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Drudge Report ^
| 08/22/03
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 08/22/2003 2:40:17 PM PDT by Pokey78
Orlando Salinas broke in a few minutes ago and announced this on Fox News.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Alabama
KEYWORDS: falseidol; itsarock; publicproperty; roymoore; suspension; wackos; worshiptherock
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To: sinkspur
They want to erect the ten over us...
Jesus wanted to erect two in the stead of the ten.
"love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself" and He said these two were the greatest... and He offered no death penalty for failure to comply... just an expectation that we should get up, dust off and try to do better... because HE said so.
I guess that's just not enough damnation and stoning for the bible thumpers these days I guess... and not for the ones of His day either, they DID after all crucify The LORD of Glory for allegedly violating their law...
Nobody listens to Jesus anymore sink... neither YOUR church or mine it appears. But we sure as HELL are ready to revolt and destroy our nation of laws, for that good ole boy from down south... Judge "I got higher laws straight from God" Moore. After all, jan and paul, uncle benny, the amazing avanzini, coral ridge, and james kennedy... ALL know that Judge Roy has a direct hotline to the (-)lmighty, right?
"Why good ole judge roy is makin to display the commandments that our church rejects, in his courthouse for all to see, hear, fear and obey!" Just send in those donations.
Yup... fine followers of Jesus we turn out to be.
thx for pinging... interesting find.
Comment #322 Removed by Moderator
To: bjs1779
but aren't you another one who wanted Elian sent back to slavery under Castro's communist Cuba? She eats corn, too. What does that have to do with the subject of this thread?
posted on
08/22/2003 4:39:08 PM PDT
(Get two dogs and be part of a pack!)
To: VRWC_minion
In fact the judge believes that all lawyers should likewise worship his gavel? I'm willing to bet some judges come pretty close to that! LOL! :)
posted on
08/22/2003 4:40:04 PM PDT
(I don't know but I been told - Eskimo ***** is mighty cold - Tastes good - Mm good)
To: kabar
Not only that, but the Jewish law, the Ten Commandments and the other parts, happen to be the first time EVER where the law was meant to apply to EVERYONE--including the kings, and the rich and famous.
If that isn't a fundamental principle of Western civilization, what is? We don't quite make it but we try really hard, and Richard Nixon (if not Bill Clinton) found that out the hard way.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:40:14 PM PDT
(It's National I'm Being Discriminated Against By Someone Day.)
To: sinkspur
Poisoning the well. ;-)
If you can't WIN the argument any other way, poison the well! Works so well, any idiot can do it.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:40:56 PM PDT
(It's National I'm Being Discriminated Against By Someone Day.)
To: Admin Moderator
posted on
08/22/2003 4:40:57 PM PDT
To: wardaddy
When I see verbage here comparing right wing Christians to the Taliban, I have to wonder what really motivates these folks? "
Hate, fear, mor ehate, zealotry, and a belief in nihilism as the highest ideal.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:41:10 PM PDT
To: grayout
Every sperm is precious.
condoms can be seen as an abortificient...
To: M Kehoe
Why do you think the statue has caused so much of an uproar? Roy Moore intended this rock to be his testimony to his belief that a Christian God's commandments should rule this nation. He has said as much.
Can't do that.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:43:11 PM PDT
(Get two dogs and be part of a pack!)
Hate, fear, mor ehate, zealotry, and a belief in nihilism as the highest ideal. On the part of people who pretend to be conservatives.
To: sinkspur
Can't do that.
No free speech for those with whom you disagree. Got it!
posted on
08/22/2003 4:44:23 PM PDT
To: grayout
The point is this though:
The excessive secularism in the public schools caters to secular families. Religious families are forced to pay twice because the public schools deliberately do no cater and in many cases go out of their way to offend religious sentiments.
So the religious parents homeschool or send kids to private school at great added financial burden.
Think about it. That is anti-religious bias.
If religion was a skin color, they'd call it "Racism".
posted on
08/22/2003 4:44:40 PM PDT
To: John Twenty 28
Are you saying that you want the U.S. to be a dictatorship ruled over by the Supreme Court? What the court rules, goes? Well, yes, I guess. Although it's rather undeniable that Congress and the President have quite a lot to do with who sits on that bench and what jurisdiction they have.
That beats letting the President be dictator, or the Legislature passing whatever the heck it wants to pass without checks.
What is your solution? I thought we resolved this a couple hundred years ago in Marbury v. Madison.
To: sinkspur
"He's a megalomaniacal demagogue who would impose a theocracy on Alabama, if he could.
IOW, he's a very dangerous man."
Actually, anti-religion Fascists are FAR more dangerous.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:45:06 PM PDT
(Helping Mexicans invade America is TREASON!)
To: PatrioticAmerican
Actually, anti-religion Fascists are FAR more dangerous.
Good point. How many did they kill in the USSR and China?
posted on
08/22/2003 4:46:45 PM PDT
To: Robert_Paulson2
Most of what you say is true except the implication that Jesus spoke against the death penalty.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:46:49 PM PDT
(Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and most are right)
To: Iowegian
Just looking at who you have on your side (the ACLU,the People for the UnAmerican Way, etc.) should be enough to convince you to see the error of your ways. I suspect the Aryan Nation is on your side. You want to back off from your point of view?
I don't give a second thought to who's on "my side." I'm not on any "side."
As Bob Barr said on Chris Matthews just ten minutes ago, if Moore had put the ten commandments in his courtroom or, better, his office, he would have had no problem. Nor would the courts. Nor would I.
It seems Bob Barr is on "my side."
posted on
08/22/2003 4:48:00 PM PDT
(Get two dogs and be part of a pack!)
To: aristeides
Elian's father could have stayed. I think that was made abundantly clear to him. He CHOSE to go back. I'm sure there was coercion there, but he had the power to make the choice.
If we really believed that Elian and his family should be free, we have the means to deal with it. All the lip service in the world doesn't mean doodly squat. Cuba would be a territorial possession of the US in five days, tops, and a state in ten years, if we had the national will to do it. We don't.
So please don't bleed for Elian. If in 10 years he comes back across on another life raft, we'll know, won't we?
posted on
08/22/2003 4:48:07 PM PDT
(It's National I'm Being Discriminated Against By Someone Day.)
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