Nah, no point. Although the cancer-preventative effects of low-level radioactive exposuredemonstrated by medical studies on airline crews and Denver residentsare highly desirable, nuclear plants simply don't produce enough radioactivity. Your typical nuclear plant releases less radiation than granite buildings like the U.S. and Texas Capitols.
So there's no upside to living next to a nuke plant, and plenty of downsideyou'd routinely have to clean the detritus of leftist anti-nuke protesters out of your yard. Who wants that hassle?
So there's no upside to living next to a nuke plant, and plenty of downsideyou'd routinely have to clean the detritus of leftist anti-nuke protesters out of your yard. Who wants that hassle ?
In TEXAS ? I'd LOVE to see a pack of protestors step on my front lawn ....
"I was in fear for my life and my property, judge .... had to shoot them all."
Besides ... being NEXT to the plant means that short of a nuclear attack the power will ALWAYS be on :)