If these left-wing wankers still don't get it, if they can't handle 4 months of difficult, important steady progress in Iraq, how can they possibly think we'd entrust them with our national security for 4 days, never mind 4 years.
Silent No Longer: Iraqi People Reveal the Past
American Forces Press Service ^ | June 26, 2003 | Linda D. Kozaryn
Anyone familiar with Saddam Hussein's past and recent history who doubts that he was working to acquire WMDs is living in La La land.
The New York Post ^| July 14, 2003 | RALPH PETERS
A question of guilt (Brit. skewers R. Cook and defends the US of A)
http://politics.guardian.co.uk ^ | 7/13/03 | Nick Cohen
In conclusion (FRANCE DNC-PRESS (O.K., + France)):
It's a good day in America.