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DNC Affiliates: terrorist attacks foiled our plans to smear Bush presidencty (barf alert) ^ | David Lytel and other DNC insiders

Posted on 09/30/2001 4:15:52 PM PDT by GOPcapitalist

The latest bilge from, an organization that, despite its fervent denials, is closely tied to the DNC, Al Gore, and the former Clinton Administration:

EXCERPT I by Aaron Cohen, Democrat editorials:

Before the terrorist attack, September was destined to be a difficult month for George W. Bush. Allegations about the 2000 election and his legitimacy were about hit the news... pressure was mounting for formal investigations into election law violations in Florida... Dick Cheney was under increasing criticism about not releasing the names of the people who influenced energy policy... Newsweek published excerpts of "The Accidental President"... a major report was about to be released about the devastation landmines were bringing to innocent people, highlighting the treaty the U.S. has still not signed... international dissatisfaction was growing about the increasing U. S. arrogance and isolation... thousands of protesters were planning to link their arms around the White House... And, as George W. traveled to Florida to celebrate increased test scores at a Jacksonville school, an allegation arose that the scores were bogus. Then Fate intervened


George Bush's September is now quite different from the one he and his minions feared. The terrorists, representing nothing less than evil incarnate, not only mass murdered innocents and brought deep woes to their families, friends, and all of us - they also legitimized the presidency of George W. Bush. And by so doing, they almost extinguished the lights pro-democracy activists had kept flickering since November 7.

September was to be the month when more of our citizens would be illuminated about how Bush et. al. had subverted democracy and achieved what - with time - will most certainly be recorded as the first American coup d'état of the 21st century.

EXCERPT II by David Lytel, cofounder and former personal webmaster of Bill Clinton:

About two dozen fanatical terrorists gave George W. Bush something that before September 11th the American people had resisted giving him – a mandate to govern. Up to that moment, the Bush presidency had been characterized by a fundamental disrespect for anyone – including Democratic leaders in the Congress or the elected leaders of our most loyal foreign allies – who rose to question the Bush administration's policies. The U.S. government under Bush dismissed the rest of the world's concern over the abandonment of international treaties that restrict pollution or military weaponry. It pushed through a massive tax cut to limit the Congress's ability to meet popular demands like support for retirement security, health care and education. They didn't bother winning anyone over, they just set out to win.

EXCERPT III -'s action item of the day:

Oppose Republican Partisanship During Our National Crisis - Sign the Petition!
"To Democratic Leaders: In our time of national crisis, we commend you for showing the world that America is united in the fight against terrorism. However, we are greatly disturbed by the efforts of some Republicans in the Administration and in Congress to abuse this national crisis to advance their conservative ideological agenda. In particular, we are outraged at Attorney General John Ashcroft's assault on our civil liberties, Senator James Inhofe's assault on our energy policies and the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, the House Republican assault on tax fairness, Trade Representative Robert Zoelleck's demand for "fast track," and the Republican demand for billions for a porous missile defense "shield" that should be spent instead against terrorism. Now is not the time for Republicans to launch such narrow ideological battles. We call upon you to stand up for America and oppose these divisive Republican assaults." Sign the petition!

And in an amazing display of blatant doublespeak...

EXCERPT IV. from's front page news storys:

Even During our National Crisis, Rightwingers Can't Stop their Vicious Attacks on the Clintons
27-Sep-01 right wing media
During our national crisis, Democrats are supporting national unity and refraining from policy criticisms - let alone personal attacks on Republican leaders. Yet the female furies of the Republican right seize every opportunity to crash verbal airliners into the twin towers of their own hatred, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Michelle Malkin's attack on Hillary Clinton in the Washington Times is simply breathtaking in its viciousness. Maybe it's time to tell Rev. Sun Myung Moon to do us all a favor and take his hatred back to Korea - and take his paid hatemongers with him. It's certainly time to tell the rest of the media to stop giving the Moon- and Scaife-funded army of Clinton-haters infinite airtime.

Bush Believes God Has Chosen Him to Fight Terrorism
23-Sep-01 Bush Character
We are refraining from personal attacks on George W. Bush during our national crisis, but the efforts by White House spin doctors to use this crisis to try yet again to paint Bush as a man of depth and character are truly sad, if not downright dangerous. According to bootlicker-in-chief Frank Bruni, Bush now has a "wholly transformed sense of himself and his presidency. He believes, [friends and advisors] say, that he has come face to face with his life's mission, the task by which he will be defined and judged... One of the president's close acquaintances outside the White House said Mr. Bush clearly feels he has encountered his reason for being, a conviction informed and shaped by the president's own strain of Christianity. 'I think, in his frame, this is what God has asked him to do,' the acquaintance said. 'It offers him enormous clarity.'"

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In other words, the left wingers are ADMITTING what we've suspected all along: they are enraged not by the horrific terrorist attacks earlier this month. They are mad because those attacks knocked their propaganda campaign against Bush out of the news. It's truly sickening that these people think the way they do, but it is also to be expected.

Never forget it - The left wingers who run the Democrat party NEVER set aside their political agenda. That left wing political agenda to them is their religion, it is their way of life, it is what they think their existence is all about. That's how the far left thinks and operates. At times it is laughable, at other times, including recently, it is downright REPULSIVE.

Consider Hillary Clinton's behavior during Bush's speech. It didn't take much for anybody who watched to figure out that Hillary was not concerned about a tragedy that occurred in the state she supposedly represents - she was concerned about one thing and one thing alone that night: her 2004 presidential bid going out the window. She was concerned about it because that presidential bid was her way of advancing the left wing agenda to a new level, and that agenda to her comes above all else. It is her religion, it is her livlihood. And naturally when she sees that religion of left wing wackoism embarassed, humiliated, and, most significantly, thrown off the front page. The left's radical agenda was truly thrown off the front by a republican president's efforts to unite the country by turning to patriotism, liberty, and faith in God in the wake of a national tragedy of far greater magnitude than anything the left can offer.

I dare say the left wing is jealous that the bilge agenda they place above all else is no longer given any credibility. That is why they role their eyes in speeches. That is why they are throwing every smear, whine, and vitriolic attack in their book at Bush right now. They are jealous that they are no longer in the attention of the public. They are jealous that their agenda has been displaced by a real tragedy of genuine concern. The Democrats of the far left are not concerned or enraged or impacted by the tragedy earlier this month - they are simply jealous of it.

No word yet on, the official message board of the DNC, but I can bet they are spewing the same bilge as their partner

1 posted on 09/30/2001 4:15:52 PM PDT by GOPcapitalist
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To: GOPcapitalist
"...Scaife-funded army of Clinton-haters..."

I didn't know we could get paid for hating the Clintons. I have been doing it for free all of these years.

Who do I see about my back pay?


2 posted on 09/30/2001 4:25:50 PM PDT by CIB-173RDABN
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To: GOPcapitalist
I knew it..I knew it..I knew it!

This article confirms what I had been thinking...9/11/2001 threw them way off course.

3 posted on 09/30/2001 4:26:30 PM PDT by joyce11111
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To: GOPcapitalist
Damn that Scaife...where's my check he owes me?
4 posted on 09/30/2001 4:28:18 PM PDT by lowbridge
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To: joyce11111, PhikapMom
We are going to be in the battle of good vs. evil until November of 2004 - and it won't be just against terrorists! I hope all of us warriors are up to fighting for President Bush - we will need to mobilize and face the protestors by land, by deed and by cyberspace. Let's roll!
5 posted on 09/30/2001 4:29:01 PM PDT by Wait4Truth
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To: joyce11111
Exactly. They saw their entire agenda of propaganda and left wing bilge go down the toilet, and they are MAD! As sick and disgusting as it may be, it is no understatement: the left is not angry or concerned over the terrorist attack - they are JEALOUS of it.
6 posted on 09/30/2001 4:30:19 PM PDT by GOPcapitalist
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To: Wait4Truth
Agreed. The left's agenda has been thwarted into peacenik "no retaliation whatsoever" protest mode (gee, they sure didn't make a peep when Clinton was bombing Kosovo!). They are already acting as if it were vietnam all over, and we haven't even fired a single shot in retaliation yet! We must counter that with freeps and expose them for what they are.
7 posted on 09/30/2001 4:32:49 PM PDT by GOPcapitalist
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To: GOPcapitalist
That was precisely why hildabeeast had such a grim mean look on her face while touring the terrorist site in NYC.
8 posted on 09/30/2001 4:40:14 PM PDT by joyce11111
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To: GOPcapitalist
Democrats are American's would-be Taliban; they are elitists and the worst swine that America has to offer the world.
9 posted on 09/30/2001 4:43:14 PM PDT by Tax Government
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To: GOPcapitalist
As I used to say, repeatedly, in the . . . ahem . . . Clinton administration: I knw people like the First Couple in law school. This is just the way they are. Their biggest "worK' is figuring out how they are going to "educate" the great unwashed to all the obvious truths that they just haven't caught up with yet.

BUILD A MOVEMENT; A COALITION; SPIT IN THE LETTUCE-- our compassionate friends spread it around back in the 70's that everyone was going to be urged to spit in the lettuce in the dining hall --in order to discourage consumption of iceberg lettuce by all those students who had not yet been convinced by their pamplets and slogans to support the labor struggles of lettuce pickers in their latest move to unionize. POWER to THE PEOPLE.

I do think it poignant that a lot of formerly young lefties are now able to see that now that our homeland has been attacked, our military is something they might like to have -- and even be proud of. Novel feelings have been dawing in many no longer young and quite so foolish hearts.

BTW, look at the transformation in Tom Friedman of the NYT......He said on TV today to a mealy mouthed question about whether the moderate Arab state would be bothered about xyz: Tough! . Talk about doses of reality concentrating the mind. I can even read him now

10 posted on 09/30/2001 4:45:56 PM PDT by ontos-on
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To: GOPcapitalist
"Allegations about the 2000 election and his legitimacy were about hit the news... "

Yeah, right. A rigorous investigation was promised 9+ months ago that would get to the bottom of how exactly GW "cheated". These same people have remained dead silent since mid-March.

Now they suddenly have something but they can't release it because of the terrorist attacks? What might that be? There's plenty of Bush-bashing going on in spite of the terrorist attacks and I don't believe that it would stop one bit. So if they have something, let's hear it. I need a good laugh.

11 posted on 09/30/2001 4:51:09 PM PDT by Hillary 666
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To: GOPcapitalist
The Democrats of the far left are not concerned or enraged or impacted by the tragedy earlier this month - they are simply jealous of it.

That's very true. What a sick bunch of people!

12 posted on 09/30/2001 4:53:37 PM PDT by Hillary 666
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To: GOPcapitalist
And now that people are curious about our porous borders, they'll soon find out about Clinton/Gore rushing in illegal aliens w/o background checks in the mad rush for the '96 and '00 elections. It was bound to be an excellent month for W, now even more so. Democrat scum.
13 posted on 09/30/2001 4:56:26 PM PDT by toenail
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To: GOPcapitalist
Maybe we should check out Al Gores grade records and don't forget the recent report on military votes. someone needs to tell them that selective counting is not exceptable.
14 posted on 09/30/2001 4:57:24 PM PDT by dalebert
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To: GOPcapitalist
I dare say the left wing is jealous that the bilge agenda they place above all else is no longer given any credibility. That is why they role their eyes in speeches. That is why they are throwing every smear, whine, and vitriolic attack in their book at Bush right now. They are jealous that they are no longer in the attention of the public. They are jealous that their agenda has been displaced by a real tragedy of genuine concern. The Democrats of the far left are not concerned or enraged or impacted by the tragedy earlier this month - they are simply jealous of it.

Talk about bilge....

We Democrats aren't jealous. Who would want such a terrible tragedy to befall our country under any circumstances?

We Democrats will refrain from publicly bashing Bush for a while. We'll even give some measure of support for the good of the country. But please don't think we'll ever endorse him. We still consider him a fraud and no act of terrorism, no matter how horrific, is going to change that.
The debt hasn't been cancelled - we're just not going to charge interest for a while.

15 posted on 09/30/2001 4:59:16 PM PDT by Bouncer
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To: all
It was apparent on Hillary's face

during Bush's address to Congress:

'Darn it, now we can't bash the free society for a bit...'

They're vile egalitarian creeps...

16 posted on 09/30/2001 5:01:31 PM PDT by 4Liberty
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To: Bouncer
Who would want such a terrible tragedy to befall our country under any circumstances?

You guys would. I read articles about how it is really too bad that these attacks didn't happen during the Clinton administration so that he would have had this great opportunity to show his leadership. Instead, GW was the lucky guy to have this happen during his administration.

17 posted on 09/30/2001 5:02:46 PM PDT by Hillary 666
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To: GOPcapitalist
We need to remember the real victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

The real victims were not the people who crashed in the planes. The victims were not the ones who died in the Pentagon or the World Trade Center. They are not in the hospitals across New York and Wasshington preparing themselves for years of therapy and pain.

The real victims of the terrorists are the people who were stopped by these tragedies from bashing George Bush. Within minutes, their hopes and dreams of trashing the president went up in smoke. Let's make sure we remember these TRUE victims in our prayers.

18 posted on 09/30/2001 5:03:31 PM PDT by 11th Earl of Mar
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To: Bouncer
We Democrats will refrain from publicly bashing Bush for a while

You haven't even slowed down yet.

You Demos claim to be all full of peace and love, yet you are totally indifferent to the deaths of 7000 people. Your answer to this crisis is that we should all sit on our hands and do nothing. Your biggest gripe about the terrorist attacks is how it caused Americans to be more patriotic, which negatively affects your political agenda.

19 posted on 09/30/2001 5:08:17 PM PDT by Hillary 666
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To: Bouncer
"We Democrats aren't jealous. Who would want such a terrible tragedy to befall our country under any circumstances?"

If you are honest, you know that there is a segment of the committed left who is exactly "jealous"-as was portrayed in the post. The carping agianst Bush an dwhining about the election was just a rude device. It is given up because the left realizes that people won't stand for that nonesense in wartime.

Witness what happened to Rep. Meehan in Boston when he [consitent with the Democrat party playbook prior to 9-11-01, charged that Bush was hiding out and was cowardly for not coming to DC immediately.

This event was like a hard rain. It washed away a lot of BS. When they try to ressurrect it again, they [and I suppose, you] will be sadly sorry. How do you think cries of the "Lock-Box" would ring America's ears about now???

20 posted on 09/30/2001 5:11:26 PM PDT by ontos-on
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