To: Liberty - Constitution for all
I will, my friend. But I can only tune in for the first couple of hours on and off. Again, let me repeat, that I don't care if Rush is addicted or not...he has been a value to my life for many years, helping me through hard times, boring times, exciting times...I don't agree with everything he advocates, such as pro-life or pro drug-war, but I respect his optimism immensely and his love of life...his commitment to truth, the fact that out of 12 novels he recommends, two are by my heroine, Ayn Rand, etc. etc...So tell him to bring back Al Shanklin already!
To: The Westerner
Join 24/7, Westerner. I listened a couple of weeks ago and Big Al was on the audio when the show goes to commercials.
257 posted on
10/09/2003 10:58:40 PM PDT by
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