I did indeed, as well as other Freepers. Great job.
Anyway, it is a phenomenal piece of work. I did catch a couple of typos, but they don't bother me in the least - I am frankly more concerned that a novel of this sort be as realistic as possible, and that technical details about weapons, investigating techniques, etc. be correct. I want something plausible about where we are going if the anti-gunners don't back off, and you have done a masterful job of it so far. I think that the plot is realistic, the characters have been developed very well, the plot flows very nicely, and the technical details (to the extent that I'm aware) are perfect.
Glad to here that we Texans are (once again) leading the nation in something related to guns. I give the novel 5 YEEEEEEE HAAAAWWWWWs on a scale of 1 to 5.