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The Donatists and Novatianists Live:

"Traditionalist" and Schis | matic Catholics

St. Joseph's Church, Detroit, MI: A Traditional Novus Ordo Parish (link to an article)

The history of Christian doctrine is . . . an avenue into the authentic continuity of Christian believing, teaching, and confessing. Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine: vol. 1 of 5: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1971, 9)

Click the banner to learn more about and purchase this book and additional popular apologetics and theology titles by Dave Armstrong

 See also the Ecumenism & Salvation "Outside" the Catholic Church page for links on the topics of Salvation Outside the Church, Feeneyism, Religious Liberty, Ecumenism, and Comparative Religion. See the Church page for papers and links about authority issues, and the male priesthood, and the Theological Liberalism & Modernism page for vigorous critiques of various modernist errors (also the Agnosticism, Atheism, Humanism, and Secularism page). The Papacy and Infallibility page contains information on conciliar infallibility also. Political conservatism is explicated on the Politics and Social Activism page, and traditional morality links can be found on the Moral Theology page.

Syllabus of 60 "Traditionalist" Errors, Fallacies, and False Principles 96K
Critique of my Syllabus of 60 "Traditionalist" Errors and My Counter-Reply (Dave Armstrong vs. Mark Cameron) 19K
Dialogue: Catholic "Traditionalism": the Dreadful Malady of the Mind and Scourge of an Optimistic Faith in God's  Protection of His Church 29K
Critique of The Remnant, with Copious Documentation 100K
Dialogue on The Remnant ("Traditionalist" Group) 81K
Dialogue with a Troubled Semi-Traditionalist on the "Catastrophe" of the Post-Vatican II Church 80K
Dialogue: So-Called "Traditionalists" vs. So-Called "Conservatives" 29K
Protestant Contra-Catholic Revisionist History: Pope St. Pius X and Cardinal Newman's Alleged "Modernism" 132K
Dietrich von Hildebrand and Legitimate Catholic Traditionalism 45K
Dialogue: The "Traditionalist" Disdain for the Second Vatican Council: Is it Consistent With Catholic Tradition? Is it Binding on All Catholics? (With Copious References, and a Discussion of the Infallibility and Sublime Authority of Conciliar and Papal Decrees and Pronouncements) 189K
Reflections on False Catholic "Traditionalism" 34K
Conciliar Infallibility: Church Documents 23K
Pre-Vatican II Ecumenism 13K
Apologia for Catholic Ecumenism and Christian Unity 14K
How Anti-Catholics Can be Catholics' Brothers in Christ (Truth Wherever it is Found, Ignorance, and Invincible Ignorance) 42K
A Defense of the Ecumenical Gathering at Assisi (Ecumenism in St. Thomas Aquinas) (Fr. Alfredo M. Morselli) 35K
A Response to (and Wonderment at) Criticisms of the Second Ecumenical Gathering at Assisi (2002) (Mark P. Shea) 25K
Dialogue: Should the Pope Kiss The Koran?: Ecumenism as an Effort to Acknowledge Partial Truth Wherever it is Found 71K
"Why Doesn't Pope John Paul II DO Something About the Modernist Dissenters in the Catholic Church?" 39K
Are All Catholic Laymen and Non-Theologians Qualified to Freely and Frequently Criticize the Pope's Opinions and Prudential Judgment? 72K
Dialogue: Baptism, the Mystical Body of Christ, and Implications for Ecumenism 18K
Dialogue: Vatican II and Other Religions (Nostra Aetate) 20K
My Traditional Novus Ordo Parish 16K
How to Receive Communion: Tradition, Abuses, Symbolism, and Piety 13K


General / Miscellaneous

ULTRATRADITIONALISTS (website by "Matt1618")
On Liberal and Ultraconservative "Catholicism" (Luke Wadel)
A Prescription Against Traditionalism  (I. Shawn McElhinney)
Apologetics Papers and Critiques of False "Traditionalism" (I. Shawn McElhinney)
The "Remnant" (Mattite) Sect  (I. Shawn McElhinney)
Confusing Culture With 'Tradition' (I. Shawn McElhinney)
Was Pope John Paul II Ritually Anointed by a Hindu in India? (James Akin)
Catholic Encyclopedia: OLD CATHOLICS
Schismatic Traditionalists (Matt C. Abbott)
An Open Letter to Confused Traditionalists (F. John Loughnan)
Traditionalists and the Epistemology of Protestantism: Private Judgment (Stephen Hand)
Detection and Overthrow of the ‘Traditionalist Catholics’ Falsely So-Called (I. Shawn McElhinney, Dr. Art Sippo, and "Matt1618")
Christian Unity and the Role of Authority: The Infallibility of the Church and the Pope (I. Shawn McElhinney)

Vatican II

What Went Wrong With Vatican II? (Ralph McInerny)
Vatican II and its Authority (I. Shawn McElhinney)
Making the True Vatican II Our Own (John Saward)
Formal Debate: Was Vatican II an Infallible Council? (Adam Kolasinski vs. Art Sippo)
Was Vatican Council II Voided by Pope Pius II's "Execrabilis"? (F. John Loughnan)

Non-Schismatic Traditionalist, Tridentine / Novus Ordo Latin Mass, and Liturgical Reform Websites and Articles

Traditional Catholic Reflections & Reports ©  (website: Stephen Hand)
Integrism, Integrist, Extreme Traditionalists (web page: Stephen Hand)
The Pete Vere Homepage (orthodox traditionalist canonist)
Apologetics Papers and Critiques of False "Traditionalism" (I. Shawn McElhinney)
Agenda (William Grossklas; contra-SSPX website)
F. John Loughnan's Page (former SSPX member)
The Catholic Liturgical Library
Traditional Latin Mass
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi Web Site
The History Buff's Catholic Website
Latin Mass Magazine
A Bill of Rights for Orthodox Catholics (Mark J. Kelly)
Registry of Papally-Approved Traditional (Tridentine) Masses
Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) Directory for the USA
And to the Latin Mass (Tim Padgett; Time, June 7, 1999)
A New "Way" for the Church (Opus Dei) (Antonio Gaspari)
''Changes in Mass for Greater Apostolate'' (Pope Paul VI audience)
''The Mass is the Same'' (Pope Paul VI audience)
In Defense of the Novus Ordo Mass ("Matt 1618")
A Short Primer on the Mass (I. Shawn McElhinney)
The Red Herring of Communion in the Hand  (I. Shawn McElhinney and "Matt1618")
A Micro Look at the Pauline Mass (I. Shawn McElhinney)
THE MASS OF VATICAN II  (Joseph Fessio, S.J.)
Review of Coomaraswamy's The Problems With the New Mass (William G. Most)
Liturgical Abuses: The Church Speaks
Rethinking Communion in the Hand  (Jude A. Huntz)

SSPX / Lefebvrites

Introduction to the Lefebvrist Schism (James Akin)
Decree of Excommunication on Marcel Lefebvre
The Protocol of Agreement of the Vatican and Archbishop Lefebvre
Archbishop Lefebvre and the Declaration on Religious Liberty (William G. Most)
Ecclesia Dei (Pope John Paul II on the schismatic Society of St. Pius X)
Agenda (William Grossklas; anti-SSPX website)
A Canonical History of the Lefebvrite Schism  (Peter J. Vere)
My Journey Out of the Lefebvre Schism: All Tradition Leads to Rome (Pete Vere)
A Case Study In Modern-Day Donatism (I. Shawn McElhinney)
Is the Society of St. Pius X in Schism? A Recent Response from Rome (F. John Loughnan)
Status of Society of St. Pius X Masses (Pontifical Commission on Ecclesia Dei)
Status of SSPX (Pontifical Commission on Ecclesia Dei)
The Flat Earth Society and SSPX-Type "Traditionalists" (F. John Loughnan)
Schism, Obedience, & SSPX (John Beaumont & John Walsh)
Lefebvrism: Jansenism Revisited? (Anthony Fisher) + SSPX Type Traditionalists  (F. John Loughnan)


Do-it Yourself Popes: The Wacky World of Sedevacantists (Michael Petek)
A One-Step Refutation of Sedevacantism (I. Shawn McElhinney)

Main Index & Search | Church | Papacy | Saints | Tradition | Purgatory | Justification | Sacramentalism | Mary | Penance | Eucharist | Development | Trinity | Creation | Misc. Theology | Book & Search Links | Eastern Orthodoxy | Ecumenism | Catholic Documents & General/Apologetic Websites

Compiled by Dave Armstrong. Thorough URL Revision: 13 February 2002. Updated: 13 May 2002.

1 posted on 08/12/2002 11:53:21 AM PDT by Polycarp
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To: Polycarp
Uh oh.
2 posted on 08/12/2002 11:55:11 AM PDT by Desdemona
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To: Polycarp
  Not as they seem ...
  Schismatic Sites
  Docs and Articles
  Faithful Sites
  Take a look at some of the mail this page is generating ...

Not As They Seem ...

     Over the last few years, religious web sites of every stripe have sprung up across the internet. Not all of them, however, are what they appear to be at first sight.

     When I first began to browse the internet, I was drawn to the Catholic sites, and had a huge collection of them in my favorites folder. As soon as I found a new one, in it went. I spent hours typing religious words into the search bar to see what would come up, and followed all the links on the new sites I found. I was like a little kid in a candy shop ... or perhaps even more like a drunk in a liquor store, because it took me a long time to realize that some of the "Catholic sites" ... really weren't.

     They all looked so good! They talked about the Rosary, the Mass, the Blessed Mother ... they had all of those pretty pictures that I remembered from the holy cards the nuns used to hand out when I was a little girl in parochial school. They felt so "comfortable" that I never really explored the web sites very deeply. I never felt I needed to.

Need to dig a little deeper ...

     One day, I ran across a site called "Catholic Apologetics." It was such a nice site! They had Catholic Prayers, pretty icons, and all sorts of cuddly, fuzzy, warm Catholic things. I was so impressed with the site that we featured it! The fellow who runs the site and I exchanged emails, and over a period of time, I began to wonder about some of the stuff he was writing. Among other things that aroused my suspicions was the fact that he seemed to think that I would be better off to missing Mass completely than attending a "New Mass."

     Going back to his site, I explored it more deeply. I was disappointed to find that his site was rife with articles in defense of the excommunicated Archbishop LeFebvre, condemnations of the "Novus Ordo" (New Mass,) condemnations of Vatican II, and a confusing mixture of articles that, on one hand, accept the Holy Father and his authority, and on the other, reject them both.

Hard to discern the good from the bad

     As bad as this last site sounds, it still isn't as bad as others I've seen. Some of them believe that the Papacy has been vacant since Pope Pius XII, and that all of the other Popes since then have been usurpers. Those who believe this are called "Sedevacantists."

     And then there are those who disagree with the original LeFebvrists on one point or another, and those who disagree with the "disagree-ers" on yet other points ... and on down the line, until they become indistinguishable from the original 'protest'-ants. Some of them belong to the schismatic SSPX society itself, and go so far as to deny that there even is a schism! And, almost unbelievably, some still call themselves Roman Catholic after electing their own pope!

     One thing they all have in common, however, is that they all call themselves "traditionalists." I beg to differ on that point, since "traditionally," Roman Catholics do not disobey the Holy Father and the Magisterium.

Doing the homework ...

     There are many levels and shades of these extreme right wing schismatics, and it makes it very hard for an obedient, faithful Catholic to tell if they've found a real Catholic web site which is faithful to the Magisterium, or if they've stumbled across a schismatic site that inserts little (or large) drops of poison here and there against Rome, Vatican II, the Holy Father ...

     In order to discover if a particular web site is really a true, faithful, traditional web site that loves the Traditions of the Church without promoting disobedience, or if it's a schismatic site that only calls itself "traditional," you have to dig deeply into everything they say, and all of the little links they provide for you. A good way to tell is if they promote other web sites that belong to the SSPX or SSPV, if they have articles in defense of Archbishop LeFebvre, or say they are trying to "convert 'Catholics' to Catholicism." (Humility doesn't seem to be part of the deal ... )

     Some are more difficult to pinpoint, although the overall tone is schismatic. The only thing to do when you're not sure is to keep the webmasters in prayer - and exercise great caution when visiting. Of course, if you can find other sites that are more trustworthy and provide the same services, you may be better off avoiding the more suspicious ones altogether.

How to use this page

     We've done a bit of research for you. We've included links to articles and letters that explain the schism in more detail, and give the views of Rome on the issue. Among those links, you can find Archbishop LeFebvre's Decree of Excommunication, and other similar documents.

     Also included on this page are two lists that should help you discern the faithful from the schismatic:

     One contains the names of websites that promote material we were able to identify as schismatic, either openly like the overt SSPX websites, or in a more subtle way, for example: including links to schismatic websites or articles as part of their own apologetics. Many of them openly don't say a word about not being in union with Rome, but have articles telling Catholics to not attend the "New Mass," or telling them that continuing to follow the Holy Father will lead to damnation. Some of them claim to still be within the Church, but their material indicates otherwise.

     I had wanted to color code the links in order to show what the particular problem with each site was, but there were so many factors involved that it wouldn't have been practical. We'd have had some gorgeous rainbows tho! ;)

     The second list contains websites that are both "Traditional," and faithful to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. These sites are a breath of fresh air for all of us, and a sign of hope for those who yearn for a return to the Tridentine Mass.

We will continue to add links to both lists, and any new articles that may surface. If there are any sites you would like us to take a look at,

A discerning spirit will be able to distinguish between "traditional," and "Traditional."

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Schismatic Websites

The Society of Saint Pius X

The Aquinas Site

Catholic Insight

Catholic Tradition

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

St. Mary's Academy and College

The Immaculata Bookstore

Franciscan Friars, Rochester, NY

Missionaries of the Holy Ghost

Catholic Counter-Reformation

St. Mich. Arch. Trad. RC Chapel

In Hoc Signo Vinces

Saint Benedict Center

Traditional Mass

Congregation of St. Mary

Daily Catholic

Daughters of Mary

Catholic Caveman

Traditional Catholic Information

The Society of St. Pius V

Cong. of Most Holy Redeemer

Magnificat of Mother of God


Society of Christ the King

The Society of the Virgin Mary

League of Catholic Chatters


Where Peter Is

Catholic Apologetics

True Catholic

RC's Of Holy Apostolic Trad.

Pope Michael


Note that Mary's Remnant will not enter into "dialogue" with schismatics.

If you don't feel your site should be on this list, then remove whatever it is on your website that caused you to end up here. Let us know what you've done, and we'll come take a look. At that time, we will update our pages according to what we find there.

If you belong to one of the organizations listed above and feel that the organization itself should not be listed as "schismatic," then please take it up with the leaders of the organization or the authorities of the Church.

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Faithful Traditional Websites

Theotokos Online

Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi

Institute Of Christ The King

The Kolbe Group

Society of Saint John

The Militia of the Immaculata

Institute on Religious Life

Opus Dei

The Latin Mass Society

Biblical Foundations Int.

Latin Mass Magazine

Divine Mercy World Apost.

New Advent


The Vatican

Community of Saint John

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Keep the Faith

Ecclesia Dei

Opus Mariae Mediatricis

Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter

Una Voce

Catholic Pages

Frans. Miss. of Eternal Word

Mary's Yellowstone :)

Documents and Articles

About the priests and lay people who follow LeFebvre

Status Of The Society Of St. Pius X

Arcbishop LeFebvre's Decree Of Excommunication

The Protocol Agreement Of The Vatican And Archbishop LeFebvre

Archbishop LeFebvre And The Declaration On Religious Liberty

To The Society Of St. Pius X: "You Can't Have It Both Ways!"

What's A Catholic To Do As Allure To Schism Grows Stronger?

In Defence Of The Novus Ordo Missae

A Critique of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)

The "Traditionalist" Disdain for the Second Vatican Council

Syllabus of 60 "Traditionalist" Errors, Fallacies, and False Principles

Fr. Gruner, Fátima Crusader, Catholic Family News

Restoring the Liturgy: How We Must Proceed

Lists of "catholics" not in union with Pope John Paul II

My Journey out of the Lefebvre Schism

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3 posted on 08/12/2002 11:55:27 AM PDT by Polycarp
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To: Polycarp
Thank you. The answers to point 13 are essentially the answers I give to those who see the current, grave crisis the hurch faces. The Church HAS been infiltrated by Her enemies, She has been harmed by those both with evil intent and by those with good intentions and bad formation. She, Herself, will survive. My concern is for the souls lost during the crisis.
12 posted on 08/12/2002 2:59:09 PM PDT by narses
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To: Polycarp
Dear Polycarp,

You forgot my addition to number 6:

"6) Denying the Novus Ordo is valid and licit or that Pope Paul VI had the authority to promulgate it does make one schismatic."

Ought to be: "6) Denying the Novus Ordo is valid and licit, and entirely orthodox and Catholic or that Pope Paul VI had the authority to promulgate it does make one schismatic."

17 posted on 08/12/2002 5:28:29 PM PDT by sitetest
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To: Polycarp
I have had the site bookmarked for years. Great post. I have his book Biblical evidence of Catholicism. good book by the convert Dave.

I thank you for this post. It is a good answer to the schismatics and their supporters

25 posted on 08/13/2002 5:46:59 AM PDT by Catholicguy
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