I am grateful that Bush is President and thank G-d for that every day. But when oh when is a President going to get to our Veterans.
Wild Thing
Good point, Wild Thing!
Clinton cut our vets programs, and GW has not reinstalled them.
Some families on active duty are still forced to live like poverty families.
Our VA Hospitals are still without the necessary items to make a vet's stay livable, much less comfortable.
Let's take care of our own like they took care of us!
Bush took a stand against veterans when he threatened veto of the Defenze Approrpiations and Authorization bills if congeess remedied that shameful action...and now, when congress can easily fund this (the money is already in the Military Retirement Fund or MTF) they refuse to bring a bill to the floor for a vote (HR 303)!
Tell congress Africa's AIDs problem can damn well take a back seat to addressing our veterans! This is a national disgrace!