It hasn't. It's fairly known in Mexico that Fox isn't doing much for these people precisely because he wants them out of Mexico ----they're doing some ethnic cleansing in Mexico ---- because while he's sending these people out, whites from Argentina, Spain and other ethnically acceptable countries are getting good jobs in Mexico --- look at some of the news anchormen or soap operas on Mexico television ----white white white. The Pope even made it a point to tell Fox in public that the indigenous Mexican people belong to Mexico, and Mexico belongs to them ---but he obviously is ignoring that.
The big irony is that if Buchanan was elected ----or Bush was enforcing the border and immigration, things in Mexico would be turning around and the elites would quickly make some reforms. Their lives would depend on them to do so --- but for now they don't need to ----they can send those who they'd otherwise have to accomodate better out of the country.