I can understand how you will go to great lengths to support affirmative action since you admit to being a member of a group that benefits from affirmative action. Some people would be ashamed of winning a race in which they received a head start; others will accept the prize and think nothing of its ultimate unfairness.
You have made several misstatements. You claim that lying about race doesnt garner you any advantage That is a misleading statement since claiming to be of a certain race DOES garner you an advantage at certain schools, including U of M. Otherwise there would be absolutely no reason why the admissions process at U of M would take race into consideration.
Second, how is it possible to prove a persons race? Are we to use skin color as a determining factor? Eye color? Hair texture? DNA testing? If I appear white but claim that I have a black, Asian or Spanish ancestor can you prove me wrong? Perhaps we should take lessons from the South Africans and hand out racial identity cards.
When I arrived in this country many years ago, many minorities of all kinds and various colors were discriminated against. Their objective at that time was to be viewed as individuals and allowed to compete on an equal footing with their fellow countrymen. Once they achieved protected status, however, they found that the benefits of preferences are hard to forgo. So today, they are fighting as hard as any Georgia cracker of the 1950s to maintain their racial preferences.
So today, it may be necessary for the JeremyJoders of this world to throw the kind of sand in the gears of modern racism that the freedom riders of the 1960s threw into Jim Crow. You should remember that they, too, were breaking the law. They were often taken to jail, not just thrown out of school. There are worse things than suffering for your principles, such as giving them up for racial preferences. So I, for one, applaud JeremyJoder.