"I think that whoever the Democrats nominate will be our next President. And, yes, that very much includes Howard Dean. It appears to me that the establishment simply will not allow President Bush to be re-elected. The media, in lockstep as usual, have gone into a full-time Bush-bashing mode. Magazines like Time and Newsweek have gone over the top in a manner that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. Last night in a gym I checked in on CNN periodically over an hour and a half. CNN's entire progamming during that time was an anti-Bush campaign commercial; it was so blatant as to verge on self-parody. But that doesn't make it ineffective. Events between now and next November will matter, of course, but I'm afraid they won't matter much. By then, it will be firmly established "fact" that the Iraq war has been a failure. It simply makes no difference how well the situation there goes over the next year. The goalposts will be moved to whatever extent necessary. The truth is that the Iraq venture has gone astonishingly well so far, but that doesn't prevent the media from portraying it as a failure, and nothing that happens in the next year will change that. The same applies to the economy. The economy has actually been doing quite well for some time, and the stock market has been booming for the past six months. The facts don't matter: voters are becoming increasingly convinced that the economy is bad, and after four years they will hold Bush responsible. When George Bush senior ran for re-election in 1992, the mini-recession of 1990-91 had been over for a year and a half, and the economy was growing fast. Media spin easily overcame that reality, and the same thing will happen next year."
WOW!! What a defeatist attitude this writer has. Personally, I believe Dubyuh's got the potential for really firing up the electorate behind him, but only if he starts following his most conservative instincts and quits trying to curry favor with the DemonRAT Leftists. The RATS need to be confronted, attacked and destroyed, not compromised with!!
If Dubyuh and the GOP chart out a true Reaganesque vision of limiting the size and scope of the Federal Leviathan, I can foresee a scenario wherein the Right enjoys a historic landslide of Reagan '84 proportions. However, if Dubyuh continues to play towards the Milquetoast Moderate Middle vis a vis domestic policy, he may follow the footsteps of his daddy.
The economy has actually been doing quite well for some time, and the stock market has been booming for the past six months.
What country does this guy live in. ?