vowed to scupper the legislation and have challenged his leadership.

Malcolm Turnbull has argued that the party would consign itself to political oblivion if it refused to advance policies aimed at tackling climate change........

Election prospect

With parliament about to take its long Christmas and summer break, the government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had wanted to enact the legislation creating an emissions trading scheme by the end of this week.

It was keen to enshrine the scheme in law before the Copenhagen climate change conference.

Earlier in the week, the government reached a deal with Mr. Turnbull that would have met that deadline.

But this prompted a revolt among climate change sceptics in the Liberal Party that has now placed the legislation in jeopardy.

There have been mass resignations from the opposition front bench, and the party is in open and angry rebellion.

The leading climate change sceptic and senior party figure, Tony Abbott, says he will challenge Mr. Turnbull for the leadership on Monday.......

3 posted on 11/27/2009 3:57:20 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: All
And in the United States we have this.....FR Thread:

Congress Launches Climategate Investigation ( Fox Video phone Interview with Sen Inhofe )

******************************EXCERPT INTRO*****************************

New American ^ | Friday, 27 November 2009 11:45 | Rebecca Terrell

Posted on Fri 27 Nov 2009 11:31:48 AM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach

Sen. InholfeClimategate scientists are under congressional investigation in the wake of information gleaned from e-mails pirated from a global-warming research center in England.

The e-mails revealed evidence that scientists with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been manipulating data to prove their theories of anthropogenic (man-made) global warming (AGW). Senator James Inhofe (R – Okla.) announced on November 24 that he will launch an investigation into the matter, sending letters to the scientists involved and to federal agencies warning them to "retain [related] documents."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

4 posted on 11/27/2009 4:00:45 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: maine-iac7


5 posted on 11/27/2009 4:01:04 PM PST by sionnsar (IranAzadi|5yst3m 0wn3d-it's N0t Y0ur5:SONY|Remember Neda Agha-Soltan|TV--it's NOT news you can trust)
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More from the article linked just above.

********************************EXCERPT ********************************** *********************************

"The stakes in this controversy are significant, as it appears that the basis of federal programs, pending EPA rulemakings, and cap-and-trade legislation was contrived and fabricated," Inhofe said in a press release. "Lawmakers have an obligation to determine the extent to which the so-called 'consensus' of global warming, formed with billions of taxpayer dollars, was contrived in the biased minds of the world's leading climate scientists." Senator Inhofe serves as ranking member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. For years he has fought climate change alarmists based on his belief that the threat of AGW is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." Prior to the Climategate scandal, he recently released a committee report entitled More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Scientists Continue to Debunk "Consensus" in 2008 & 2009.

Senator David Vitter (R-La.) is another outspoken critic of AGW research and its effect on cap-and-trade legislation. Vitter's legislative staffer for environmental issues, Bryan Zumwalt, reportedly sent an e-mail on November 23 in which he called Climategate "the greatest act of scientific fraud in history." Zumwalt lamented over the large amount of grant money received through the years by the researchers involved in the scandal and their fraudulent influence on U.S. climate policy. "The e-mails and other released data also appear to implicate professors at some of the U.S.'s premier universities in a coordinated effort to achieve the IPCC agenda as well as to garner government grants."

On the House side, U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said investigators are studying the Climategate documents with particular attention to those involving White House Science Adviser John Holdren, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. Holdren participated in some of the e-mails and has based many of his policy-making decisions on research published by his fellow IPCC scientists implicated in the scandal.

Skeptics are not the only Climategate critics. George Monbiot, a leading AGW proponent, is calling for the resignation of one of the scientists at the center of the controversial e-mails, Phil Jones. Jones’ research has greatly influenced recent IPCC reports upon which much climate change legislation is based, including the cap-and-trade bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in June and another measure now before the Senate. Writing for The Guardian, Monbiot calls Climategate a "major blow" and admits the situation could "scarcely be more damaging" to environmentalists' agenda. Monbiot also points out, despite the major media's downplaying the situation, "pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away."

6 posted on 11/27/2009 4:04:08 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach

This Global Warming hoax will have huge consequences. Those who participated will have prison terms and perhaps, executions. These scientists have caused food prices to go up and starvation for those in poor countries. They have caused massive funds to be funneled away from govenment functions to fund research born of a climate of fear they have manufactured.

We will soon see the day when these Communist scum are frog marched to their final destination where they will never again destroy the lives of human beings.

7 posted on 11/27/2009 4:13:16 PM PST by jonrick46 (We're being water boarded with the sewage of Marxism.)
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To: jonrick46

It is going to be a battle....I fear this is only one of their schemes....

8 posted on 11/27/2009 4:18:57 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: All
Teh Weather Channel is running a story about a research team in the Artic stranded as they study the warming Artic Ocean.....
9 posted on 11/27/2009 4:20:31 PM PST by Ernest_at_the_Beach ( Support Geert Wilders)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach

Go Aussies !! Singing Waltzing Matilda — Hope springs anew.

10 posted on 11/27/2009 4:24:22 PM PST by Bhoy
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach

You are so right. This is a world wide operation by Communists displaced by the fall of the Soviet system. And we know the world if full of nations under the grips of Communist leaders. It is as if their quest for world domination never stopped. It just went stealth.

For a microcosm of how they operate, check out what’s happening in Honduras. They have an election scheduled this Sunday. The Communists see Honduras as a ripe plum to be turned into a Marxist state. They will do everything they can to disrupt this election so they can buy time to worm in the leader they want. This is about the drug cartel and the overtaking of a democracy.

11 posted on 11/27/2009 4:34:40 PM PST by jonrick46 (We're being water boarded with the sewage of Marxism.)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach

Free traitors who dream of “empire” are the real force behind carbon tariffs against western culture countries. They are the sneaky, lurking constituents behind the academics and politicians who push it. See “empire,” Royal Society of Arts, various US groups with “club” and/or “growth” and/or “group” in their names, libertarians, and all. They’ve already used false environmentalist fronts to stop domestic competition in our own backyards.

They won’t back down, until we apply carbon tariffs against China, Indonesia, and the like.

12 posted on 11/27/2009 4:43:59 PM PST by familyop (cbt. engr. (cbt), NG, '89-' 96, Duncan Hunter or no-vote)
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To: Fred Nerks; Ernest_at_the_Beach; AdmSmith; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; ...
The left leaning Labor Government needs just 7 votes to get the Legislation through the Senate.
Thanks Ernest.
13 posted on 11/27/2009 7:00:06 PM PST by SunkenCiv ( Jan 3, 2004__Profile updated Monday, January 12, 2009)
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To: Ernest_at_the_Beach
The SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN. But we are still up shit creek without paddles until zero and the rest in each nation going along with this crap along with all the pseudo science organizations that contribute to this false earthly phenomenon are fully exposed and stopped.
Then we can breath a bit easier. For to accomplish this giant task will also bring many things about how these clowns operate, reverse engineer much of their doctrination of the young and the masses in general.
Perhaps (I may be dreaming), even force some better standards for teachers to follow when it comes to such issues.
At least it would stop hopefully all those horrid talk shows that instruct women sitting at home and staring at the moron box and their kids, that there is no such thing as global warming caused by human activity in any significant way.
Let kids and moms start seeing how much CO2 is belched into the air every year from volcanoes, farts produced by the world's animal life, plants in their quite times at night, etc..
Should we hack down every plant and tree on the planet to stop the huge amounts of CO2 from being produced. Should we kill off all the humans and animals to stop CO2 from being generated.
Hopefully a more honest sound view of the world will slowly now come back into being. The one we as kids where taught in our science classes. One based on solid scientific principles.
14 posted on 11/27/2009 10:36:37 PM PST by Marine_Uncle (Honor must be earned....)
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To: jonrick46

Worth repeating to these AGW Tools: “We will soon see the day when these Communist scum are frog marched to their final destination where they will never again destroy the lives of human beings.”

15 posted on 11/28/2009 1:09:53 AM PST by iopscusa (El Vaquero. (SC Lowcountry Cowboy))
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