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Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta speech in Afghanistan
the telegraph ^
Posted on 03/15/2012 3:41:01 AM PDT by Einherjar
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To: Einherjar
Win the Future did they start asking soldiers?
posted on
03/15/2012 6:11:55 AM PDT
(Mohammedan law every woman must belong to a man will delay the end of slavery until Islam has ceased)
To: GoldenPup
Even Chavez and Castro feel free to be in the presence of armed men.
Of course they run hard core Marxists dictatorships.
Panetta, in contrast, is just a punk.
posted on
03/15/2012 6:15:08 AM PDT
To: Einherjar
A man afraid of this own troops, for any reason, is not the man to lead the troops.
posted on
03/15/2012 6:19:15 AM PDT
A Strict Constructionist
(We're an Oligrachy...Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. Thomas Jefferson)
To: elcid1970
I remember that. Odd that leftist CIC's and their subalterns demand safety from the freemen sworn to uphold the Constitution and obedience to their CIC.
To: Einherjar
This is the topic of a thread at Hot Air and a poster recommended anyone who wants vet feedback to go to Free Republic because the vets are legit here...
amen to that!
To: Einherjar
“I dont know about the rest of you, but being surrounded by a group of armed Marines is the safest feeling in the world.”
You got that right.
posted on
03/15/2012 7:27:22 AM PDT
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose of a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
To: Einherjar
Imagine what would have happened if some Afghan soldiers came in and started shooting.
posted on
03/15/2012 7:41:46 AM PDT
(Talent Without Ambition Is Sad - Ambition Without Talent Is Worse)
To: muawiyah
Panetta, in contrast, is just a punkAnd a HACK...sorry for insult to all punks and hacks.
To: SkyDancer
Imagine what would have happened if some Afghan soldiers came in and started shooting.No big deal..."O" would just have to find another "Lackey" to fill the slot. Lot of them in D.C., so it wouldn't be hard.
To: Einherjar
Leon Panetta is doing as Barack Obama wishes, disarming our Marines on the enemies doesn't matter for how long it matters that the request was made at all.
Major General Mark Gurganus later said he gave the order because Afghan troops attending the talk were unarmed and he wanted the policy to be consistent for all. The General is not being truthful, he is playing politics.
(attack on Panetta's plane) ....and our Marines were asked to
lay down their arms?
posted on
03/15/2012 9:41:55 AM PDT
To: Einherjar
They did not want to take a chance of one of our Afghan “friends” taking a shot at the secretary so they disarmed everybody....
To: PowderMonkey
These soldiers look like they would rather be eating a bar of soap rather than escorting Panchetta around.
posted on
03/15/2012 4:47:38 PM PDT
(''Life's's even tougher if you're stupid.'')
To: Einherjar
I’m surprised the spineless Panetta even showed his face.
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