Do you have to put a rock in a courthouse to worship God?
Who says you can't worship God as you see fit, as long as you don't use the government to advocate the worship?
The people of Alabama -- you know "the people" who are REPRESENTED by the lawmakers and judges there -- support Judge Moore. That says it all.
For crying out loud, crazy people around me want to accommodate the religion of Islam and even potential terrorists more than Judeo-Christians. What is it: hate Jews and hate Christians? I am growing very weary of this and somethings gotta give. It is all in the Judeo-Christian Bible though. It is playing out nicely I guess.
Who says you can't worship God as you see fit, as long as you don't use the government to advocate the worship?
Good point, but some questions:
Does placing the statue in the rotonda of a court house advocate or establish a particular religion?
If it does in fact advocate or establish a religion, which religion is it (Christian, Jew or Muslim)? All revere the 10 Commandments.
If it is "X" religion that is advocated or established, how will the "government" insure that you or I practice it? (If Muslim,...well nevermind, we're still armed). Sorry for so many questions, but...
Why do you think the statue has caused so much of an uproar? I see statues, paintings, sculptures, movies, magazines, etc. all the time that creep me out or offend, but never would I think to try and remove them/it. Maybe I'm just to easy going.
sinkspur, you don't get it!
Do you have to put a rock in a courthouse to worship God? Who says you can't worship God as you see fit, as long as you don't use the government to advocate the worship?