To: blam
I doubt it. Nukes all the way. We lose no one and they lose everyone. Mind you well lose the oil too but Alberta has lots of it something like 2.5 trillion barrels. Plus Alberts is pro US so it shouldn't be much of a problem to get them to join up with you. Just let me know so i can get there before it's annexed.
14 posted on
09/04/2003 4:46:55 PM PDT by
To: bitcon
It would be so easy to support that decsion without a moment's hesitation.
The US is the basis of the free world. No one else. Every country that supports us, depends on us.
Something that would cause the very fiber of the free world to falter would be answered with a nuclear yield. I'm sure most Americans would demand it. I would rather see the whole world end, than see the United States ruined.
17 posted on
09/04/2003 4:58:55 PM PDT by
(The thing about it is, we're just not sure WHAT they're capable of!)
To: bitcon
re: "Nukes all the way. We lose no one and they lose everyone. Mind you will lose the oil too."
The oil is SAFE underground, and can be pumped out after the radioacivity subsides!
To: bitcon
What you say may be true, but I think biologicals will be used. A muslim fanatic will volunteer to be infected with smallpox, ebola, Botulinum, Antrax, or Aflatoxin, sneak in across the Canadian border in to NYC and now you have a major problem. Outbreak!
21 posted on
09/04/2003 5:07:09 PM PDT by
(Awareness is what you know before you know anything else.)
To: bitcon
Plus Alberta is pro US so it shouldn't be much of a problem to get them to join up with you. Em, is it alright to ask them to shed their liberals first?
24 posted on
09/04/2003 5:21:17 PM PDT by
(Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. -Ronald Reagan)
To: bitcon
... and the rest of you paranoics....
You think nuking Canada is going to get rid of your terrorist problems?? LMAO
So...after that... why don't you just run a fence down the west and east coast of the United States...
Oh wait... you already tried that with Mexico... and they still keep getting through...
Gee... I guess you better flatten the rest of the planet to be entirely safe, and hope no terrorists are already on US soil... aye? ; )
To: bitcon
Nukes all the way. We lose no one and they lose everyone. Mind you well lose the oil too but Alberta has lots of it something like 2.5 trillion barrels. Don't worry about it. Air-bursts do relatively little fallout, and the oil fields are mostly not near major population centers
83 posted on
09/05/2003 10:31:47 AM PDT by
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