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To: Pan_Yans Wife
..."Very quickly (the Americans) changed their tone and (President George W.) Bush announced he could solve differences with Iran peacefully." ...

More dis-information from the regime.
They say these things to confuse the Iranian people about US intentions. The people of Iran fear that the US will follow Britians lead and negotiate a deal with the Mullahs, selling out the people of Iran.

Fortunately, Bush consistently speaks of his support for the people of Iran as opposed to the regime. This is reported in the US media but not enough to clear up the confusion for the people of Iran.
20 posted on 08/01/2003 12:58:01 PM PDT by DoctorZIn (IranAzad... Until they are free, we shall all be Iranians!)
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To: DoctorZIn
A Response to Mr. Rafsanjani's Diatribes

SMCCDI (Public Statement)
Aug 1, 2003

Mr. Rafsanjani personifies everything that is vile and is reviled about the Mullahs and the brutal theocratic regime that has occupied Iran for the last twenty-four years!

On July 28, 2003, Radio Free Europe, under the headline: “Rafsanjani Reportedly in Secret Talks with U.S.,” quoting “Al-Sharq al-Awsat,” reported that: “On 23 July Iranian and American officials met on the sidelines of a recent seminar in London on ‘Investment Opportunities in Iran’ that was organized by the Royal Institute for International Affairs.”

“Representing the Iranian side were individuals acting as envoys of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Expediency Council Chairman Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani. The Iranian envoys tried to convey the impression that only Hashemi-Rafsanjani can secure acceptance of Washington's demands, and this would be done in exchange for U.S. backing of Rafsanjani's bid for the 2005 presidential election. The U.S. side -- reportedly represented by an unofficial White House envoy named Kurt Wilden, an anonymous American ‘close to national security adviser Condoleezza Rice,’ and an anonymous ‘senior U.S. intelligence officer’ -- was unenthusiastic about the offer and about such secret dialogues.”

While we cannot independently verify the veracity of the report, we are extremely disappointed and particularly perplexed. We are disillusioned by even the occurrence of such meetings, and we are, indeed, puzzled: Since the United States has recognized the Regime for the terrorist that it is, why even pursue such “secret dialogues?” Yet, we are heartened by what is reported about the ‘unenthusiastic’ attitude of the American side. At the same time, we instantly recognize the modus operandi of the infamous traitor Mr. Rafsanjani and the entire gang of the Mullahs: To preserve their hold on power, they would do anything! Moreover, such reports further highlight, and expose to the world, what is so familiar to us, the cunning and corrupt, treacherous and repugnant character of the notorious Mr. Rafsanjani!

The original purpose of this article is, primarily, a direct response to Mr. Rafsanjani’s recent diatribes and those who have steadfastly supported him and the Islamic Republic. However, we suggest that Mr. Wilden, and others who are contemplating future “secret dialogues” with the Islamic Republic, to heed and pay close attention to the sentiments of the Iranian people regarding Mr. Rafsanjani; for, without a doubt, he is the single most despicable of all the Mullahs in the brutal theocratic regime that has occupied Iran for the last twenty-four years!

In general, during the last two decades, we have refrained from dignifying the drivels and diatribes of Mr. Rafsanjani or his benefactors and ardent supporters like Mr. Gary Sick by a direct response. Our integrity prevents us from so doing. Sadly, we have learned that, by ignoring them, at the expense of Iran and Iranians, the world has been kept in the dark about the true nature of this barbaric and brutal regime.

Throughout these years, every effort has been made by many to cover the atrocities of the Islamic Republic; apparently, it was deemed necessary to enable these traitors, this Regime, to accomplish their mission. Thanks to them, their masters continue to pursue and achieve what they set out to do, and their servants, those terrorists of Hezbollah and Palestine, line their pockets with the riches of Iran!

We will not remain silent anymore! No, no more, absolutely, no more! Unfortunately Iran continues to be occupied by this loathsome gang of corrupt Mullahs and Iranians for too long have been silenced and silent! It has been twenty-four years! We have paid dearly, with our blood and treasure! No more!

The ignorant Mullahs of the Islamic Republic spout nonsense and their paid agents or self-proclaimed patrons like Mr. Sick make every effort to sanitize their utterance and present it to the world trying desperately to portray them as humans. Yet, their stench is so foul that even their masters and supporters cannot flush any more!

Faced with this repulsive regime, we have learned that we cannot continue to simply uphold the moral high ground and not defend ourselves. Since it is impossible to raise this abhorrent and corrupt theocracy to a decent human level, regrettably, we are forced to stoop to their level. Since we are pushed into such a predicament, for the liberation of Iran and for the sake of our nation, for our blessed motherland, if we have to lower ourselves to their level, so be it! So be it!

Iran is occupied and we are a nation under siege. We need to defend ourselves!
Strategically, it is believed that, the best defense is a good offense and, furthermore, the best offense is a relentless one. So, we mean to be and shall be relentless. Silent and silence no more!

And relentless we shall be! Unyielding we will be! This we promise, we will silence Mr. Rafsanjani forever!

Mr. Rafsanjani personifies everything that is vile and is reviled about the Mullahs. When, recently, “Forbes Magazine” published their article, under the title of “Millionaire Mullahs,” they had Rafsanjani’s photo on the cover. Perhaps, because they, too, found that he is the greediest of all the Islamic Regime’s clerics. Yet, inadvertently, they have presented the poster-child for what the Iranians refer to as “Akhoond,” the Persian word for Mullah. In fact, it is an excellent choice; for, no Mullah is more contemptible than Rafsanjani, and none epitomizes best those special traits and characteristics that are so unique to the breed of the Mullahs!

Yet, Mr. Gary Sick, former U.S. National Security Council staff member and Columbia University professor had previously declared Mr. Rafsanjani as “a highly popular figure.” This supposed eminent scholar on Iran doesn’t even know that for Iranians Mr.
Rafsanjani is not only the most despised man but also the most despicable “Akhoond.” For those familiar with Iranian culture this should speak volumes. Evidently Mr. Sick is clueless!

To him we say, Professor Sick, as a scholar on Iran, this rich and ancient civilization, you must know the connotations that the word, “Akhoond” evokes for the Iranians, if not, permit us to be your teacher and educate you about the adjectives that the word denotes: Corrupt, cunning, craven, greedy, pervert, parasite, illiterate, loud-mouth, long-winded and deceitful are just a few among many others!

Since their advent, throughout Iran’s history, the breed of Mullahs has always been the instrument of foreign powers and the root of backwardness of the country. Through them absolute pillage and plunder of the nation’s riches are assured and ignorance of the masses is guaranteed.

For those of you who are not familiar with Mr. Sick, he is previously from the State Department and National Security Council specialist on Iran during the Carter Administration. It is said that the “Islamization” of Iran was his brainchild. He fervently believed that Iran is more of an Islamic country than a nationalist nation. The inept foreign policies of the Carter Administration, most probably with the advise of Mr. Sick, handed Iran to these terrorists and thus the total destruction and ruination of the land.

Mr. Sick consistently justifies the brutal Islamic Regime and tries desperately to humanize it. Sometime ago, in another one of his ‘educated’ comments he declared Khatami to be “a reformer with an outspoken commitment to civil society, social justice, the rule of law and expanded freedom.” Mr. Khatami! The same Mr. Khatami, that incompetent, ignorant, ineffective and discredited charlatan and the plagiarist to boot!

And more often than not, as if on cue, thousands of miles away, what Rafsanjani and his ilk proclaim, Mr. Sick reverberates. When the Mullahs in Iran called the courageous students, who bear the brunt of the wrath of the Regime, “Hooligans,” Mr. Sick referred to them as: “a rag-tag bunch.”

Mr. Sick, “rag-tag bunch” is that bunch of criminals you supported and helped put in power, the ignorant and corrupt Mullahs of your envisioned “Islamic Republic.”

Mr. Sick, from the start, every observation, every assessment, every evaluation, every comment you have made in reference to Iran and your Mullahs is off the mark; not even close! As a renowned scholar and an educator on Iran are you that ignorant about the country or your arrogance prevents you from admitting how uninformed you have been all along? Mr. Sick, give it up! Mr. Sick, nobody, could justify what this evil regime has done. Not even you!

This is the man who is the acting director of the Middle East Institute and a professor at one of the most prestigious universities in the world and most probably is educating the present and future Foreign Service Officers of the United States as specialists on Iran. Any wonder United States’ foreign policy regarding Iran is always so incoherent and incompetent? Look who is the teacher!

After the outpouring of the latest demonstrations by the students and the freedom-loving Iranians, apparently, Mr. Rafsanjani, in one of his most recent “Friday Sermons,” aka, “Friday Circus,” had the impertinence and the insolence to claim and boast: “The regime did not even have to resort to a massive eight million-strong Basij force or even the Pasdaran.”

Mr. Rafsanjani, indubitably, Iranians know your Basiji and the Pasdaran up close and personal. They are their torturers and slayers. The same Basiji and Pasdaran that are the treasonous and paid Iranians or the hired foreign terrorist and mercenaries, the backbone of the Islamic Republic; the very assassins and murderers that you and the regime unleash on the students and the nation!

Through his shameless hubris, by his sheer stupidity and in his own twisted words, Mr. Rafsanjani unwittingly is admitting that in order to survive the Regime has to resort to the brutality of its hired terrorists. How ironic, indeed! Mr. Rafsanjani, by such statements you have confessed and reiterated what Iranians have been screaming for two decades: That the only way the regime survives and controls the oppressed masses is through fear and brute force executed by the hired domestic and foreign terrorists!

Furthermore, Rafsanjani continued his gibberish and cautioned the students and the young people “not to be deceived” and be “more alert and careful and cause no more trouble for the Iranian nation.”

Mr. Rafsanjani, you, you speak of others’ deception? You are the master of chicanery and fraud! Those young students are wise to your deceptions and will “not be deceived” by you any longer. Your charades and trickery of diverting the havoc you have wreaked by inventing foreign schemes and foes doesn’t cut it any more. Iranians know full well that the only foreign conspiracy is the entire occupying bunch of criminals of the Islamic Republic and its alien terrorists!

As for the mention of our beloved Iran, Mr. Rafsanjani, we warn you; we forbid you, you, along with the rest of the gang of traitors, don’t you dare, never again utter or make any reference to the sacred and blessed land of “Iran” or “Iranian nation.” You are not worthy of the name Iran. Just refer to yourselves as who and what you are: the Islamists terrorists that you have named “Islamic Republic.” You are an occupying gang of mobsters and the name Iran is too hallowed to even be whispered by you traitors!

To top it all, Rafsanjani, with his usual foul mouth, had referred to those brave students fighting for their nation, freedom, honor and dignity as “Cowardly.” Now, we will maintain our decorum and merely say: Mr. Rafsanjani, you carry the biggest disgrace, anyone can ever bestow upon you, in your own title: Whether you are called Ayatollah or Mullah, you are an “Akhoond.” In Persian, there has never been, and, especially now, never will be a greater insult than that!

Having said that, we feel compelled to address you more directly and add: Mr. Rafsanjani, you pathetic gutless wonder, you spineless terrorists, from the first moment Iran was handed to you, everyone of you, every Mullah and his filthy brood, you have been walking around surrounded by a corps of bodyguards and arms. Never before in the history of our land government officials ever had one single bodyguard. It is you, the occupying gang, out of fear for your miserable lives that have to resort to such schemes. Even after twenty-four years, not only you don’t feel any safer, nowadays, a private army and militia encircle every single one of you. And, you have the gall to call those courageous students, who are facing your armed assassins with their bare hands, cowards?

Mr. Rafsanjani, we will silence you!

Twenty-four years ago, out of their own miserable weaknesses and inferiorities, echoing the leader of their Islamic Republic, Mr. Rafsanjani was among the first to declare and claim that the reason Islam finds it necessary for women to cover their hair is that the reflection of the light on the locks of women causes the opposite sex discomfort!

The world has moved on into the twenty-first century; in the last century mankind walked on the moon and landed safely back on earth, the genetic code was cracked, but, alas, in our cultured land, in one of the cradles of civilization, these perverts, calling themselves “Islamic Republic,” are lamenting about their discomfort caused by the reflection of the light on the female tresses!!

Can’t you hear our mournful screams? This is the nature and character of this deformed, twisted, barbaric and brutal regime that has kept Iran in its grip. This is what we are facing! This is what we have to contend with!

They have shamed us, they have humiliated a nation, and we shout again and yet again: The decent and cultured Iranian nation is not to be confused with these sick demented Islamists monsters!

Mr. Sick, are you honestly that ignorant about these perverts? Or, do you just refuse to see and admit how sick and depraved they are? Or, do you even recognize it? Perhaps, you even find them normal!

We promise this, we will prevail! We will silence them!

In deference and with admiration for the beloved and brave women of Iran, the “lionesses” of the land of Arya, it is only befitting that, when the time comes, they would implement the verdict they have envisioned and exact the appropriate punishment for these perverts--a dose of their own medicine:

Rafsanjani wrapped in a veil paraded for the entire world to observe while Iranian women with their beautiful almond eyes, their long tresses blowing in the wind, and shining in the light while diffusing the rays, blinding the eyes of those degenerate Mullahs, one by one with their fists would smack him right in the mouth!

Their tight fists clenched with national pride, steeled by their fury, and in the name of their fallen heroes, their murdered sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and mates will silence Mr. Rafsanjani forever!

The "Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran" (SMCCDI)
21 posted on 08/01/2003 1:00:30 PM PDT by DoctorZIn (IranAzad... Until they are free, we shall all be Iranians!)
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