"I have no doubts, that they would love to make some kind of political statement such as finding the income tax unconstitutional, especially with Republicans in office. "
The Ninth "circus" is the exception that proves the rule. Personally I would love to see the entire income tax code at least temporarily invalidated; the level of panic in DC would be palpable.
I too support a National Sales Tax in lieu of the income tax but it would have to be designed very carefully.
The Ninth "circus" is the exception that proves the rule. Personally I would love to see the entire income tax code at least temporarily invalidated; the level of panic in DC would be palpable.LOL Ya know, now that you mention it, might be fun to watch...
I too support a National Sales Tax in lieu of the income tax but it would have to be designed very carefully.
There are currently two bills in Congress on a NRST. Also two web sites supporting such a move. I'm thinking about jumping into the frey with at least one of these groups. Haven't made up my mind yet until I'm sure of how the downsides are covered. I've listed some of the benefits on this thread, but there are several others as well. My sense is that a transitional approach would be more acceptable than a complete switch at one time.