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Drudge Report ^
| 08/22/03
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 08/22/2003 2:40:17 PM PDT by Pokey78
Orlando Salinas broke in a few minutes ago and announced this on Fox News.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Government; News/Current Events; US: Alabama
KEYWORDS: falseidol; itsarock; publicproperty; roymoore; suspension; wackos; worshiptherock
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Comment #301 Removed by Moderator
To: jla
Doing it on an issue that is decided by Law is not one to push when the right has always been the one to say that the rule of law is the most important thing and that charactor does count when it challenges the rights of others. With every call on this issue, coming from the judicial direction, being to remove it because it is a symbol of religion, and not treating it as a work of art, the right is taking a stand against established laws. Not a good move as it opens up Pandora's box close to an election.
To: John Twenty 28
Are you saying that you want the U.S. to be a dictatorship ruled over by the Supreme Court? What the court rules, goes?
It's getting to be pretty darned close to that already, I'm sorry to say.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:32:06 PM PDT
To: Hillary's Lovely Legs
Earth to Redneck, you don't own this country. People are free here. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't you another one who wanted Elian sent back to slavery under Castro's communist Cuba?
posted on
08/22/2003 4:32:09 PM PDT
Comment #305 Removed by Moderator
To: sinkspur
The Ten Commandments are getting lots of press. I can foresee many threads and posts regarding this issue.
Who says you can't worship God as you see fit, as long as you don't use the government to advocate the worship?
Good point, but some questions:
Does placing the statue in the rotonda of a court house advocate or establish a particular religion?
If it does in fact advocate or establish a religion, which religion is it (Christian, Jew or Muslim)? All revere the 10 Commandments.
If it is "X" religion that is advocated or established, how will the "government" insure that you or I practice it? (If Muslim,...well nevermind, we're still armed). Sorry for so many questions, but...
Why do you think the statue has caused so much of an uproar? I see statues, paintings, sculptures, movies, magazines, etc. all the time that creep me out or offend, but never would I think to try and remove them/it. Maybe I'm just to easy going.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:32:51 PM PDT
M Kehoe
To: JohnnyZ
I hope I never see pro-Lesbian priestesses in the Catholic Church....geez. That is one thing I admire aside from the traditions, is that I usually agree with the Pope on cultural issues...sadly not all the time on foreign policy but one can't have it all. I do know a pro-Lesbian episcopal priestess here in Nashville though..sadly...and Protestant be fair.
I get the feeling sometime on this forum from some outspoken non-Prods that they fear my tribe (the Prods...particularly the Southern variety) have some sort of vendetta against them. I do not nor do I know any here in Nashville who do. The only difference is that the South is predominately Protetstant whereas the North (as in Northeast) is the opposite.
However, it should be noted that some of Moore's most vocal supporters are both Catholic and Orthodox Jews.
When I see verbage here comparing right wing Christians to the Taliban, I have to wonder what really motivates these folks?
These so called right wing zealots were the driving force in this nation for nearly 200 years and they did ok by me thru good and bad, the other side has been whipping our collective arses for 30+ years and we are declining rapidly.
Should I refuse to believe my "lying eyes".
To: Elsie
during good behaviourAs far as I know, their behavior is perfectly proper.
To: ChemistCat
If we have the will of the people with us then most certainly...otherwise it is Quixotic even if noble.
no, i don't enjoy uttering pragmatic platitudes.
To: Windcatcher
I think you have captured the cultural ethos in many parts of the country. On campus ... in the newsroom ... in some cities like NYC and SanFran. Many USA subcultures have already become somewhat USSR-like in their secularist orientation.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:34:43 PM PDT
Comment #311 Removed by Moderator
To: bjs1779
I supported sending Elian back to his father, unless we were going to liberate all the children living under Castro. Fair's fair. If it's right for one, it's right for all...and the child still belonged with his father, not those goofy distant relatives who wanted their 15+ minutes of fame on the poor kid's back.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:36:26 PM PDT
(It's National I'm Being Discriminated Against By Someone Day.)
Yes...Jews...damn ..some live irony. I wish more would listen to their brethren here.
I regret that the anti-Catholic sentiments of the Klan which oddly was hardly "strictly Southern" at the time that was popular (Birth of a Nation days) has had such long legs.
To: tejas
Knock off the profanity.
To: sinkspur
Just looking at who you have on your side (the ACLU,the People for the UnAmerican Way, etc.) should be enough to convince you to see the error of your ways.
To: Pokey78
I don't view the Ten Commandments as strictly a religious edict. Just as the Code of Hammurabi helped to define and shape the laws and behaviour of civilization, the Ten Commandments are the antecedents of modern law. They are reflected throughout our civil society and law, including the Constitution. Regardless of whether one is a believer, agnostic, or atheist, the Ten Commandments are important historically and should not be offensive to anyone.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:38:15 PM PDT
To: grayout
This faith is another reason why the nonviolent resister can accept suffering without retaliation. For he knows that in his struggle for justice he has cosmic companionship."
(Martin Luther King)
To: ChemistCat
and the child still belonged with his father You still believe Elian's father wanted to stay in Cuba?
To: Robert_Paulson2
now prepare to be labelled an athiest... for not honoring the "law" of "stone'm for sabaath violations" moses or "stone'm for adultery" moore... There is a second heretic issues which is to deny that God created all things as good. Some are atributing to the rock the intentions of Judge moore in order to condemn the rock when the real issue is Judge Moores beliefs. The rock has no belief system. It has no religion. Alone its merely a representation of a book with some words inscribed. Its certainly not a representation of God.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:38:57 PM PDT
(Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and most are right)
To: ChemistCat
The hugest problem is that atheists feel the need to make these stands, to try to take away our free speech rights. That they cannot see the stone as part of their legacy as part of Western Civilization shows a lack of historical perspective. But we must not fight them as if they really threaten our beliefs. We must not take them that seriously. Are our beliefs that fragile? Do we fear that by denying our God, they destroy our God? I don't think we should.
You are under the mistaken impression that atheists are doing this. No, the ACLU, fouded by a communist is doing this. A Muslim represented them in court. THis is about denying the ability of Christians to express and excercie their beliefs. This is about intimidation and repression. Crushing the rock means they can crush your own religious expression in the public square with impunity. This is more militant than mere atheism this is cultural Revolutionaries twisting the Constitution to destroy itself! Be very worried.
posted on
08/22/2003 4:38:58 PM PDT
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