To: chance33_98
Arianna Huffington Ind 1,500 1.1 Didn't she drop out?
41 posted on
10/07/2003 8:36:44 PM PDT by
("If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem, Let My Right Hand Wither" - Psalms 137:5)
To: yonif
Didn't she drop out? Yes, and the dems will use that and say voters were confused :)
43 posted on
10/07/2003 8:37:47 PM PDT by
(This tagline made from recycled ideas, no animals were harmed during the typing of it)
To: yonif
Hey, I voted for Arianna . . .
Just kidding!
47 posted on
10/07/2003 8:39:52 PM PDT by
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