To: SunStar
Not if the recall elecion is pushed to March of 2004. That is the presidential primary election, where EVERY Democrat will be at the polls, voting for their favorite Democrat presidential candidate. The GOP timed the submission of the recall papers specifically to avoid the March election. This is a HUGE win for the Democrats.
No, if the Recall is delayed until March, it will share a ballot with the referendum to overturn the Illegal Alien drivers' licenses and a racist MEChA seperatist, as well as eight or nine Democrat Presidential candidates who've promised to Amnesty Illegals if elected. Illegal Aliens will be the central issue on the March Primary in California, in the face of a furious electorate.
145 posted on
09/15/2003 10:48:34 AM PDT by
(Arnold opposes the driver's licenses, but he also wants to lobby DC to legalize Illegal Aliens. Ah.)
To: Sabertooth
Wouldn't it make sense to vote Davis out of office on the same voting machines that voted him in?!?
193 posted on
09/15/2003 10:54:43 AM PDT by
To: Sabertooth
Not if the recall elecion is pushed to March of 2004. That is the presidential primary election, where EVERY Democrat will be at the polls, voting for their favorite Democrat presidential candidate. The GOP timed the submission of the recall papers specifically to avoid the March election. This is a HUGE win for the Democrats. No, if the Recall is delayed until March, it will share a ballot with the referendum to overturn the Illegal Alien drivers' licenses and a racist MEChA seperatist, as well as eight or nine Democrat Presidential candidates who've promised to Amnesty Illegals if elected. Illegal Aliens will be the central issue on the March Primary in California, in the face of a furious electorate.
also why isn't Bustamonte being called to task for SUPPORTING THE VIOLENT OVERTHROW OF CALIFORNIA?
To: Sabertooth
Is there yet a recall of Lt. Gov. Bustamonte at this time (or are you projecting one)?
364 posted on
09/15/2003 11:19:15 AM PDT by
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