What would I be trying to obfuscate? Nothing can be truly understood without understanding the context of whatever is being examined. Nothing exists in a vacuum. There is always a context. To ignore contexts is obfuscation.
Philosophy defines a human as "rational animal" to differentiate humans from all other animals. In that context, any creature that is not capable of being rational, potentially or actually, is not human.
Biology defines humans in terms of the genetic nature of the species. Anything that bears the genetic nature of a human is human.
I did not invent any of this. Those are the definitions. How is that obfuscation?
What is it you believe is true that you believe I disagree with? Please describe this within a specific context and indicate what that context is. You may be right, for all I know. I really do not know what it is you are getting at. I have certainly made mistakes, especially in the way I have expressed my views in the past, and would not be surprised to discover I have done it again. So far, you have not shown me where that mistake is, but I'm willing to be shown, if you choose to show me.